

what if a man is reborn into a world that combines The universes of DC comics,Marvel comics,image Comics,the boys and more into one universe what is a man to do. (side note some character's origins will be changed in this story) I don't own any of the characters or properties besides the OC's and concepts I came up with

Shadow_Tiger_360 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Year zero:Epilogue

A/N:one thing before we start the chapter how are you guys enjoying the story😁

Days later after the funeral of Rigoberto & Isabella Nazario we can see one Gentaro Tenguro looking at the 6 month old Rayó Nazario Rigoberto..... Gentaro says in a sorrow tone as he is in Mourning for his Friend and his wife he looks at the baby who looks so peaceful as he sleeps but how little did he know that his life wouldn't be a normal one by any means Gentaro goes to the boy's crib and looks at him and says Rayó Nazario you have a hard life ahead of you so do your father and mother huge favor and survive Gentaro says as he looks at the boy who he can already tell is gonna look just like his father when he's all grown up

next day:Currently we can see 6 month old Rayó Nazario participating in a experiment to test how much a baby can develop both mentally and physically he's being doing these type of experiments for as long as he was here at first his results where mediocre but as time passed he observed,took in and Adapted to his talents and build along them as a baby

In the observation room with the scientists:that boys growths impressive its almost unheard of for a child to be able to learn and adapt at this pace some of the scientists then one of them says remember they're just babies now this is still the early stages as he says this the rest of them nod in understanding and agreement

But little did they know that baby boy they where talking about was discovering himself

Rayó:what's this are these my hands I think to myself as i look at my small tiny chubby hands as I also take in my environment where am I who am I who are all these people I thought as I crawl with my little legs as use my little hands to help myself move as I go and try to explore my surroundings

Little did our MC know he was slowly gaining his memories from his passesd life as the experiment is concluded we can see Rayó being put to bed as he is placed in a high-tech crip that can monitor health as it helps keep track of the babies health

Gentaro pov:I look at my late freinds son as he sleep in his crib in the nursery along with the other babies what where about to put these babies thru as they get older is nothing short of torture and inhumane but for the sake of the future of all humanity it has to be done all I can hope for Rayó Nazario is for him to survive his future is up to how he does in this facility

Little did Gentaro or any other person in the Crucible know they where gonna witness the journey of the man who would one day be known as the Ultimate Human the child that one day ascend to the top of this world of Insane power