
Business Magnet's Sweetheart: The Mermaid

"Sometimes life takes an unexpectedly wrong turn in the right direction." Coral was a mermaid from another world. Due to an accident, she was transported into a book, which she didn't even know about until the guardian of the book world informed her. The guardian told her to keep her mermaid identity a secret, but can she keep it? However, can someone explain why the female lead and the male lead son were born villain? Initially, he ignored Coral, but he started becoming possessive upon seeing her with other males. *** "Did you see the way he looked at her? It was like no one else in the room." Alexander always hated it when his mom pressured him to get married or have a girlfriend. But one day, on his birthday, he was given a girl as a surprise gift, and he fell in love with her at first sight unknowingly. But his mom said, "Surprise! I've found a little sister for you, Alexander." "..." *Cute and sweet book*

dYdairy_002 · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter 1 Shiny thing

The sun's scorching rays cast beautiful light on the clear ocean waters, creating a mesmerising spectacle. The sky was devoid of clouds, and lush green islands dotted the vast expanse of the sea. In the middle of it all, there stood a group of massive stones, surrounded by towering mountains. The waves gently splashed against the rocks, creating a soothing melody.

In the ocean, a tail splashed; it was a mermaid. Her pinkish-golden scales shimmered under the sun's rays as she gracefully rolled and swam beneath the water's surface. Her long, wavy strawberry blonde hair cascaded down to her waist, complementing her big, beautiful blue eyes, fair complexion, and plump, pink lips. She looked stunningly beautiful.

With each flick of her long, gorgeous tail, she propelled herself through the water, playfully jumping and twirling. Her name was Coral.

Coral's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she turned to her fish best friend, Sparkle. "Are you sure about this?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Sparkle, her best friend, nodded vigorously. "Absolutely! This time, the ship was enormous, loaded with lots of food and strange items. If we don't act fast, the bad guys will have already taken everything."

Coral's heart skipped a beat at the thought of finding valuable treasures. "No way! We're definitely going to find some goodies!" With renewed determination, they both accelerated their swimming speed.

Finally, they reached the middle of the ocean, where the remnants of a shipwreck lay scattered. The ship had been substantial, with three towering floors. Coral wasted no time as she swiftly swam into the wreckage, accompanied by a multitude of fish and octopuses, eager to claim their share of the spoils.

Inside the ship, a dispute erupted among the sea creatures. "Octo, this is mine! I saw it first!" a big fish exclaimed, anger evident in its voice, while the octopus tried to hide something within its numerous arms.

"No, I saw it first! It's mine!" the octopus retorted, attempting to make a quick getaway.

The argument escalated, with insults flying between the fish and the octopus. Coral's eyes widened with delight as she spotted something shining amidst the chaos.

Her heart filled with joy as she caught sight of the gleaming object. With an uncontrollable urge, she swam towards them, her eyes fixed on the 'shiny thing.' Ignoring the squabbling creatures, she snatched the object from their grasp, using her tail to gently push them away.

Sparkle fish watched Coral's actions with a mix of embarrassment and pity, observing as the fish and octopus hung helplessly from the ship's roof. However, Coral seemed oblivious to their plight, her attention solely focused on the 'shiny thing' in her hands.

She was fascinated by its brightness but didn't know what it really was. It was, in fact, a book with a sparkling cover titled "CEO Sweetheart." Unfortunately, Coral couldn't read, but that didn't dampen her fascination with the shiny thing.

"Hey, Coral, don't you want to explore a bit more?" Sparkle asked.

Uninterested in exploring further, Coral responded to Sparkle's suggestion. "Nope! One thing is enough for me."

"Alright then, I'll take a look around," Sparkle replied, her voice filled with amusement.

Coral waved her free hand, bidding her friend farewell, as she swam towards her cozy cave. The cave was adorned with an assortment of shiny pearls and diamonds, creating a magical ambiance. Inside her sleeping shell, surrounded by dozens of pearls, Coral sat down, embracing the shiny object tightly.

Reluctantly releasing her grip, Coral began to examine the mysterious item.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter.

Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere was shattered as dark clouds rolled in, and rain poured down heavily, forming ripples in the water.

Coral furrowed her brow, puzzled by the unexpected downpour. Curiosity getting the better of her, she opened the book, and something extraordinary happened. The book emitted a brilliant light, illuminating the entire cave.

In that moment, Coral's eyes widened with astonishment as she found herself being pulled into the book.