
Butterphant Story

This is a class assignment in my creative writing class but I put an undertake type spin on in. hope you like it, A story about a grounded dragon and the world she is living in and how it happens to be reseting for 7 years and her and her friends only know about it, well atleast till now, they have a plan to stop it and to put things back to normal, but it might bring up questions among the monsters she lives with. Slow updates, sorry, and slight langugue warning, im distracted and will update once i can. Anyway, Enjoy.

TamaoKogane · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

I looked down from the ceiling and saw the butterphant start to walk onto my hand, guess he was done eating, i let him get back into my pocket before i got up and put my thing in the bag, i put the note for the king in my notebook and shoved it into my bag, i got to remember the way there, i haven't been there since the royal party before i got my wings clipped, i was going to have to find it on ground, wondering how the king was going to react to me back there, i got the food back into the fridge and shut the door to the house, as i locked it i got the weird feeling that i was going to hate this.

Racing down the path by the river, I could feel the mist from the falls start to become more heavy. I was about half way there. If I stopped to take a break near the edge of the bank, I could eat and get back on the trail.

 As i walked up to the running water, I felt the mist of the fall hitting my legs, i sat down and watched the butterphant get out of my pocket and onto the grass where he watched the falls, I opened my bag and grabbed a piece of ham and some bread, a took a piece off and put in on the ground for the butterphant. I started to eat as I watched fish come down the falls and swim around. The mist of the fall looked like a glowing sky, with flowers at the bottom that glowed. The fish almost ran into them as the glow surged through the water. I noticed the butterphant running around as him and a fish followed each other, it was cute, I giggled and grabbed a flower from the ground. I almost forgot about the king watching the magic of the falls. The grass felt nice, and the cold mist made it hard to want to leave. Hopefully we end this and I'm able to enjoy this more, I think I'd be happier.

I put the flower in my bag and the butterphant ended his chase with his fish friend, and crawled back into my pocket,

"Think it's time to go, yeah me too"

He looked at me and I got up, there is still this whole year to enjoy this, it's not the last time. I got back on the trail and started to run again, the trail getting smoother as i got closer to the castle, then I got to the bridge just outside the castles property, i slowed down and started to walk, the gardens behind the gates looked withered, almost as if not taken care of in decades, it looked sad at the gates opened up with squeaks coming from it. I walked to the door and told the guard out front that I had to talk with the king. The guard looked at me with an expression like, 'oh sure you do'. He opened the big doors to the castle, the hall lit with candles and decorated with dusty red curtains, the whole place smelled of old wood and dust. I walked down the hall and got to the end where the door door of the ball room echoed with voices. I walked into the room to see a tall yellow haired goat man in armor and a cape, and a wolfman in armor with a shear. I slowly walked in and the king noticed me, " Oh hello, I was told by the other dragon I was expected to see you today." He said in a more happy voice.