
But he loves 'HER'

For her, he is her dream, but his dream is someone else. All her tears are for him, but all his tears are for someone else. This story is about one-sided love, friendship, and sacrifices.

Teddysoul_1995 · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Riya's POV

I reached home, washed myself up, and laid on my bed. "Does he have feelings for Anna?", I thought in my mind. I was feeling kind of scared and low because of what happened today. It was my first time seeing someone in a terrible accident.


Josh's POV

"Hey, Riya? Come Outside", I texted her. But there wasn't any response.

Just a moment ago, I saw a video on social media about the accident of a lady. I saw how Riya saved her. I hope she is fine.

I asked permission from her parents and went inside her room. As soon as I opened the door, I saw her sitting on the floor and crouched. She looked worried and scared.

"Hey, are you okay?", I asked and sat beside her.

"When did you come here?" she looked surprised.

"I know what happened today. Don't worry, everything will be okay. You must be startled", I caressed her hair. Suddenly she started crying and hugged me.

"I was very scared at that moment. I thought that lady would die in front of me", she cried more. "It's okay, it's okay Riya. She is fine now. You did a great job, you were cool", I comforted her.

"You want to stay like this for a while?", I asked her.

"Hmm...yes, a bit more", she hugged me tighter.

I have known Riya since we were kids. No matter how strong she is, she is still a human. She cannot see others die in front of her. I know at some corner of her heart she wants to feel protected by others. She is my best friend after all.


Anna's POV

I was on my way to college when I saw Riya walking alone. "Hey Riya, wait for me", I ran towards her.

"Hey... let's go together", she smiled.

"Well, I saw your video yesterday. You were so cool. Everyone is praising you", I was so excited to share this. I was so proud of her.

"Haha, is it?" she looked a little embarrassed.

"But are you okay? I mean you must be scared too", I asked.

"I was a little lost yesterday but now I'm okay. Josh came and comforted me yesterday. He stayed with me the whole night", she smiled while talking about him.

"I envy both of you. I mean I like yours and his friendship", I said.

"Hmm...we are good friends. But can I tell you something?" she looked excited.

"Yes, of course. Even I want to tell you something", I said. I wanted to tell her about my feelings for Josh.

"Actually, I have loved Josh ever since we were in grade 9. But he pushed me away all the time. He said he doesn't see me that way. He ignored me for the last 2 years after knowing how I felt about him. Just very recently, we became friends again. I promised him I'd try to forget him. Anyhow I couldn't forget him, so I'm trying my best to make him fall for me. Yesterday when he came to my house at midnight and comforted me, I felt like he was kind of like me. Do you think he'll love me someday?", she asked me and she looked so happy.

But it broke my heart. I fell from someone whom my friend is actually in love with. Just a moment I wanted to tell her that I love Josh when the fact is that she loved him before me. I shouldn't come in between them. Both of them are very important to me.

"Hey, you wanted to tell me something too. What is it?", Riya said.

"Ah...was I? I forgot", I laughed awkwardly.

"Hmm...you are careless. Let's go", she looked happy and excited. It's okay as long as my friend is happy. Josh might like her too. Riya is too good.

Josh's POV 

"Hi Anna!", I greeted her when she entered the class. "Hi", she said. And it seemed like she wasn't in a mood. She would always smile at me when I greeted her. But today, she didn't smile. She dared not to look into my eyes.


I was chilling in my regular spot when I saw Anna going somewhere. It's been a week that she has been ignoring me. I don't know what's up with her. Something looks off.

"Anna! Come here. I hardly see you in this place nowadays ", I said.

"Well, I'm a little bit busy. Catch you later", she said and went away. Why is she behaving like this? Did I do something wrong?

I followed her to the rooftop. I wanted to make things clear about why she was acting that way.

"Hey, did I do something wrong? Is something bothering you? Why are you acting like we are strangers?", I asked.

"Let's not talk about it. I'll go first", she said and tried to go down. But I held her hands and pinned her against the wall.

"God damn, what's wrong with you Anna? Am I a joke to you? Can't you just see that I love you?", I shouted.

"No...you cannot love me, because I don't. Yes, you are bothering me, a lot. Can't you just leave me alone? We are not that close okay, so yeah...we are strangers. Now leave me", she pushed me away and she had tears in her eyes.

"No... it's not you who is saying this. I know you love me too. But something is stopping you. Just be greedy for yourself. Don't keep something in your heart for so long that you will regret it in the end", I said and headed first.

End of Josh's POV 

It was the monsoon season and the rain was showering. The classes got over and it was time for all the students to go home. Since it was raining, students who had umbrellas were on their way home and those who didn't bring their umbrellas were waiting for the rain to stop and few just walked under the rain.

Anna never felt so sad in her entire life. It was the first time she had ever loved someone this way and knowing the fact that her friend also likes him, she had to treat Josh like a stranger.

She slowly walked under the rain so that she could cry and not notice her. She looked up at the rain and thought her life could not be any more miserable than this.

Riya and Josh were on their way home. They had their umbrellas, so they were casually talking. "Hey, isn't she Anna?" Riya asked Josh. He looked at Anna and said nothing. "She looks so sad and she is almost drenched now", she said. Josh could not hold any longer and just ran towards Anna. "Hey, why are you running?" Riya asked but Josh didn't care.

Anna was so much in pain that her little sobs could finally be heard by others.

"Hey, you think this rain can hide your tears?", Josh said and covered her in his umbrella. She looked at him with her already-turned-red eyes.

"Look at you, and you say you don't like me?", He was soft. She cried louder and he hugged her to comfort her.

"It's okay, it's okay...you can take your time", Josh caressed her back.

Josh was happy for now it was clear that Anna loves him too though she doesn't admit it. Anna felt warm in his arms, and for a moment she forgot that Riya likes him too. All she could think was about how happy being next to Josh makes her feel.

But what about Riya? What about Riya who was still standing behind them? She remained there frozen, she didn't say anything nor move even an inch. All she did was stand behind them under the umbrella when it rained.

Anna's POV 

What happened to you Anna? Why did you cry in front of him? It was clear that you love him too. But why do I want to be greedy just for this once? He loves me and I love him too.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I got a message from Riya. She had written to meet her near the recreational park.


Riya's POV 

Today I want to make everything clear with her. I have to know what's going on between Josh and Anna.

"Riya. You called me, what's the matter?", Anna reached.

"Umm...Hi. How are you feeling now? Yesterday I saw you crying in the rain. Is everything okay?", I asked.

"Yeah... I'm okay", she faked a smile.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you. Why are so good at hiding your feelings? I can see through you okay? You are not okay. I don't like people who fake their emotions. Just be honest", I shouted.

"Yes... I'm not okay. I thought I would be okay but I'm not", she cried.

"You like Josh, right?", my voice got shaky.

She said nothing but stared at me with her tearful eyes.

"Don't worry. I told him that I didn't like him. I don't want to come in between two friends. Please take care of him", she said.

"Huh, you are so annoying. You know that right, Anna?", I sighed.

"Why are you so kind? Why would you sacrifice your love for me? You love him and for now, I have also understood that he loves you too. All these years, I loved him so much but he never loved me back. He never looked at me that way. But in your case, It's different. I can see it in his eyes, god damn. He loves you. I can see that he is happier when he's with you, I can see that you make him want to protect you. All this time, he was waiting for you to come into his life. It's not about who loved him first. It's about whom he loves back. And he chose you. For him I'm just a 'friend'", I said and a few tickles of tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Riya...what are you saying?" Anna held my shoulder in disbelief.

"I don't want to be a villain in someone's story.", I wiped my tears. And she looked confused.

"Huh, you are so stupid. I can't believe my stupid friend fell in love with a stupid girl like you", I sighed.

"Well, I'm saying that you should let him know that you like him too. Don't worry about me okay? I know he never loved me. And I know how it feels when the one you love doesn't feel the same way for you. I don't want my best friend's love story to remain incomplete. I don't want him to go through the same heartbreak I have been through. Just take care of him like I do. Infact more than me. Just love him more than me. You will do that for me, right?", I became sober.

"Thank you so much, Riya. Thank you", she cried and hugged me.

"It's okay, it's okay. Huh, I don't know since when did I become so kind", I joked and she laughed.

"You have always been kind. It's just that your way of showing kindness is different. I'm just so lucky to have met you. Thank you for being my friend ", she said.

"Well... I'm not used to such compliments and I don't like cheesy talks. I should better go", I laughed slightly. Huh, this girl is too soft and kind. No wonder he likes her.

"Hey... he's coming here. Just tell him, okay" I smiled and went past Josh.

"Hey dude, best of luck. Don't make her cry, and if she cheats on you...just tell me. I'll break her legs", I gave him a high five.

"Riya, you are the best woman in my life. Thank you", she patted my head and went towards Anna.

I continued my walk and at some point, I turned around to look at him. They were hugging each other and seemed so happy.

 "Why am I feeling so sad? It's okay it's okay, I'll be fine", I murmured.

Hmm...I wish it was me and not Anna who was hugging him. But it's okay, as long as he is happy.

Just knowing the fact that he considers me the best woman in his life is more than enough, though I cannot be his woman.

I'm just okay watching him smile from behind. After all, since the beginning I have always loved him but he loves 'Her'.


Riya's POV

"Cheers to all the graduates. Thank you for these wonderful 4 years of togetherness", the leader of medicine faculty said. It was the last day of our college life and we were thrown a party for that.

I was seated at the corner and just watched what other people were doing. I didn't want to see but it was just in front of my eyes, I couldn't even avoid it. Josh and Anna were dancing in a pair. 

They looked so comfortable and happy together. I'm happy for them but it still hurts so much to see the person you loved for so long with somebody else. It's really hard to unlove someone whom you've loved for so long. It's just that I smile every day but it hurts a lot too. Deep within I still wish Josh would run back to me, but it will only remain as my wish.

"Hey Riya, you look so upset. You still like him, right?", Sol said. Sol has liked Josh ever since we were freshers in college. But Josh hates her for she always tried to push herself on him.

"That's none of your business", I said.

"Look, Riya. I really like the fact that you gave him up for that girl Anna. Don't you think you deserve Josh more than her?", she caressed my hands.

"Actually right! You have a point. I liked Josh ever since we were kids. I waited for so long but only to be snatched by her. I should do something to get him back. Should I throw her in the swimming pool over there? I mean she can't swim. Should I mix poison in her drink? What should I do?", I said and she smiled.

"Huh, you are such a damn bitch", I rolled my eyes on her.

"What do you mean?", Sol gave me a hard stare.

"What? Do you expect me to do such a disgusting thing to her? I mean seriously? It's true, I still love him. But I'm not that low to do such a disgusting thing to anybody else.

"Actually, thank God I gave him up to Anna and not you. Ana is so much better than you. She is kind, humble, and down to earth and she truly loves him. Probably that's why Josh likes her a lot", I pushed her away.

"You know what, if you had ever truly loved someone, you would only care about their happiness, not your silly kind of desire. I love him from all my heart, and that's why I probably don't want to push myself on him. Because I know his happiness lies with someone else. I'm just happy seeing him from afar. And someone like you will never understand that", I sighed in pain.

"You are way more stupid than I thought. Serves you right!", Sol looked angry.

"Whatever... I don't care. Get lost from my sight. Otherwise, do you remember 3 years ago how I almost broke your hands? And you must remember my slap", I gave her a fierce look.

She rolled her eyes and went away from me. But something is fishy. She's surely planning for something big.

I went to the washroom to check on myself and when I returned I saw a message from Anna. She told me to meet near the swimming pool. We were under the same roof, why would she text me? It's weird.

Anyhow, I went towards the swimming pool and waited for her to come. After a while, Anna came and stood in front of me.

"Hey, why did you call me here?", Anna asked me.

"Hmm? That's what I'm supposed to ask you", I said.

"I mean you messaged me to come here", she showed me her phone and she did receive a message from me. But I didn't send her any message.

"I got your message too", I showed her my phone. "But I didn't text you", she looked confused.

While we were in confusion, I got a call from someone unknown. I turned around to pick up the call. Since the network was low I went a few steps towards the open air.