
By the Beach

Arthur and Helena, two strangers, met at a fateful moment when each desperately needed comfort. Arthur had left his family to escape his narcissistic parents' emotionally draining environment, while Helena sought refuge from city life and Israel's vengeful parents. She grieved the loss of her billionaire boyfriend, Israel, who she vowed to love forever. Helena's trust was fragile as she opened up to Arthur and found solace in his comforting arms. She felt herself falling for him until she realized the truth about his identity - a truth that threatened to break her trust in him forever. Now Arthur must prove his pure intentions to Helena to keep her in his life. But can Helena ever trust him again? Does Arthur's love have the power to replace Israel in Helena's heart, or will he lose hope and choose what is safest for himself? This is not your typical Billionaire story – this is a story about battling love and trust amidst chaos and despair.

LimitlessJuly · Urban
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88 Chs

Celebration Of Love

The fragrant scent of roses and lilies filled the air as guests mingled in the outdoor garden of the luxurious hotel, where Daniel and Chelsea's wedding was taking place. The sun's warm glow over the lush greenery sets the perfect backdrop for a fairy tale romance.

The wedding ceremony progressed with an air of enchantment as Daniel and Chelsea exchanged heartfelt vows beneath a canopy of lush greenery, surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights. The guests' eyes glistened with emotion, touched by the depth of love shared between the couple.

"May I now pronounce you husband and wife," said the priest. "You may now kiss the bride."

Arthur and Helena stood behind Daniel and Chelsea, watching as the couple shared a sweet kiss. Arthur was happy for his best friend and his now wife Chelsea.

As the ceremony concluded, the attendees moved to the garden reception area, where elegantly set tables awaited them. Arthur led Helena to their seats, his hand warm in hers, guiding her through the crowd effortlessly.

Seated at an elegant table draped in white linen, Arthur and Helena shared a quiet moment, enjoying the company of Nathalie, her boyfriend, and Nathan, who were all engaged in light-hearted conversation. The guests couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking ambiance of the wedding venue - every detail seemed to have been meticulously planned, from the delicate floral arrangements to the soft music that played in the background.

"Can you believe how gorgeous this wedding is?" Nathalie gushed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "And look at the happy couple!"

Helena couldn't help but smile as she watched Chelsea standing hand-in-hand with Daniel. They looked so happy and in love, and it warmed her heart to see them like this. But what caught her attention was the sight of Ashton sitting beside Gabby, his laughter ringing out as they exchanged playful banter.

"Ashton," Helena said, leaning closer to the pair. "I'm happy to see you here today, especially with my best friend."

Ashton grinned, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Well, I couldn't miss the wedding of the year, could I? And Gabby here has kept me company while you two lovebirds have been on your adventures these past few days."

Ashton was referring to Helena and Arthur going back to San Antonio to get the evidence that would prove her innocence in Israel's suicide and then facing the press after it. Ashton took all of Arthur's duties in the company and Gabby was there to help him.

Helena felt a surge of happiness for her friend, glad to see her finding love and companionship in someone as kind and genuine as Ashton. As the sun continued shining down on the beautiful garden, it seemed as if even nature was celebrating the love stories unfolding that day.

Once everyone was settled, the groom's mother stood to give a speech. She spoke eloquently and lovingly about her son and his bride, her voice filled with pride and optimism for their future together. As she raised her champagne flute in a toast, the guests followed suit, clinking glasses and echoing well-wishes.

Next, it was Chelsea's father's turn to address the gathering. He reminisced about his daughter's childhood, sharing fond memories and amusing anecdotes that left the audience chuckling. His heartfelt words conveyed the deep bond between father and daughter, and his approval of Daniel as his son-in-law was evident.

And finally, Arthur stood to give his speech. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for being here to celebrate this beautiful day with Daniel and Chelsea. It's an honor to stand before you as Daniel's best man and share a few words about the incredible journey that has brought us here."

People are so attentive as the powerful Chairman of Hendricks Earthwise consortium gives his speech.

"As Daniel's best friend, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of his love story with Chelsea. From the early days of friendship to the moment they realized they were meant to be more, it's been an inspiring journey of love, growth, and mutual respect."

"Today, I look at Daniel and Chelsea, and I see two people who truly bring out the best in each other. Their love is a testament to the power of unwavering support, shared dreams, and the deep connection that comes from knowing each other's quirks and flaws."

"Chelsea, you've brought light to Daniel's life that we all can see. Your kindness, grace, and genuine warmth have enriched not only his world but ours as well. Daniel, you've shown us that true love is about not only finding the right person but also being the right person."

Both Daniel and Chelsea are emotional listening to Arthur's speech. They didn't expect Arthur to be more open about his feelings towards the two of them. They think his relationship with Helena made him an even more sentimental person.

"As we celebrate their union today, let us raise our glasses to Daniel and Chelsea." Everyone raised their glass.

"May your days be filled with laughter, your nights with comfort, and your years with endless love. Here's to the journey you've embarked upon, and to the countless beautiful chapters that await in your shared story. To Daniel and Chelsea! Cheers!"

"Baby, you had such a beautiful speech," Helena exclaimed as Arthur sat beside her. "Daniel and Chelsea were emotional and I was carried away too. Even people around us were emotional as well."

"Thank you, baby," Arthur said and then pressed a gentle kiss on Helena's lips.

As the guests continued indulging in the exquisite cuisine, the overall mood remained joyful. Laughter echoed through the reception, and the twinkling fairy lights seemed to dance harmoniously with every burst of merriment.

With the speeches over, Daniel and Chelsea took to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. The music swelled around them, a romantic melody that captured the essence of their love story. The guests admired as the couple twirled gracefully, lost in each other's eyes.

"So beautiful," Helena whispered, leaning against Arthur's shoulder as they watched the dancing pair. "It's like something out of a dream."

"True love always feels that way," Arthur murmured, his breath warm against her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

As the dance ended, the guests applauded and joined the couple on the dance floor. Arthur whisked Helena into his arms, leading her effortlessly through elegant steps. She reveled in his strong arms around her, their bodies swaying in sync with the music.

Gabby and Ashton dance beside Nathalie and her boyfriend. And lastly, Nathan with a new girl partner they haven't met yet. But Arthur was kind of familiar with the girl and sure she was in the same circle as them. Probably an heir of one of the CEOs attending the wedding.

"Did you hear what Chelsea's father said about when she tried to cook dinner for them and almost burned down the kitchen?" Nathan asked, laughing as he danced with Helena.

"I did," Helena replied, giggling. "I think we've all had our share of cooking disasters." Thinking about what they had back then in her beach house.

The atmosphere was pure joy and love as they continued to dance and celebrate. The guests mingled, sharing stories and laughter, each person connected by the newlyweds' happiness.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the garden reception. The fairy lights twinkled like stars above the guests, who continued to laugh, dance, and revel in the magic of the evening. Love, happiness, and celebration filled the air, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

As the evening progressed, Helena couldn't help but notice the presence of Daniel and Chelsea's business partners at a nearby table. Among them were the Lewises – Jordan, Lauren, and Pamela – who seemed to be in stark contrast to the joyful atmosphere that enveloped the rest of the guests.