
By the Beach

Arthur and Helena, two strangers, met at a fateful moment when each desperately needed comfort. Arthur had left his family to escape his narcissistic parents' emotionally draining environment, while Helena sought refuge from city life and Israel's vengeful parents. She grieved the loss of her billionaire boyfriend, Israel, who she vowed to love forever. Helena's trust was fragile as she opened up to Arthur and found solace in his comforting arms. She felt herself falling for him until she realized the truth about his identity - a truth that threatened to break her trust in him forever. Now Arthur must prove his pure intentions to Helena to keep her in his life. But can Helena ever trust him again? Does Arthur's love have the power to replace Israel in Helena's heart, or will he lose hope and choose what is safest for himself? This is not your typical Billionaire story – this is a story about battling love and trust amidst chaos and despair.

LimitlessJuly · Urban
Not enough ratings
88 Chs


Arthur sat in his luxurious penthouse, the cityscape sprawling beneath him like a glittering quilt. He couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he had to call Helena. It had been on his mind since that photo of him, and Pamela went viral. The rumors spread like wildfire, and he knew Helena would have seen them by now.

He clenched his fists as he paced the room, knowing he might not stop returning to San Antonio if he heard her voice again. "No. It's not the right time," he muttered. "Oh, how I miss you, Helena," he sighed.

Meanwhile, in San Antonio, Gabby saw her best friend and her mind seemed to wander.

"Hey, Ellen," her voice laced with concern. "What's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Gabby," Helena choked out, trying to hide her pain but failing miserably. "I just... I saw these articles online about Arthur and some woman named Pamela."

"Wait, what?" Concern laced Gabby's voice, her protective nature towards Helena kicking in. "Let me see."

As Helena handed the phone to Gabby, she tried not to be affected by the images of Arthur and Pamela together, her fingers tapping anxiously on her lap. She desperately wanted to believe that what she saw wasn't true, that there was hope in their relationship.

"Okay, I see them now," Gabby said after a moment. "Helena, you know how the media can be. They're always looking for something to gossip about, and this could be just that – baseless rumors. Arthur and his family are famous as they are ultra-rich."

"Maybe," Helena replied, unconvinced. The pain in her heart was too real to dismiss, fueled by her intense desire for the love and stability she thought she had found with Arthur. But what if it's true? What if he's already moved on from me? I can't handle this right now.

"Listen, Ellen," Gabby said firmly. "You are one of the strongest people I know, and I refuse to let you crumble over some stupid articles. Arthur is crazy about you, and I know he wouldn't jeopardize what you two have like that. You may be far from each other right now, but I believed him when he told me you are the only woman who made him feel loved and cared for who he truly is. You changed him, Ellen. You see him as he is not a son of a billionaire but an ordinary man who loves photography."

"Gabby, we're over. It's just that I think he moved on very fast," Helena sighed.

"You can't fool me, Ellen, and please stop fooling yourself too. I know you still love him. And as your best friend, I'm telling you, Arthur loves you so much," Gabby reassured her.

"Thank you, Gabby," Helena whispered, taking a deep breath. She knew Gabby was right, but her heart still ached. "I'll try my best. I'm confused."

"Shh… enough. We will find out the truth soonest. Isn't this Pamela, Israel's sister?"

"She is. Why?"

"I have a theory. I'll discuss it with you when I find out I'm right."

"Gabby, are you still communicating with Arthur? Don't tell him about this, okay?" Helena pleaded.

Gabby nodded, but deep inside, she couldn't wait to talk to Arthur and confront him about the photo." Remember, I'm here for you no matter what." Gabby hugged her best friend before excusing herself for a short walk on the beach.

Gabby made sure she was far from Helena's house before calling Arthur.

"Gabby, what's up?" Arthur said, his voice warm and friendly as always.

"Arthur, we need to talk about these articles," Gabby declared, her tone firm and protective.

"Helena is really devastated. She found photos of you and Pamela and articles speculating about your romantic relationship."

"Damn it," Arthur muttered under his breath, frustration evident in his voice. "I've already had my team working on having those articles removed. Trust me, nothing is going on between me and Pamela."

"I know, I trust you. But Arthur, you have to understand how much this hurts Helena," Gabby insisted, her heart aching for her best friend. "She believes in your love, even though she told me she wants to move on, that it's over between you, but I know what I see. And this kind of thing is devastating for her."

"Gabby, listen to me," Arthur implored, his words weighted with the sincerity of his emotions. "I am absolutely head over heels for Helena. There's no other woman in this world that compares to her. I'd do anything to make her happy, and I'd never do anything to jeopardize our relationship. But this thing is beyond my control. However, I give you my word that whoever made this rumor will get what they deserve."

As Arthur spoke, Gabby could hear the truth behind his words and the depth of his feelings. Her heart swelled with relief and gratitude, knowing that Arthur was genuinely committed to Helena.

"Thank you, Arthur," Gabby whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "It means so much to me to hear you say that. Please, just make sure everything is cleared up as soon as possible. I can't bear to see her hurting like this."

"Of course," Arthur promised, determination lacing his voice. "I'll double down on getting those damn articles taken down. I won't rest until everything is set right. Please take care of Helena."

"Arthur, I have to be honest," Gabby said softly. "I think you need to talk to Helena yourself," Gabby insisted, her voice firm with resolve. "You know she won't be able to let this go unless it comes straight from you."

Arthur hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest as he contemplated the idea of reaching out to Helena directly. He knew that the articles had shaken his love, and his greatest fear was losing her forever. But Gabby was right: he needed to confront the situation head-on.

"Okay," he agreed, his voice laced with determination. "I'll call Helena later after dealing with the media. I need to talk to my secretary first."

"Good luck, Arthur," Gabby said softly before ending the call.

Meanwhile, Arthur's mind raced through the possible reasons behind the sudden surge of rumors about him and Pamela. Frustrated, he called his secretary, Ashton.

"Ashton, I need you to contact the media again," Arthur demanded, trying to keep his anger in check. "These articles and photos of Pamela and me are still circulating. Why haven't they been taken down yet?"

"Mr. Hendricks, I'm sorry," Ashton replied, his frustration evident. "I've been trying all day, but the press keeps issuing new articles. It seems like someone is deliberately fueling the fire."

Arthur gritted his teeth, his hands clenched into fists. The thought of someone intentionally spreading these rumors filled him with a burning rage. He knew that whoever was responsible had hurt him and Helena, and he would do everything in his power to protect her from this malicious attack.

"Keep trying," Arthur ordered, his voice cold and hard. "I won't let this continue."

"Of course, sir," Ashton responded dutifully. "I'll keep you updated on any progress I make."

As Arthur ended the call, his mind raced with possibilities of who could be behind this cruel manipulation. Was it someone jealous of my relationship with Helena? Or perhaps an old enemy seeking vengeance? Regardless of the source, you'll get what you deserve when I discover who you are.