
Burning Emotions

TWO BROKEN SOULS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ As he took one step closer, his muscles made direct contact with every fibres of my body, and i could feel my skin becoming hotter than an erupted volcano. " I tell you, miss- kitty, there are many ways to tame a cat. " "...... " ~~~~~~~~ After her mom left for good, Cassandra Thorne aims for a calm and peaceful life with one rule, NEVER FALL FOR THAT SHIT CALLED LOVE!!. She rides in a smooth boat With a new Life, a lovely best friend and a troublesome sister, nothing could go wrong. Right? You know, FATE has a natural way of smashing us right in the face about things we so much ignore. What happens when her boat of roses comes crashing into the very island of the tamer, THE ALMIGHTY AMBROSE WILLIAMS? what happens when she takes up the job of babysitting Mr. Tamer's daughter? Will our sweet little Cassie be tamed, or will she tame the Tamer? And what happens, when the past came hunting? Just as the saying~ "..It's hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love.. " Join me as we groove through the love triangle of Cassandra Thorne and her Tamer, Ambrose Williams.

Penrose_love · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Three> Annabelle



"Can I have a cheesecake ice cream, with strawberries on top? " She asked again, tapping most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.

She was tapping her little fingers on the counter impatiently.

" Oh dear, One cheesecake ice cream coming right up! " I smiled and rushed to the back of the counter to get her order ready.

I can't believe I got so lost in the eyes of a little girl.

She was dressed in a bright yellow sundress and her Black hair was held in two buns with two yellow clips, She had a fancy white scarf around her neck and bands of different colors on her right wrist.

She looked so young... I bet she could be five... four... I don't know.

My eyes flickered from behind the counter to the little girl who already took a seat on a stool.

I could start a little conversation with her, no?

" So.... UHM... Are you here alone? " I asked from across the counter, waiting for the crust to chill.

" Yes." That was all she said.

" Oh ok, cool." Well, that was awkward. " So what's your name little girl? " I looked at her from over the counter.

Her eyes lit up at this. " I have alot of names! My daddy calls me Ann, Aunty Mary Jane calls me Anna, Grandma calls me little princess, Grandpa calls me little one, Mr. Grumpy calls me youngie..."

" Mr Grumpy? "

" Mh mh, the old man who follows me around." She climbed down from the stool and walked to me.

I squatted to her level. " Oh nice, so you have a bodyguard? "

She was playing with the scarf on her neck. " He's not a bodyguard, he cooks delicious meals for me and Daddy and plays with me when daddy is at work. "

" Oh that's nice, So what do you want me to call you?"

Her face lit up at this as she brought her little fingers to her face in a thinking position, but she was soon distracted by something outside.

" oh is that your Grandma? " She pointed at the old woman at one corner of the store.

I straightened, moving to the ice cream machine. " No but she is my friend."

"Your friend? "

"mh mh."

Her blue eyes glittered at this. " Can she be my friend too? "

"Of course!"

"I'll go ask her then! " she exclaimed and skipped off.

such a weird kid.

I focused my attention on the work beforehand, Cheesecake ice cream wasn't that difficult to make but it wasn't a regular order here so we rarely provided it.

Few minutes later I was done.

I walked to the counter and found her talking to the old woman at one corner of the shop so I walked to them to deliver her order.

" Here's your yummy Cheesecake ice cream! Enjoy." I placed the order down and turned to leave.

" Old Lady says she will be my friend and I gave her this." She pointed at the blue band on the old lady's wrist. " And am giving you this as my friend! " She took a pink band from the many ones on her wrist,  pulled my wrist to her and wore it on me. " Oh and she is telling me a story, can you seat with us? " She pulled my hand at this, her eyes shining brighter.

" Of course!" The day was getting boring anyway.

She smiled at this, tapping on a chair close to her.

I was about to seat when the door bell clicked and a group of men rushed in.

"Annabelle! "

The little girl turned her direction to the old man who called her name in surprise. "Mr. Grumpy? "

The old man rushed to her and squatted.

"We have seen the young miss sir! " An old man rushed to her as he talked with someone on the phone. "Yes sire....she is ok sir.... yes sir." He hands the phone to her. " Your father wishes to speak with you."

Annabelle took the phone.

" Daddy? "

The entire store was silent and the atmosphere was tensed, the old man was occasionally sending a glare to my direction and it made me uncomfortable.

I  could study from Annabelle's facial expression as well that the conversation wasn't going well.

"Yes Daddy." She speaks lowly and gives the phone to the old man. " Daddy said you should take me home Mr. Grumpy, he says no more outing for me. "

The man picks her on his arm and walked to the  door, giving some instructions to the other men, he walked out to the car that was parked outside the shop as a man walks to me. "Here is for the inconveniences miss, have a nice day. " He threw a bundle of money at me and walked out.


That was harsh.


I didn't say much after what happened, Mrs. Johnson left the store and I closed for the day.

It took hours before I got to the apartment I shared with Danny since I got stuck in traffic, which was a sea of chaos. Yellow taxi cabs slammed into the small spaces between each vehicle, and the sound of cars beeping rang in my ears for the entire ride.

I felt the long hours of stress and was ready to take a long hot bath as I made my way to our mini apartment. I opened the door with the code, shutting it behind me. The place wasn't that big but it was widely comfortable for the both of us. It was spacious with a brown sofa in the living room and a separate chair to accompany a tv set.

A coffee table was planted in the middle of the living room and in the dinning room, a four-seated dining table was placed. Dan had portraits of her young self and her mom all over the blue walls giving it a homey look.

Although Danny's mom was rich, she never experience the motherly love I once had.

Now I just thought of my mom.

I moved away from the living room to my room which I wouldn't say much about. I could  just describe it as.... Homey, with a single bed, a wardrobe, a study table and my own bathroom.

My phone pinged inside my bag, I knew it was a text from Danny. I believe she texted probably to inform me of her spending the night with her new boyfriend..... well whatever.

I dropped the bag on the already made bed and slumped on it. My eyes shot out to the pink band on my wrist as I thought of the little girl of today, Annabelle was her name. The moment I saw her, I immediately took a liking to her and her petite figure, I really wish I could see see her again.

My phone pinged again.

I took it out of the bag and a message popped up.

~Hey Cassie my lovesss, you home already? I'll be hope tomorrow and am so sorry I didn't inform you on time but Ivan is so sweet and insisted I stay with him at  his house today and I agreed and Omg I'll talk to you tomorrow!!!!!

I love you!!!!

from your only love, Danny~

Well I guessed right then.

At least, she is not in danger.

~  Alright Danny, take care and I love you too~ I texted back.

Flipping the phone to the bed, I undressed and walked into the bathroom with all the intentions of completely enjoying my bath and my night alone.