With a quick speed up buff, he was running at a lightning-fast speed towards the enemy.
Accel: Enhancing user’s attributes for 12 seconds by 20% at the cost of 20% mana essence.
Looking at him, the kid took a step forward to face him. He took out his staff and began chanting a ground distortion spell.
Shapeshift: Allows user ability to manipulate the element Earth at his will
As Theo closed in, he seemed to have gotten to slow down, but he wasn’t, the ground below him had turned into a rolling carpet making him slow down.
“Childish spells! Can you not do any better?” This angered him even more, ‘Leap’, another spell and he quickly moved to a safer spot, in a sideways motion.
He was using unusually more skills, causing him to run low on Mana Essence not that he cared at the moment.