
Goldie! Shameless!

Joseph narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean? Do you think I... have sex with you?"

Isabella gritted his teeth and said with rage, "You were taking advantage of my perilous state. You are a beast!"

Joseph bent over, grabbed Isabella by the chin, and lifted her. He said angrily, "Who took advantage of the situation? You stupid woman, don't you know if you have sex with others?"

"How would I know when I'm drunk?" Isabella said with despair.

Joseph was very angry. "If you have sex with me, do you think you can still sit here comfortably! Isabella! How dare you curse me! You are risking your neck!"

As he spoke, he pulled Isabella up. "Go back. Today, I will let you know what it means that you can't get out of bed!"

"Help! Grandpa!"

A cat meowed.

Suddenly, something jumped into Joseph's arms. Joseph was surprised. He let go of Isabella and took two steps back to look at what was on the ground.

A kitten with tiger-skin patterns were baring its teeth at him, meowing.