
By the Beach

Arthur and Helena, two strangers, met at a fateful moment when each desperately needed comfort. Arthur had left his family to escape his narcissistic parents' emotionally draining environment, while Helena sought refuge from city life and Israel's vengeful parents. She grieved the loss of her billionaire boyfriend, Israel, who she vowed to love forever. Helena's trust was fragile as she opened up to Arthur and found solace in his comforting arms. She felt herself falling for him until she realized the truth about his identity - a truth that threatened to break her trust in him forever. Now Arthur must prove his pure intentions to Helena to keep her in his life. But can Helena ever trust him again? Does Arthur's love have the power to replace Israel in Helena's heart, or will he lose hope and choose what is safest for himself? This is not your typical Billionaire story – this is a story about battling love and trust amidst chaos and despair.

LimitlessJuly · Urban
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88 Chs

Alicia's Case

"We don't want to answer any personal questions tonight. Please excuse us," Arthur held his sister's hand as they walked away from the reporters.

Arthur could hear the rapid clicking of camera shutters behind them. He knew that his every move was being documented, and it frustrated him to no end. Now, he should protect not just Helena; Nathalie is involved too.

Tonight, he would focus on his best friend's engagement and celebrate their love. Tomorrow, he would deal with the rumors and do whatever it took to prove his devotion to Helena. No matter what the media said or did, he knew where his heart belonged – and it wasn't with Pamela Lewis. And protect his siblings, especially Nathalie.

Nathalie and Arthur approached Daniel and his fiancée, Chelsea Jacobs. They were both busy entertaining some of their guests. Nathalie and Arthur might be the last to arrive at the party.

"Arthur, Nathalie," Daniel greeted them both as they approached. "Chelsea gave them hugs and kisses too. She was stunning in her royal blue gown, while Daniel was wearing a black suit that fit for the special event.

"I'm so glad you guys came," Chelsea said.

Arthur and Nathalie said their congratulations as they warmly accepted the couple's hugs and kisses.

"How could I not? Daniel is my best friend, and you are part of the family now since you are marrying him. What a perfect night to celebrate love, isn't it?"

"Absolutely, let's cheer for that. Everyone, please get a drink," Daniel said as he got himself a glass of champagne and another for Chelsea.

A waiter came to serve Arthur and Nathalie a drink. "Oops, you're not allowed to drink. You're not 18 yet," Arthur reprimanded Nathalie.

"Arthur, I'm turning 18 next year. Don't be such a killjoy," Nathalie said, pouting.

"Yeah, next year, so you're not allowed yet," he insisted. "And did you know you get drunk faster drinking champagne than a flat drink?"

"Arthur, it's just champagne," Natalie said, pleading.

"Alright," Daniel chimed in. "Arthur, I'll be Nathalie's lawyer tonight. Buddy, why can you just let Nathalie drink tonight since you're with him anyway. And besides, it's my engagement party."

"Fine. But Natalie, you can only drink if you're with me. Do you understand?"

"Of course," Nathalie finally got herself a champagne. Daniel and Chelsea were happy they sorted the problem immediately.

"For Daniel and Chelsea's engagement," Arthur proposed for a toss.

The four of them raised their champagne glasses, and then each one took a sip of their champagne, except Arthur, who gulped his champagne.

"Guys, I need to excuse myself and do some makeup retouching before Daniel, and I will make our official announcement in front of our guests," Chelsea said.

"Sure. Please don't worry about us. Take your time," Arthur said.

"Babe, do you want me to come with you?" Daniel asked politely.

"Thanks. Babe, you can stay with them. I'll be back in a few minutes. I know that you and Arthur have a lot to talk about." Chelsea nodded before leaving, giving Arthur and Daniel some space together.

"Arthur, I need to go to one of my friends there," Nathalie said, pointing to the other corner of the room. You guys can talk; I'll be back later."

"Alright." Arthur nodded without hesitation. With that, Nathalie made her meet her friend, leaving him and Daniel alone for each other.

"Buddy, how are you? I'm sorry I haven't checked on you lately after Chelsea, and I had our France vacation."

"Oh, Daniel, don't worry about it. You called me once; that was enough. I was busy as well. You know, the case I filed for Alicia and Nathalie's full custody. And lately, the rumors of me dating Pamela were too much to bear," Arthur gulped another champagne to numb his pain, recalling what he went through and putting the rumors down.

"Yeah, I heard about that, Arthur. How was Helena? Did she know all about the rumors?"

"Of course, she uses social media sometimes and checks online news. I had to call her even if I didn't plan to talk to her until everything was fine in my family and made sure I could be with her and give her my undivided attention."

"Wow. You did that?" Daniel was surprised. "It must have been an emotional talk. Wasn't it?" Daniel got himself another champagne when the waiter came close.

"It was," Arthur sighed. "It was hard to hear her voice but not able to touch her and be with her," Arthur said with a hint of pain.

Daniel could only tap his best friend's arm to comfort him. He knew Arthur was strong and could handle all the odds on his way. But Arthur is getting a lot of it lately. He wants to make sure he is on his side.

"But I think it was a good chance to express what we felt for each other and release all the burden we've been carrying for months," he said finally. "I told Helena how much I love her and would do anything for her." He gulped another champagne.

"Yes, I agree. At least it was clear for Helena now because she might misinterpret you leaving San Antonio after your father's death."


"I am always on your side, buddy. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. Alright?"

"Sure. I know you'll always be there when I need a friend, Daniel."

"About the rumors of you and Pamela. I'm sorry I couldn't uninvite her and his family as they are my dad's old friends. It was Dad who had them invited. I saw you guys with Pamela earlier. Did she make another scene there?"

"Oh, as expected. It is Pamela's best skill if you ask me. But anyway, you don't have to apologize. I know how to handle these things myself. What's important to me now is to protect Helena and Nathalie."

"I know. So how was the case against Alicia going on?"

"Well, Alicia is in jail now. That's why I'm confident Nathalie is safe and even has her security at home, and whenever she leaves, she has four bodyguards. I can't let my guard down even if Alicia is in jail now. What if she has connections here and is desperate to take revenge? She suffered enough from Alicia's manipulation, which couldn't continue under my watch." Arthur's eyes filled with anger.

"Nathalie and Nathan are like siblings to me to Arthur. My heart goes to these kids. I wonder how they reacted knowing the worst of what their mother could do?"

"Nathan doesn't know yet. Nathalie cried the first time she learned Alicia was going to jail. When she knew what Alicia did to Nathan, she couldn't believe it. But after knowing the strong evidence, she was furious with her mother. It was hard to watch, Daniel," Arthur heaved a heavy breath.

"Well, the worst is yet to come during the trials. And hopefully, everything will return to how beautiful your relationship with your siblings was," Daniel said, consoling Arthur.

"That's what comforts me while facing all of this," Arthur agreed.

Arthur and Daniel had talked more about each other's family events and relationships until Chelsea came. They both promised to meet and unwind once they cleared their schedules.

As Daniel and Chelsea were about to make their official announcement, Arthur was looking where Nathalie was, but instead, his eyes landed on Pamela walking close to him.

When you are out of luck. Arthur internally rolled his eyes.