
Business is Booming!

The town game by DecodeUnicode from roblox has arrived in arknights.

Plutoisplanet · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 [New]

I'll be quick. I didn't like where this was going. So I'll just keep the old chapters but I'll publish the rewritten versions.


December 24, 2020 In the night of Christmas Eve. In the a place called Town.

As the light of each houses Illuminated the dark streets through the windows. Many celebrated the and enjoyed the feasts prepared. In one specific house or rather a gunship that also serves as a diner.

They were working overtime to serve the remaining customers. It was quite hectic and served as a place to party or just buy beer. Most workers In town get their coffee In this establishment.

While everyone was enjoying there meal and drinks. The workers delivered there meals swiftly and the Chefs were getting tired. But only a few customers left and they can finally rest. The laughter of Joy filled the air as everyone sung In a drunken manner.

Just left of the entrance of the establishment was where they would normally serve coffee. But as of now, every christmas they would serve hot chocolate. The towns people did enjoy the Hot Chocolate, It was fairly good as one of the customers would describe, 'It had a balance of bitterness and sweetness. And I think this also has a little bit of strawberry?'

As the christmas cheer continued on. Many were pass out few hours later, as customers and friends or family carried them out. With the last customer finally leaving, the staff got there well deserved rest.

"Fuwahhhh." Someone let out a deep sigh as she slumped over onto the table. "Christmas Is the only time you'd get this exhausted." She said. Her white hair being the most notable part of her. She wore glasses that looked like something a scientist would wear. Taking out a clipboard she checked out all the works that was done. She doubled check to see If she missed any kind tasks or work.

"Galena, you seem tired. Would you mind me taking you to your own bedroom?" He said.

"No, I'm fine. I can take care of myself. Thanks for asking." She replied.

"Alright, suit yourself."

His attire was something a texan cowboy would wear. To pair with that, he had a cowboy hat and some Jeans. Truly completing his look.

He put his hands on his back and pushed to stretch. It's been a long day of work, now he just wants to go to sleep. Going to a nearby chair and sitting upon It he leaned backwards, he pulled down his cowboy hat and went to get some sleep.

With everyone tired a guy In a jacket came down stairs. He had thick Jeans, shades, brown hair that looks very average but fits him just right. "Everyone wake, just doing one last check up." He said with a very deep accent. That most probably wont even understand what he said, but the workers of this place has gotten used to his deep accent.

Slowly everyone woke up with a groan. Much to the dismay of these folks. "Gather around, unless you don't want to receive your paycheck." Each one of them got up slowly, though people Individuals who likes money a lot. Got up a lot faster than the rest.

"Yoo guyman." He heard behind him.

"Yes Spepsi?"

"It- It's about the clown."

He groaned as he heard that. Knowing the fact that the clown did a lot of tomfoolery and caused some troubles In the diner. Though It was harmless pranks, It still does bother the customers. Also the fact that his Jacked and his very muscles might as well be bullet proof.

"What did he do this time..?" He groaned.

"He placed Ice cold water on the front door. One of the customers got drenched, and we had to compensate them and send an apology."

He placed both his hands on his faced and dragged It down In annoyance. His starting to become really annoyed, he sure hoped that the customer affected by the prank didn't get hyperthermia.

(A/N: Boopy the clown was just suppose to be a character that'll appear ones In a while to annoy some people, but I decided he should appear more often.)

"We'll deal him later, I have some reporting to do with the boss." He said, they both waved goodbye to each other for now with Guyman heading upstairs. As he got upstairs he knocked on the door of his boss's bedroom.

"Hey Boss, I'm coming In." He went In with a clipboard on hand, In It are all the recorded performance and growth of the store.

"Come In." Hearing that his entry was approved. He entered, he sees his boss sitting on a chair just by the door. He had a tired look on his, and white hair. But he also had dog features like ears and tail.

All he could see was him holding an Instruction manual. He then notices the SKS on the table that his boss probably assembled. "Here's the report for today." He hands the clipboard to his boss.

He takes It and Inspects the contents of it. He saw his ears perk up a little bit and prepared for what he was about to say. "What's this one about?" He faces the Clipboard towards Guyman and points at a specific report.

He reads what It was and realizes. "T-The U.L.F. wants us to manufacture them some equipment due to there shipment of resources being Intercepted by a rival faction." He could see his boss's face twist In annoyance.

"They want us to manufacture over 50 AK-74's which we barely have any parts kit for. And they gave us a month because they know were a small business right now." He said. "I would've outright declined this offer, but there willing to pay 60k to 100k dollars."

They discussed Important matters for a few hours which most offers were declined. As they both ready up to go to there respected rooms. His eye went towards the window, ready to light a cig and go and enjoy the christmas moonlight for a moment, he Instead found himself looking at the sun.

Confusion struck him as for a moment he believe he and his boss talked for hours without realizing. Before he was even able to fully finish a process of thought, he saw people on the sidewalk just outside also look dumbfounded that It was already morning.

He went back to talk with his boss once again. "Boss! You gotta see this." He said with a bit of urgency and shock.

"What Is it now..." His boss said with tiredness In his voice and look of anger looking much more wrathful as his eyes were littered with deep eyebags.

"Just.... Come with me boss."

"Ugh, fine."

As his boss got out of bed once more, they went downstairs with employees mopping the floor or sleeping on the tables of the diner, with some sleeping on the beanbags of the mini cafe.

The employees upon seeing there boss, gave a small wave or a bow. As Guyman led his boss outside he explained. "Now boss... When did It become morning?" He asked as they walked outside.

He looked and understood. "What In gods name... I know It ain't minecraft and this Is real life.. But I'm pretty sure just because I went to take nap doesn't mean It should be morning Immediately right?"


As confusion and realization slowly enveloped the small town, soon they'll discover the harsh world and environment awaiting them. Making friends along the way, allies and meeting some operators earlier than others. And maybe, just maybe. Recruit some on the way.


I feel like this Is much better.