
Business Gamer

Lin Long, A youngman with a dream. He was given a chance by the supreme beings of the universe. He will become strong in order to protect the earth. The place that was the supream beings motherland.

CrazeNovel · Urban
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103 Chs

Chapter 20 Paying debt

While Priest Yu Il and Tae Won were talking. Outside the orphanage, a luxury car stopped. The car has a dark black color with aggressive pipe sounds. On the car there is a bull emblem. A handsome young man with sharp eyes and round eyebrows formed after parking a luxury car in front of the entrance of the orphanage and walking out of the car. This young man was Lin Long.

Lin Long had come here to visit the old house where he used to live. Little did he know that his house was in serious trouble.

Lin Long had moved out of this orphanage since he was seventeen years old. He once in a while came to visit here. But after he got the system, he flew to Las Vegas and lost contact with this place. So he wasn't sure if anything would change.

Lin Long walked into the orphanage that used to be his home. He couldn't help but miss it. Things are still the same. It made Lin Long relieved.

“Lin Long, is that you?”

Priest Yuil looked at Lin Long with wide open eyes. He could hardly recognize Lin Long at all. Lin Long at this moment had changed a lot. He didn't have the same childish feeling as before. But it gives me some feelings that I can't say, it looks mysterious.

“Father, are you all right?”

Lin Long smiled before looking around. His brows furrowed together before staring at the fat man smoking a cigar. This is an orphanage, there is a rule that no one is allowed to smoke around here. But it seems like this person doesn't care about the rules at all.

“Please stop smoking here. This is not your place to do whatever you want.”

Lin Long said that caused Tae Won to get angry before speaking up.

“It's none of your business. Hmmm. I remember you. You've been here before. Now, what good news shall I tell you? I am here to close this place under a debt subpoena.”

Tae Won spoke with an angry voice. He continued to smoke his cigar.

"Debt? How much"

Lin Long asked as he walked closer before rubbing his forefinger and thumb on the burning cigar head and extinguishing it.

“What do you think you're doing here?”

Tae Won felt dissatisfied but dared not speak more. As he looked at Lin Long's sharp eyes, he was filled with fear. Lin Long secretly emitted a slight menacing spirit from a nearby distance. He now looked extremely dangerous in Tae Won's eyes.

“Lin Long, you don't need to worry about this. Why don't you go talk to the kids? They have asked about her many times already. Here, let Father take care of himself.”

Grandmaster Yuil didn't think that Lin Long would dare to do such a thing. He who used to be a quiet boy now looked strong and dependable. But even so, Priest Yu Il didn't want to put this matter on Lin Long.

“Hmph, Priest Yu Il owed us one million won. If you don't have enough money to pay Don't interfere in this matter.”

Tae Won scoffed. That's why he thought that Lin Long was dangerous but that was it. An orphan like him would never earn that much money. Tae Won was confident until he heard laughter. laughter full of ridicule

“How much do you think? It's just this money."

Lin Long spoke up after hearing the count. Lin Long's eyes were filled with fury now. He even thought that the money that the Priest owed to the bank amounted to millions.

“Lin Long, stop joking. And more than that, our real debt is less than that. The amount being told is untrue. to listen to him."

The Priest, with concern, alerted Lin Long.

"Don't worry, Father, I have money."

Lin Long said with a smile. Priest could only sigh, he didn't expect Lin Long to have any money. What Lin Long was doing now was probably just looking for a way to help.

Lin Long, after speaking to Grandfather, looked at Tae Won before speaking. His tone changed three hundred and eighty degrees, his voice now filled with coldness.

“Okay, if you want money, follow me. I have to go get the money in the car.”

Lin Long spoke before pointing his finger outside the orphanage. Priest Father and Tae Won couldn't help following him out. and as soon as they followed Lin Long out, They could only stand stunned. They didn't think that the car Lin Long had meant was this kind of…supercar.

Lin Long smoothly opened the door of his luxury car and ducked in before taking out a large pile of money from the drawer inside the car while waving it back and forth.

"impossible! Tell me, from whom did you rob the money and the car?”

Tae Won's face twitched. He looked at Lin Long in disbelief. Was his plan going to fail here? An orphan who shouldn't have anything like the child standing in front of him with so much money? That matter was impossible. He didn't believe it. No matter what, he refused to let Lin Long pay off this debt.

Lin Long seems to know what Tae Won thinks. He finds something in the car to roll money before giving to the Father.

“Father, why didn't you use this money to pay off the bank debt? I have something I want to discuss with this person.”

Lin Long didn't want Priest Yu Il to see whatever he was going to do next.

Priest Yu Il hesitated for a moment. He didn't have much choice. He, in the end, still trusted Lin Long. He took Lin Long's money before walking into the orphanage. He will need to contact the bank about repayment of this debt.

After looking at Priest Yu Il, Lin Long went inside. He turned to Tae Won.

“Looks like we have quite a lot of things to talk about.”

Lin Long now had to deal with Tae Won. He knew that if he didn't deal with Tae Won, then he would. Even if Priest Yu Il paid the money to the bank. If Tae Won, the bank manager, could find a way to cancel the money whenever he wanted.

“Putting a gun to his head and threatening him doesn't seem like a good idea either. What a headache."

Lin Long could not use violence as it would cause a huge problem. Lin Long didn't want anything bad to happen to the orphanage.

Lin Long now that he could do it.