

Chen Xin is a very disadvantaged child in the world of soul masters cursed with a power too powerful for his body to handle leading to his death. however fortune smiles upon him as in his death he finds himself reincarnated into the world of swallowed stars and to make matters even better he retains the power that led to his death in the previous world granting him an incredible boost in his new life.

XGreenleaf · Others
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14 Chs

Chapter 11;

After the two of them had come to a common consensus no one else could force them to do anything, then from the back of the team someone stepped forward he was a short guy but with an exaggerated muscular structure, He said his name was Di Fang, he says that he awakened the Diamond body on breakthrough to planet level and he follows the path of ground laws,

He says that although his comprehensive is extremely low he has managed to awaken a self-incarnating domain with a single layer and a slight portion of ground origin laws, the leader of the group then says that if they want a defender then Di Fang is the best there is, even he cannot break through Di Fang's defence, but that doesn't mean a planet star level beast won't.

Chen Xin says that he will deal with that part. As they conclude the shield around the city continuously cracks and it will soon shatter, the three teams set off and head for their beast, However, these beasts don't wait for them to attack though, as the three teams separate the three beasts also disperse each taking a different direction.

Chen Xin speaks up at this moment telling them that the beasts are trying to draw them apart so that they cannot get reinforcements when one of them is suppressed, he tells the rest of the teams to be careful, and after this, he returns to his Azure dragon transformation rising to 2.5 metres, the Abyss splitting halberd appears in his hands and surprisingly it rises to 3 meters tall, 

Within 100 metes around him, the world turns moist as Azure energy appears turning the environment into a watery atmosphere, within these Azure waves small Mountains of ice start manifesting, the Mountains have the base of a snowflake and the body of a glacier.

Lei Jing has released his body as well directly unleashing the seventh stage of the thunder blade method, along with the Thunder body, his armor obtains the same engravings that had appeared before except this time they seem more complex like the mysteries beneath them deepened, at the same time a domain spreads from his body, 

You would have expected that his domain would collide with the Azure dragon domain but shockingly when they came close to each other they simply phased into each other turning the Azure dragon waves electric with Lightning flashing through the waves like super fast fishes, Di Fang also releases his domain

Suddenly all across his body, his armour gains a crystal line exo skeleton condensed from energy, this exo skeleton mirrored the appearance of diamond crystals and with this, he summons his weapons, the first was a massive shield that looked incredibly heavy, the shield was over 2 meters tall and about a meter wide perfect for hiding a human body, 

However, in Di Fang's hands, it didn't seem to weigh anything at all. his second weapon was a pair of gauntlets made from a deep brown metal studded with gold and diamond properties. the space around the gauntlets seemed to tremble meaning the gloves could be treasures, 

However, he too didn't seem to be rejected by the two joint domains, as they are wondering Chen Xin tells them that with his domain as the groundwork, they could fuse their domains and make them feed off each other having their abilities spread to all three members of the team.

By this time they had already arrived at the Gorrila and Di Fang utilized the lightning power in the domain to rush forward and collide with the beast while Lei Jing instantly unleashed his Myriad sword formation generating a total of 19 formations and releasing endless phantom blades, however, these phantom blades also contained the sturdiness of the ground laws as well as the weight of the ice and water law as well as the sharp power of ice.

This was literally the strongest form of the Myriad sword formation he had ever unleashed and its power was shocking, driven by the planet level 9 spirit power these blades were incredibly powerful, and fast while riding the lightning waves, at the same time Ice chains erupted all over the domain strangling the gorilla, although they didn't hold it for long they also cancelled its momentum as the cold poison seeped into its body slowing down its reaction.

However this gorilla wasn't something easy to deal with the three silver lines on its back glowed as it exploded with thunder energy and attacked them once more, they kept staving it off and pestering it with attacks left and right but what they didn't know was that the Aura from Chen Xin's dragon transformation was also slightly depressing the gorilla so it could never release its true strength,

While they seemed to be handling it just fine, the other teams were struggling against their teams, At some point while they were fighting the gorillas in the city shield shattered and beasts started running inside, however, it wasn't long before more reinforcements came in and soon the beasts were chased out of the city but the beasts outside the city were way too much so even after clearing the city the best they could do was hold the city.

They couldn't advance outwards as that would spread them thin, Chen Xin was observing all this as he fought against the gorilla, he hadn't released any attacks yet and focused on manipulating the fusion domain to control the gorilla, from the side that thought was the strongest with one peak planet level 9 and two mid planet level 9s they were actually in the worst situation the gorilla they faced seemed to be much stronger than the rest and it had greatly suppressed them, the third side had reached a standoff where no side had any advantage while only their side had an advantage.

As he watched the strongest Gorilla grabbed one of the mid-star level 9 warriors before he could escape and the Gorilla tore him apart by his waist and discarded his two parts as far apart as possible was out of the fight and the remaining two wouldn't last long against it.

Chen Xin made a rough estimate and discovered that this gorilla had actually reached star level 2 which placed it in a class above them, Seeing this Chen Xin suddenly grabbed his Abyss halberd, he unleashed the first move of the Abyss halberd, or at least the move he had improved for himself, previously it was called the Abyss overlord strike,

it would condense the energy into a massive energy spear with sharp penetrating power to attack the opponent. However after improvement, it became the Abyss overlord dragon strike, the energy spear was now coated with illusory dragon scales and carried with it the aura of the dragon bloodline which made it even sharper and the spear more powerful.

As he launched this attack the spear carried the attributes in the domain making it even stronger than it should be, at the same time Lei Jing was also releasing the electric eel formation his eel now had 19 blades only one blade from the perfect form, however, it also carried the joint energy of three fusion domains, as the two attacks approached Di Fang ran away from the gorilla as he could feel the terrifying energy fluctuations approaching, as he ran away the Gorilla wanted to escape but Ice chIns appeared and entangled it once more 

Although it was just for a fraction of a second that was all the lightning-powered attacks needed to arrive on it, after several attacks before, its defence was weakened and so these powerful attacks passed straight through it and annihilated its body. Chen Xing collected the crystal core and turned to the two dispersing the joint domain, he told them that the other two teams were in trouble and they had already lost one planet level 9 warrior with more almost losing their lives, 

the two look around realizing the situation of the other two teams, he turns to Lei Jing and says that Lei Jing should follow Di Fang and help the second team exterminate the second star-level beast meanwhile he will head to the third team that is in the worst condition, Di Fang asks whether it wouldn't be safe for all three of them to reinforce the third team as their joint domain could do wonders, 

Chen Xins says that that would be good except the second team won't last long enough without reinforcements and the city cannot take much more to this siege before falling, as they turned to the city they realized that the defence ring had already entered the city and some of the building had already fallen from the fighting.

Looking at the beautiful city that was on the verge of destruction Di Fang swallows hard and he agrees he then faces Lei Jing and the two head off towards the second team while Chen Xin heads to the third team, as he approached he first releases a powerful resonant dragon roar that echoes across the entire battlefield, this roar seeds fear and terror into the hearts of all the beasts granting the warriors a slight advantage however this wouldn't last long, 

The Star level 2 Gorilla reacts first by releasing a counter roar however the dragon chant suddenly turns deeper and some beasts even start shivering failing to move even one step, this was another innate ability of the Azure Dragon, called the Roar of the Azure dragon, 

This roar carried a spirit-suppressing power of the dragon clan making all beasts that hear it to unwillingly bow towards the king of all beasts, this affected all beasts in the field however the Star level 2 gorilla quickly broke free and grabbed another mid-planet level 9 warrior and tore him in hand as well before tossing him aside,

it had sensed a dangerous aura from the oncoming dragon warrior and wanted to get rid of the pesky warriors before he arrived, however, the last warrior was powerful and he resisted its grasp Chen Xin took this chance to launch the third move of the Abyss Halberd called the Spear of Destruction however it too was enhanced by dragon power making it much more dangerous.

the attacking aura stunned the Gorilla forcing it to take this attack seriously attack was a blue-gold energy blast filled with destructive intent as it landed on the Gorilla the domain also appeared around them, Chen Xin used the domain waves to drive the peak planet level 9 warrior away ad the Gorilla broke through the attack and launched itself at the two of them,

Seeing this Chen Xin threw the peak warrior away as he took the full blow of a feral Star level 2 silver back thunder gorilla, the blast was filled with enormous thunder energy that bypassed his domain landing on his armour and the force blasted him away, he flew across the battlefield landing in the city several kilometres away, 

as he got up this time his nose and mouth were bleeding, his chest had some broken ribs and this was after the armour had taken most of the impact, if it wasn't for the armour he could have injured his major organs and received serious injury, although it wouldn't kill him, it would take him a long time to heal, 

Furious at this action he unleashed his last trump card and burned his blood instantly with the effect of blood burning his power was elevated once again, his body rose to 3 meters tall and all his injuries healed instantly, that aura from his body rose straight to the sixth step of Star level, 

He rose from the city and rushed back to the field of battle as the Abyss halberd vanished from his hands replaced by the Sea dragon pillar, as he approached he unleashed the Azure Dragon roar once again but this time the effect was multiplied by about a hundred times, several beasts fainted don't he spot because this roar carried a lot of anger and killing intent.

At the same time, he unleashed the Sea dragon Pillar's earth-splitting strike, as they watched the 3-meter-long sea dragon pillar suddenly enlarge reaching 50 meters long and about 10 meters wide it also carried massive energy fluctuations that made even the warriors feel suppressed 

the Azure dragon domain enlarged to over 1000 meters long encompassing the big part of the battlefield and it was suddenly directed in a single direction reaching over 10 kilometres, within this single direction the Star level 2 Gorrilla was trapped and Chen Xin who had now turned feral as well Swung the sea dragon Pillar bringing it down and crushing the Gorilla into pieces, the shock wave rolled across the Arena wiping out a massive part of the beasts and making the city tremble.

However, after this strike, he didn't make any more moves but simply recalled the sea dragon pillar into the ring and remained floating in space, his body returned to his usual 1.8 meters but still released a massive dragon impression Aura, without any means to fight back these beasts were slaughtered to extinction, After this no one was willing to get close to Chen Xin and they all gathered on the ground around him.

After a while Lei Jing flew up to him, as he reached Chen Xin, he found the other had been drained by that strike, he had expended a lot of his power before by controlling the fusion domain and maintaining his domain active for all that time while also releasing two powerful moves.

When you add the final move it would be a miracle if he still had a lot of energy left to fight, however, his massive recovery ability had helped him hold on and regain enough strength to pass for simply exhausted. regardless of which way you put it, he was the best contributor to this victory.

Apart from single-handedly defeating a star level 2 beast, he had suppressed hundreds of thousands of beasts and his single full-power strike's explosive power had killed at least a thousand of them. with hundreds of thousands to millions of beasts on the field, one warrior eliminating a thousand is way too big of a contribution let alone two star-level beasts.

Although one could say that one of the beasts was killed by the combined efforts of three warriors in reality the killing power was mostly from Chen Xin and Lei Jing, this is because when Lei Jing tried the same strike against the second team's beast it wasn't as effective, maybe it was the absence of two domains but the power was much less than the former.

however, Chen Xin went on to single-handedly eliminate the most powerful beast that even a peak ninth-step planet-level warrior had failed to kill. the killing strike was so powerful that it had eliminated several ninth-step and eighth-step planet-level beasts that were close to the star-level beast.

After a fight like this, his potential was extremely excited and Chen Xin also took this chance to absorb as much energy from the planet as possible, With the Sea Dragon pillar appeared once again and stood at the centre of the battlefield like a pillar holding up heaven and earth, the pillar was over 100 meters tall and close to 30 meters wide.

At the top of the pillar, Chen Xin sat in meditation and started meditating, with the Sea Dragon pillar as a guide, all the life and blood energy of the beasts that had died in the field including the three-star level beasts was drawn into the sea dragon pillar. this left their bodies desiccating and turning to dust, he didn't touch any of the beats crystals not because he couldn't but rather because he wanted to leave something behind for the rest.

the life and blood energy of a star-level beast was massive however to the dragon bloodline it was only slightly good, After the pillar processed these energies they were infused into Chen Xin's body as vital life energy, first things first he recovered his blood essence which he had burned for his last attack and once his blood essence was back to optimum condition he could now turn the rest of the power into cultivation energy.

With a thought the power seeped into the sixth ice moon solidifying it and further condensing it until in the end, it shone with a bright lustre like the first five, with this the seventh moon started taking form except it was illusory, with the appearance of the seventh moon the size of the Azure planet changed making it slightly bigger and the power raging at its surface even purer

As he was focusing on the planet, subtle engravings started taking shape on the planet, these engravings were deep and mysterious but to Chen Xin, they seemed clear and he could tell these were secrets of the strength and origin of water.

this was the personalization of the original laws, with this appearance he suddenly felt something click inside him, his control over the water power suddenly became deeper, on the planet, along with the endless sea and ice mountains now appeared patches of snow sitting on top of the glacier mountains, the surface of the ice moons aldo received a strange wing blowing around them, this was a strange white frost but this frost was filled with snowflakes, 

With this, there was a tug in his chest and his domain appeared once more, the domain suddenly materialized a third layer as traces of snow swirled around the ice mountains within the Azure waves, His domain had evolved a third layer meaning he had grasped the second layer of the water laws, and had now started practising the third layer of the water laws.

With this, the aura in his body also condensed and his seventh step condensed even further until he reached the peak of the seventh step. if he was powerful at the mid-level of the sixth step then how strong would he be at the peak of the seventh step, everyone knew the breakthrough from the third to fourth step was vital but the breakthrough from the sixth to the seventh step was known as the foundation to the star level.

the accumulation of each step after that would affect one's breakthrough to the next realm, a breakthrough that happened with the grasp of a layer of origin laws was as strong as it could get. All it took him was a few hours after a battle to condense this foundation, his cultivation talent was terrifying.

Suddenly there was a tremor as the sea dragon pillar suddenly started shrinking, first slowly and then all of a sudden it shrank so fast that it seemed to vanish from sight, in its place were Chen Xin and Lei Jing standing side by side looking down at the people around them, among them were two people that stood out.

One was a red-haired man seemingly in his early thirties, he was dressed in red gold armour wielding a black gold broad sword whose surface resembled flowing lava and his aura was hot like a volcano while the other was a black-haired man of similar age, he was dressed in Cyan armour he wielded a simple green and white spear and if one didn't focus on him he seemed to blend in with the breeze around him.

these two were the Governor of Mingbao City and the head of the Mingbao branch of the thunder guild respectively, the former had become a sixth step planet level warrior while the latter was still at the fifth step of the planet level. Looking at Chen Xin's gaze and the look on his face everyone felt something was wrong.