
Bus No Waifu

How well can a bus driver navigate the twist and turns of life. Fighting for his goals and for what he has a lost.

DaoistTotoSeto · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Shadows of Regret

Jack stood at the bus stop, his breath misting in the chilly evening air. Memories of his past intertwined with the present, each moment a thread in the tapestry of his life.


Their story began in the hallowed halls of high school, where Jack was the charming, yet somewhat reserved, captain of the soccer team. Emma, with her infectious laughter and boundless energy, caught his eye from the moment they first met in freshman year. They shared classes, whispered secrets in the library, and stole glances across crowded hallways.

Their teenage romance bloomed amidst the chaos of exams and extracurricular activities, their love like a beacon in the storm. But as graduation approached, doubts crept in, tearing them apart like a fragile paper chain.

Their breakup was messy, filled with tears and bitter accusations. Jack retreated into himself, burying his pain beneath a facade of indifference. Emma, resilient and determined, threw herself into her studies, determined to forge a new path without him.

But fate had other plans.

Years later, they crossed paths once more, their reunion unexpected yet inevitable. Jack had never stopped loving Emma, his heart aching with the weight of regret. Emma, wary yet hopeful, tentatively opened her heart to him once more.

Their second chance at love was both fragile and fierce, tempered by the scars of their past. They navigated the highs and lows of their relationship with grace and determination, their bond stronger than ever before.

And when Jack finally got down on one knee, a shimmering diamond ring in his trembling hand, Emma's answer was a resounding yes.

Their engagement was a celebration of their love, a testament to their unwavering commitment to each other. They laughed, they danced, they dreamed of a future filled with endless possibilities.

But beneath the surface, shadows lurked, their presence a silent reminder of the mistakes they both carried.


As Jack drove his bus through the streets of the city, he greeted each passenger with a warm smile and a friendly word. His interactions were genuine, his laughter infectious, yet beneath the facade, guilt gnawed at his conscience like a relentless predator.

He had betrayed Emma's trust, succumbing to temptation in a moment of weakness. The memory of that fateful night haunted him, its specter a constant reminder of his failings as a husband.

But tonight would be different.

Tonight, he would confess his sins, lay bare his soul before Emma, and beg for her forgiveness.


Meanwhile, back at their apartment, Emma paced restlessly, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She had left without a word, driven by an impulse she couldn't quite explain. Her heart ached with regret, her footsteps echoing in the empty rooms like a ghost searching for solace.

She had to find Jack, had to make things right between them before it was too late.

With a sense of purpose that belied her uncertainty, Emma slipped out of the apartment, the cool night air a balm to her troubled soul. She hailed a passing cab, her destination clear in her mind.

She had to reach Jack, had to bridge the distance that had grown between them like a gaping chasm.


As Jack's bus trundled along its route, Emma's cab followed close behind, its headlights cutting through the darkness like a beacon in the night. She watched as Jack made his rounds, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights.

Her heart swelled with love and longing, her eyes tracing the familiar lines of his profile with a tenderness that threatened to consume her whole.

She had missed him, missed the warmth of his embrace, the sound of his laughter, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled.

And she would do anything to win him back, to erase the mistakes of the past and start anew.


As Jack's shift came to an end, he made his way back to the depot, his heart heavy with anticipation. Tonight would be the night, the night he finally laid bare his soul before Emma and begged for her forgiveness.


Emma watched as Jack approached, her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat of hope. She longed to throw herself into his arms, to feel the warmth of his embrace once more, but fear held her back, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown.


Emma sat in the back of the bus, her heart racing. The other passengers chatted, oblivious to the turmoil inside her. She had followed Jack, her husband, to work, desperate to uncover the truth. Was he having an affair? The evidence had been mounting, and now she was here, disguised as a passenger, listening to their conversations.

An elderly man leaned across the aisle, whispering to his wife. "That new driver, Jack," he said. "They say he's got a mysterious past. Keeps to himself, never talks about his personal life."

His wife nodded. "I heard he lost someone he loved," she replied. "Maybe that's why he's so closed off."

Emma's guilt intensified. She had invaded his privacy, followed him like a shadow. But she needed answers. She had to know if their marriage was a lie.

The bus jolted, and Emma glanced at Jack. His strong hands gripped the wheel, his jaw set. His eyes, hidden behind sunglasses, seemed haunted. Guilt or grief? She couldn't tell.

As the bus wound through the mountain roads, Emma's resolve hardened. She would confront him. She would demand the truth. No more secrets. No more lies.

The other passengers continued their conversations, unaware of the storm brewing within her. Emma clenched her fists. She would face Jack, no matter the cost. Their marriage hung in the balance, and she wouldn't back down.

Emma steeled herself. She would find out the truth, even if it shattered her heart.