



/"When's the earliest we can get married?/"

/"W-what?/" He sputters /"say that again?/"

/"I want to get married as soon as possible Alexander./" I say.

/"Amelia../" he breathes out /"you were the one who wanted to wait./" He reminds me.

/"I know../" I murmur /"but why are we waiting? I love you and you love me too right?/" I ask hopefully, putting my hands out for him to hold.

He hesitates.

/"Of course I love you./"

/"Then why should we wait? You know Jodie and Leroy?/" I ask and he nods /"they got engaged and married within a week and I've never seen a happier couple./"

/"You really want this?/" He squeezes my hands a little.

/"More than anything./" I say back.

/"Alright then darling, your wish is my command - I'll have the best wedding planners come over to your place tonight./" He smiles.

/"Will you come as well?/" I ask.

/"Of course, this is our wedding./"