
By the Beach

Arthur and Helena, two strangers, met at a fateful moment when each desperately needed comfort. Arthur had left his family to escape his narcissistic parents' emotionally draining environment, while Helena sought refuge from city life and Israel's vengeful parents. She grieved the loss of her billionaire boyfriend, Israel, who she vowed to love forever. Helena's trust was fragile as she opened up to Arthur and found solace in his comforting arms. She felt herself falling for him until she realized the truth about his identity - a truth that threatened to break her trust in him forever. Now Arthur must prove his pure intentions to Helena to keep her in his life. But can Helena ever trust him again? Does Arthur's love have the power to replace Israel in Helena's heart, or will he lose hope and choose what is safest for himself? This is not your typical Billionaire story – this is a story about battling love and trust amidst chaos and despair.

LimitlessJuly · Urban
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88 Chs

Stronger Together

Through tears and bitter recriminations, they each took the opportunity to speak their minds, hoping that by doing so, they might find the closure they so desperately needed – and perhaps, in some small way, begin to heal.

"Mother, I... We need to know why. Why did you do all this?" Nathalie asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

Alicia hesitated momentarily before taking a deep breath and beginning her confession. "I was a selfish mother," she admitted, the remorse evident in her eyes. "I wanted control over your lives, and I convinced Robert that it was necessary for our family's reputation. We wanted to maintain our status, wealth, and fame – and we were willing to do whatever it took to achieve that."

As Alicia spoke, Arthur clenched his fists at his sides, anger seething within him. On the other hand, Nathan remained stoic, his eyes locked on Alicia as he listened to her every word.

"Your lives were never truly your own," Alicia continued, tears streaming down her cheeks. "And I'm so, so sorry for that. I never realized how much pain I was causing until it was too late."

Nathalie stared at her mother, trying to process her words. She could feel her heart breaking as she fought back her own tears. Then, Alicia made an unexpected announcement.

"I want to make amends," she said, determined in her voice. "Since I will spend the rest of my life here in prison, I'll leave my assets – my mansion, my investments, everything. I've decided to divide it among the three of you."

Nathan raised an eyebrow at this revelation while Arthur's expression remained unreadable. Nathalie, however, seemed flabbergasted by her mother's proposal.

"Mother, you don't have to—" she began, but Alicia cut her off.

"Please," she implored. "Let me do something right for once in my life. Let me leave you with more than just the memory of my mistakes."

The silence that followed was heavy with emotion, each of them lost in their thoughts. Nathalie could see the pain etched into her mother's face, and it stirred something within her – a mix of compassion and understanding.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Alicia nodded, her eyes glistening with tears as she looked at each of her children in turn. "I love you all," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "Please forgive me."

As they left the prison, Nathan, Arthur, and Nathalie shared a moment of quiet understanding. They had not found complete closure, nor had they forgiven Alicia entirely – but they had taken the first step toward healing, which was worth holding on to.

The weight of their mother's wealth would soon be upon them, and they knew how they chose to use it would define the next chapter of their lives. But for now, they simply walked away, hand in hand, united by their shared past and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the city as Arthur, Nathan, and Nathalie stood on the penthouse balcony, gazing at the horizon. The residual tension from their meeting with Alicia hung thick like the heavy scent of jasmine that wafted up from the gardens below.

"Alicia's offer," Arthur began hesitantly, his gaze never leaving the skyline. "I won't accept it. I don't want her money. It feels tainted, somehow."

Nathan nodded in agreement, his blue eyes reflecting the fiery hues of the sunset. "Neither do I. I'd rather build my own future than profit from her wrongdoings. We've always been stronger together, without her."

"Family is all we need," Arthur said softly, placing a hand on Nathan's shoulder. Their shared determination for justice and closure resonated, forging a stronger bond.

Nathalie, her brow furrowed in thought, finally spoke up. "I understand your reasons, but I've accepted Mom's share. Not for myself, though." She paused, gathering her thoughts. "I want to use the money to start a charity for parentless children. I'll name it after Dad, in his honor. After all, Mom wouldn't have all her money without Dad's help."

Arthur and Nathan exchanged glances before turning their attention back to their sister, curiosity piqued. Her decision surprised them, but they could see the determination in her eyes – she needed to do this.

"Are you sure about this, Nathalie?" Arthur asked gently, concerned about lacing his voice.

She nodded, her expression resolute. "Yes, I am. I need to find a way to heal, to make something good come out of all this pain. This charity could be a lifeline for kids who've lost everything, just like we almost did."

As Arthur and Nathan considered her words, they saw the fire of purpose burning within her. Nathalie was seeking closure and acceptance for herself, and helping homeless children would be the best resort.

"Alright," Nathan conceded, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "We'll support you in this. Together, we can make a difference."

"Yes, I will donate everything Alicia has given," Arthur said.

"I'll do the same," Nathan seconded.

"Thank you," Nathalie whispered, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "This means everything to me."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the siblings stood united on the precipice of a new beginning. They would face the future together, hand in hand, their hearts filled with love and the promise of redemption.

Meanwhile, Helena is in the city, excited about her book launch. After the event, she wanted to surprise Arthur by visiting him in his office. The anticipation is killing her, and she can't wait to get over her book launch.

The thoughts of Arthur's surprised face occupied her mind when he'll see her showing up in his office. Helena badly missed Arthur after over a month of not seeing each other. She can't wait to feel his face, kiss, and touch him. She intended not to invite Arthur; she thought surprising him would be better.

A call from Gabby interrupted her thoughts. "Hello, Gabby?" She answered.

"Hey! Congrats on your book launching. Sorry I can't be there, but I'll surely be with you tonight with Ashton for dinner."

"You already told me about that last night. I'm okay, don't worry," Helena assured.

"You got this, Ellen. I'm sure your book will be the best-selling book of the year. Yay!" she exclaimed.

"Thank you, Gabby. I know you always got my back."

"Good luck, Ellen!" With that, the call ended.

Gabby and Ashton are finally together as they confess each other's feelings. It was Gabby who made the first move, but Ashton was all over Gabby as well. They are both each other's type, both extroverts and adventurous in bed, as Gabby put it. Their relationship strengthened, primarily because Gabby works in EcoHarvest, where they get to see more often. Helena couldn't be happier for her best friend.

"Helena?" The event organizer called out her name. "It's time. We have to start the book launch. Your fans and the press are waiting."

"I'll be there." She briefly looked at herself in the mirror before tailing the event manager to the venue.

"Hey! Look who's here?" A woman said sarcastically.

Helena heard a familiar voice behind her. She turned to check, and she was right. "Pamela?"