
By Chance by Anjelica Doone

Emma Smith didn't want to leave New York. There were so many beautiful yet tragic memories she just can't leave behind. But she knew there is more to explore and she wants to have a better future. Opportunity knocks in and a door was ready to open for her. New Jersey wasn't really her plan but she doesn't have much of a choice. Going to a big university, maintaining a scholarship, looking for a new place to stay in, applying for a part time job and meeting new faces makes it more hard for Emma to adjust. Just when everything is about to go smoothly, Drew Payne steps in and changes went in to Emma's life.

Anjelica_Bernales · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 1: How It All Began

It's a hot summer in the middle of July and I am in Cafè Grumpy, waiting patiently for my mom while taking a sip of my vanilla coffee frappè. Gosh, I hate it when my mom drives. It seems like she is in a traffic for almost twelve hours and a half. She drives slow because she likes to wander around, observing nosily other people's business. 'Oh c'mon you act like you don't do it most of time' my subconscious is really annoying and it doesn't help. Me spending my entire life in New York makes it really hard knowing that I had just graduated from high school and my mom wants me to go to college in New Jersey. I had made a lot of memories here and I can't just go to a new place leaving everything behind. Even after the tragic events that have been happening lately, Brooklyn is still my hometown and New York City is my life. Adjusting to a new environment and meeting new faces isn't just my thing. But college is a big thing for me and I do dream of a better future therefore I am willing to take the risk. Just when my mind was about to blow out I hear the horn of my mom's car, calling me from behind. Does she really have to do that? She certainly needs a medication.

"Seriously mom?" I blurted out keeping my voice in a low tone. I don't wanna make a scene here.

"Oh c'mon Emma! I know you just miss mom." She placed her arms around me with a big smile in her face and I hugged her back. I really did miss her. "I know you hate the way I drive so you drive" she said with a smirk. I roll my eyes and she laugh. Maybe staying in Middletown really did help her. Seeing her back to her old self again makes me happy. It hurts to see her like this, living life in great grief and pain. Luckily I passed the scholarship and my mom doesn't have to pay for my tuition fee. The scholarship also comes with a free allowance every month which also gives me a relief knowing that me and my mom works twenty-four hours just to pay our bills and taxes. If only my alcoholic dad didn't left us with another girl, we wouldn't be dealing this kind of situation.

"So how was Middletown?" I smiled, trying to break the silence. I can see it in her eyes that she is deeply thinking of something. "Mom?"

"Oh I'm sorry! I was just having random thoughts." I looked at her for a second and just smiled. If that is something important, I know she will tell it to me. I don't wanna messed with her personal life either.

"So how was it?" I looked at the rearview mirror of the car before turning the wheel.

"Oh it was very fun actually. The folks was sad because you didn't came. I just told them that you did not feel very well and you needed some time to rest. It was the best excuse for your absence though." Minutes later we arrived at our house and I parked the car in our garage. "It feels so good to be home!" She said loudly while getting out of the car. I helped carry some of her bags which were so heavy and went inside. I place the bags on the floor and sat down on the couch. I am so exhausted. I need to rest my head for a bit. I closed my eyes and didn't realize that I had fallen asleep.

"Emma!" I was awaken by my mom's voice, searching for me.

"What is it mom?" I rub my eyes as I stood up and stretch my arms. I looked at the big clock that was hanging on our wall. Oh my gosh! It is already seven o'clock. No wonder why my tummy is already rumbling. I went towards my mom who is already holding the telephone.

"It's James. He said he needs to talk to you."

"Oh." Oh was all I could just say. I grabbed the phone from her hands and thought for a second. 'Yeah you want to talk about our break up and your affair with my bestfriend? I really do want to talk about that.' My thoughts keep on coming up but I shove them away. I don't want to argue with him anymore. I'm even too weak to respond. What else is there to talk about?

"What do you want James?" I blurted. I feel like tears are about to fall in my eyes.

"Can we just talk about what happened yesterday? I know I made a mistake and I'm sorry. But I still love you and..."

"Just please stop it. I'm fucking tired of your lies. Aren't you satisfied of what you did? You broke my heart already and now I hope you're happy about it." I cut him off, turning the phone down immediately. I didn't realize that my mom was staring at me. I can tell by her eyes that she seem so confused about what happened earlier. 'Oh I think you just forget to tell her about your sudden break up with James' here goes my subconscious again. I guess I owe her an explanation. I don't want her to freak out so I should explain this slowly.

"Mom, I think you should know that James and I broke up." She seem so shock that the towel she is holding almost fell off her hands.


"He cheated on me. With Hailee." Her eyes looks so furious. I don't like where this is going.

"Hailee Evans? She's your bestfriend right? You've known each other since you were five."

"I.. I don't know either mom." My words are trembling as I speak. Hailee and I were so close that we were inseparable. And it hurts deep inside, thinking that she had betrayed me even after all the things we've been through together. I can't help but picture out Hailee and James. Ugh, it really breaks my heart. I love them both. As for Hailee, I treated her like my sister and as for James, I did everything to make him happy. Wasn't that enough? I can't take this. If I will not let this out, I'll explode like a nuclear weapon inside. My mom looked me in the eyes and I can really tell that she's hurt too. She gave me a big hug and I cried like a little puppy. I know she understands my situation a lot because of what had happened between her and my dad. The only thing that differs is mine was unexpected.

"It's gonna be okay, sweetie. I know it hurts deep inside but someday you'll get over it. Now cheer up and let's grab some dinner. How about Brooklyn's Finest Pizza? I know you love that place." She gave me a big smile and I nod. "That's my girl." She place her warm hands in my face, wiping the tears in my eyes. We both laugh. My mom is still here for me and there are still some people I can call my friends so why should I be depressed? We went outside and I volunteered to drive.

It was already midnight when we arrived back home and I went to my bedroom directly. I'm so tired. I should sleep now.

I heard someone calling my name. Just when I was about to walk, the floor was shaking and I freak out. Wait. Am I dreaming? I opened my eyes only to find out that my mom was already yelling at me, shaking my body.

"Wake up Emma! Haven't you remembered? Today is your enrollment day and New Jersey won't be coming here to pick you up so get up now and go get dressed." Holy crap! I forgot that today is my enrollment day. Why didn't I set an alarm? 'Oh c'mon you always don't' my subconscious won't just shut up. I stood up and rush inside the bathroom. I can't go on the day without taking a bath so I need to hurry up before my mom gets angry and I'll be busted.

After taking a shower, I went to my closet and grab some clothes. I put on some black lace leggings, a white long tee and a pair of lace up boots. I also decided to wear my favorite two-button blue green coat since the weather doesn't seem so nice. It might be cold outside and I don't want to freeze to death. I put on some powder and lip gloss to cover up my dull face. I just simply let my hair fall down at my back since I don't have much time and my mom is really in a hurry. As soon as I finish getting ready, I went downstairs. I saw my mom sitting on our couch, waiting for me.

"You look perfect." She stood up and gave me a big smile. She seemed to be astonished by the way I look.

"Thank you, mom! Now let's go. We don't wanna be late for our flight." I smiled back and we both went outside.