

Hi, Im London and i moved to the states from Britain. I am here to do collage. i dont know who i am or that much of myself i hope i can find out along the way with some of my close frinds/love interests.I am looking forward to the futur and all the new friend i will meet and all the people i will fancy , even with all its ups and down!

juciyjams · LGBT+
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2 Chs

day 2

Saturday-no classes

I hear a nock on the door. i open it, its abby!"Hey,i was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat with me and 3 or 4 friend?" i need to get ready and stuff qhat should i tell her "ok give me a few and i will be out in a jiffy"i told her "ok we will be in the lobby dont take to long we might leave without you hahaha.".

i do my makup as quickly as possible to not wast time, i grab close that at least smell clean,then my wallet, lastly i grab my purse and head down the red carpet stares into the masive lobby "well that was quick" i hear a familler voice. its that prick from geographic! why is he here i thought it qould be all girls."London this is avery, Avery this is London" I stuck my hand out at him wanting him to shake it but he grabes it and kisses the back uuhh i hate him already."my lady" he seas."dont touch me pesont"

"ok, calm down London dont get you panties in a knot." "i just sead not to touch me i wasnt doing anything." he lookes at me and smerks.

More people join the group after about 5 min we head out.we go to the schools café. we order our food and sit in on couches and chares it kinda reminds me on the coffe shop in "F•R•I•E•N•D" my favorite show.my mother is calling "ill be right back my mum is calling me" abby nods at ne to tell me ok without speeking.i walk out side "y-your father left m-me"

"oh! mum im so sorry. is there something i can do to help."i ask, i knew this day would come.

"N-n-*sniffle*no darling, i j-just thought th-that y-y-you ought to know"

"well alright then mum let me know if there is. i live you g-" she hangs up the phone. i grad my stuff say my good bys and head home. a few hours later i lie down i finally cleand the bathroom. i am so tired. i close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.