
Business Magnet's Sweetheart: The Mermaid

"Sometimes life takes an unexpectedly wrong turn in the right direction." Coral was a mermaid from another world. Due to an accident, she was transported into a book, which she didn't even know about until the guardian of the book world informed her. The guardian told her to keep her mermaid identity a secret, but can she keep it? However, can someone explain why the female lead and the male lead son were born villain? Initially, he ignored Coral, but he started becoming possessive upon seeing her with other males. *** "Did you see the way he looked at her? It was like no one else in the room." Alexander always hated it when his mom pressured him to get married or have a girlfriend. But one day, on his birthday, he was given a girl as a surprise gift, and he fell in love with her at first sight unknowingly. But his mom said, "Surprise! I've found a little sister for you, Alexander." "..." *Cute and sweet book*

dYdairy_002 · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter 23 Both of them were as innocent as angels.

Downstairs, it was breakfast time and Alexander was present today. Sofia and James cast worried looks at Alexander, who was eating quietly. No one mentioned the incident from last night.

Coral looked at him curiously. He was eating breakfast elegantly, and each of his actions seemed graceful.

"Alex, aren't you going to the company today?" Sofia asked.

"No. Today, I have plans to go out with friends," he spoke, and Sofia's eyes widened. Her son never took vacations.

"Mason came back from abroad," he explained without changing his expression.

Coral also looked at Alexander curiously. She loved meeting new people, so when she heard he was going out, she became curious.

Without changing his expression, Alexander started drinking orange juice. From the corner of his eyes, he saw his innocent mom's expression changing.

"Why don't you take Coral with you? She will like to play with youngsters like you," Sofia asked.

Alexander smirked inwardly, but on the outside, he remained expressionless.

He pretended to think for a moment.

"Take her with you, Alexander. After her school starts on Monday, she will become busier," Sofia spoke again.

"Okay, Mom! I will take her," Alexander nodded his head and saw Coral looking happy, while Sofia smiled at her.

Both of them were as innocent as angels.

Anyone could take advantage of their innocence.


The bright sunlight filtered through the creamy curtains from the glass windows. From there, you could see the garden filled with roses and different types of flowers. A huge tree provided shade, and the room was very bright. The light blue color covered the whole room, and a grand piano was placed near the windows. Different types of classic paintings adorned the walls, and there were many different types of musical instruments.

Coral had nothing to do, as Alexander was taking her out at 10:30 AM. Since it was still too early, she decided to watch Sofia play the piano.

Sofia's long fingers tapped rapidly, and her eyes were closed as beautiful sounds came from the piano, captivating Coral's attention.

"She plays so well. No wonder she was a heroine," Super Bee whispered to her.

"Sofia aunty is also so kind," Coral spoke with admiration. Not only was Sofia kind, but she also played the piano beautifully. She even defended Coral from that girl at the party who accused her of being a stray.

"You're looking so deeply. Do you want to play?" Sofia chuckled as she looked at Coral, whose cheeks turned pink.

"You play so beautifully, Aunty Sofia...and I also want to play," Coral spoke, and Sofia gestured for her to come near.

Coral held her skirt and walked towards Sofia, who let her sit in her chair.

"I will teach you some simple notes," Sofia smiled and started explaining.

Coral took a deep breath and poised her fingers over the keys as Sofia spoke. She started playing.

"Good...pay attention to the tempo," Sofia started teaching Coral attentively.

Coral played a beautiful but simple melody of music that Sofia had taught her.

Sofia's eyes widened in surprise. Coral was such a smart girl. She had even learned it on her first attempt.

"You're doing great. Keep going, child," Sofia encouraged by clapping her hands.

Meanwhile, Alexander stood at the door with his hands folded, wearing a casual black shirt and white pants. He had a watch on his wrist, and His dark eyes gazed upon them softly.