
Burnt Flames

Elizabeth Trowsa's life seems to finally be going the perfect way, however, it all comes crashing down when she and her fiance are suddenly kidnapped and tossed into a world of crime and revealing secrets. As her brothers struggle to rescue the duo, challenges are faced which bring into question the thought, "who can you really trust in a world such as this?"

RabidRabbit212 · Urban
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


The morning sun brisked the edges of the clearing, its rays lighting up the freshly fallen dew in an array of colours that sparkled off the flora radiently. Spring had just begun to announce its presence to the open space, romancing the air with the tender scent of blooming flowers and the enchanting melodies of the newly-returned songbirds. Trees on the sidelines shook their stiff spines in tune with the wind, while shrubs presented their buds to the sky, stretching to escape the overcast shadows of the night. No snow from the winter months remained to blanket the ground, long melted away, but its refreshing presence had filled springs and brought streams to their brims in memory. Small rodents shoved open their burrows, trampling freely over the land and skirting up trunks. Fowl fluttered from branch to branch with ease.

Hushedly, from a break in the treeline, a young woman brushed through, her footsteps gentle upon the soft earth beneath her as she travelled. Her bare toes curled against the soil, tendrils of grass tickling her ankles, and she sighed, content. Eyes flickered up, observing with glee the glowing scenery, and brazenly, the late adolescent, humbly named Elizabeth, stepped from the shadows, shivering as the warmth from the sun embraced her. She giggled as a light passing breeze ruffled the underside of her skirt, lifting it around her thighs, and in childish whimsy, spun to contend the waves. Her lips parted as she twirled, cheeks flushing to a light rose at the motion.

A golden braid swung behind the teen, lightly tapping against the centre of her spine as she danced further into the clearing. She giggled, entranced by the natural beauty. Dropping softly to her knees, Elizabeth ran a stray palm over the grass, enjoying the sensation that it brought forth. Her fingers plucked a random strand, lifting it to her lips and steadily blowing until it fluttered through the air, landing paces away. The wind whistled as it passed.

A rustle in the trees had the woman twisting around, eyes glancing over the flora curiously. She smirked at the silhouette that ducked quickly behind an oversized trunk, but in mirth, returned to her previous position, letting her legs curl beneath her. Quietly, she began to hum, a melodic tune that easily spurred from her lungs, and which eased the atmosphere into deeper serenity. Her shoulders drooped, body naturally relaxing as she inhaled deeply. Light footsteps began to creep from behind, but Elizabeth ignored their approach, letting her eyelids drift to a shut. Only when muscular arms wound their way around her midsection did she open them again, gasping as she was lifted into the air unexpectedly.

She shrieked, laughing as the greenery bled together into a blur, her stomach dropping at the upward motion. The limbs tightened, slowing in their ascent at her cry. Gently, the owner of the arms lowered the teen until she was standing upright on her own accord, before releasing and backing away. Elizabeth spun around, excitedly grinning as she threw herself forward. A man caught her, hands automatically finding purchase on her hips, a mischievous smirk adorning his face. His blue eyes were alight with humor, and together they chuckled, panting at the exertion each had supplied.

"Got you." Ducking his head, the man pressed a light peck against Elizabeth's lips, pulling away before she could return the endearment. He laughed at her exasperated glare.

"No fair; that was cheating Carlos." Her arms clamped around the back of his neck, holding the man in place as she rose onto her tiptoes. She frowned in playful irritation when he denied her another kiss, his head tilted aside. A disgruntled groan escaped her. Amusement lit up Carlos' face, and a devious look soon narrowed his eyes. His touch briefly disappeared from her hips, and Elizabeth gasped as a hand squeezed at her rump, tugging her closer, lips pressing tenderly below the lobe of her ear.

"I cheated, did I?" She shivered as Carlos' breath caressed across her sensitive skin, all rational thoughts halting in her mind. Her heartbeat began to speed up in trepidation as he began to softly kiss down her neck. The man chuckled as he pressed over a particularly delicate nerve. "Can you ever forgive me, my love?" She shut her eyes, panting, immediately forgetting the reason for her ire. Carlos paused his ministrations as his fiancée moaned, unconsciously grinding her hips. He leant back, smirking when her wanting eyes met with his, begging for him to carry on. She cursed aloud at the realization that he had no intentions of continuing.

"I hate it when you do that."

"Your body begs to differ." A lone hand pressed against Elizabeth's stomach, and she shivered at the touch. With his free hand, Carlos cupped her cheek, letting his thumb rub over the soft texture of her lips, plump from her arousal. Slowly, drawing out the anticipation, he bent down, letting his lips mold against hers, the kiss growing more passionate and heated as they maintained contact. Elizabeth's hands gripped into his hair, tugging him down to her height, and readily, he complied.

Her eyes were disappointed when he once again pulled back, but Carlos chuckled softly, easing the tension. "Trust me, I would love to continue, but there are better places, I can assure you." He gestured to their surroundings, reminding her of the clearing in which they stood. "Besides, I think your brothers might have something to say if we arrived late to brunch."

Elizabeth grinned briefly, mind flashing to the two overprotective men she knew as her siblings. They would certainly come looking if she didn't show soon. With a defeated exhale, she glanced at the sky, observing where the sun had already cast its light.

"We should get going." Carlos took her hand at her sigh, fingers intertwining familiarly.

"There's always tonight, by the way." He tossed her a toothy smile, and then, with slightly dragging footsteps, watching the way her cheeks bled red as she realized the meaning behind his words, led Elizabeth towards the beaten trail that marked their path. They ducked underneath the overgrown branches, leaving the warmth of the sun for the shadows of the forest, their lovestruck giggles echoing as they exited the scenic post. Carlos tightened his grip, smirking.