
By the Beach

Arthur and Helena, two strangers, met at a fateful moment when each desperately needed comfort. Arthur had left his family to escape his narcissistic parents' emotionally draining environment, while Helena sought refuge from city life and Israel's vengeful parents. She grieved the loss of her billionaire boyfriend, Israel, who she vowed to love forever. Helena's trust was fragile as she opened up to Arthur and found solace in his comforting arms. She felt herself falling for him until she realized the truth about his identity - a truth that threatened to break her trust in him forever. Now Arthur must prove his pure intentions to Helena to keep her in his life. But can Helena ever trust him again? Does Arthur's love have the power to replace Israel in Helena's heart, or will he lose hope and choose what is safest for himself? This is not your typical Billionaire story – this is a story about battling love and trust amidst chaos and despair.

LimitlessJuly · Urban
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88 Chs

Force To Be Reckoned With

Arthur took a deep breath as he entered the polished boardroom, the smell of expensive leather and wood polish filling his nostrils. The weight of responsibility settled on his broad shoulders as he knew he would step into his father's shoes as the new Chairman of Hendricks Earthwise Consortium today.

He glanced around the room, noting the familiar faces of the board members who had all agreed to appoint him as Chairman. One face stood out among them – Alicia, his estranged mother. Her designer clothes and youthful appearance starkly contrasted the remorse Arthur felt upon seeing her, but he maintained his professionalism.

"Alright, everyone, let's begin," said Felix Stirling, snapping Arthur back to the present. "We have to start despite the lack of 2 board members, who have informed us that they were not coming. Anyway, this is for the acknowledgment of Arthur as the Chairman, as we have all agreed."

While Felix Stirling was speaking, Arthur looked at the 2 empty chairs, and a sudden concern arose. Anticipation of having another problem with the board members is highly unlikely. Why would they escape such an important event? I hope there is something other than what I thought it would be, which might be a problem.

The drone of Felix Stirling's voice was quickly overshadowed by the sudden vibration of Arthur's phone. He discreetly glanced at the screen, seeing Daniel's name flash urgently. He had to tell Daniel he would call him after the board meeting adjourned.

"Thank you all for coming," Arthur began, his voice steady despite the tension in the room. "I am both honored and humbled by your faith in me as I take on the role of chairman." He paused, taking a moment to collect himself before continuing. "My father, Robert Hendricks, left an impressive legacy behind, and I promise to do my best to uphold the values and goals of this company and even better."

The board members erupted in applause, their hands coming together like the crisp snap of expensive cigars being lit. Arthur tried to focus on their words of encouragement, but his thoughts wandered to his siblings, Nathan and Nathalie. He worried about protecting them from their narcissistic mother.

"Shall we discuss the date for the official announcement?" Henry Smith asked, bringing Arthur's attention back to the task.

"Of course," Arthur replied, grateful for the distraction.

"We are looking to officially publicly announce this during our shareholder's night. What do you think, Mr. Hendricks?"

"That would be perfect. Let's do it," Arthur said with a smile.

As they discussed the details of his proclamation, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his new position bearing down on him. But he was determined to rise to the challenge and lead the company to even greater heights.

As the meeting concluded, Arthur felt an odd mixture of excitement and the weight of responsibility. He shook hands with each board member, exchanging pleasantries while trying to keep his mind focused on the task ahead.

Arthur hurriedly left the room, his heart pounding in his chest as he called Daniel; he felt Daniel needed him for something important.

"Arthur, I need your help!" blurted out Daniel, his voice shaking with anxiety. "I want to propose to Chelsea, but I'm terrified. Can you meet me tonight? I could use some advice and a stiff drink to calm my nerves."

"Of course, Daniel," replied Arthur without hesitation, his voice warm and reassuring. "The board meeting was over. Let's meet up after I talk to Alicia. I'll help you plan everything."

"Thanks, man. You're a lifesaver," replied Daniel, gratitude evident in his voice.

After ending the call, Arthur took a deep breath as he saw Alicia coming his way.

"Arthur," came the icy voice of his estranged mother, Alicia, her designer heels clicking against the marble floor. She approached him, her carefully maintained features drawn into a tight-lipped scowl. "Nathalie told me this morning that she wants to live with you. I told her she can't make that decision until next year when she's 18."

Arthur's heart clenched at the thought of his sister being denied the chance to escape their mother's controlling grasp. His eyes locked onto Alicia's, unyielding in his resolve. "I'm certain I can get Nathalie's custody," he said, his voice steady and unwavering.

"And how would you do that?"

"You'll see. I have my ways of doing things in the right way. It would have been easier if you let Nathalie make her own choice, but clearly, you want the hard way. Then let's do it."

"Are you threatening your mother?" She asked, her lips quivering.

"You know that I don't," Arthur declared. "You've done so much damage in the past years for my siblings, and now that I'm here, I won't let that continue. Not anymore."

"Fine! But don't expect me to just hand her over without a fight!"

"We'll see about that. You're lucky I don't have enough time to discuss Nathan, his addiction, and his previous relapse."

Alicia was startled as he heard about the relapse. "What about Nathan? I have nothing to do with whatever happens to him," Alicia said, but her eyes betrayed her. Arthur could tell Alicia was afraid, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was lying.

Arthur held his anger, avoiding causing a fuss in their respected building. "I'll see you at the shareholders' night," he said before storming off.

As Arthur walked out, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his responsibilities bearing down on him - the custody battle for his sister, the growing tension between him and Alicia, and his duties as Chairman of Hendricks Earthwise Consortium.

But amidst all the chaos, one longing persisted - the desire to be reunited with Helena, the woman who held his heart captive.

"Helena, you're the one keeping me alive," he muttered, trying to compose himself. He knew having those beautiful memories with Helena, and the thought of being with her in the future would fuel him to move forward.

He prepared to meet Daniel and immerse himself in the romantic world of proposals. He would put his heartache aside and concentrate on helping his friend create the perfect moment for Chelsea. And perhaps, through that act of love, he might find solace for his wounded heart.

Alicia's heart pounded as she watched Arthur stride away, his anger palpable in the air. She had never seen him so furious before, and it unnerved her. Nathan's name had been mentioned in their heated conversation, but there was no time to delve into the matter further. What does Arthur know about Nathan's addiction? This man loved the anticipation and probably wanted me to die from a heart attack.

She pressed a shaky hand against her chest to steady her breathing and maintain her composure. Arthur had become a force to be reckoned with in business and within their family dynamics. She knew he was powerful enough to take her down now, which terrified her.

"Get a grip, Alicia," she whispered, adjusting her designer clothes and smoothing her hair, attempting to regain control of her emotions.