
⇍ Chapter 3 ⇏

Whispers going around while they walked through the hallway. "When did they actually associate with people?"

"Look, they have cute boys with them!" "They always go for the bad girls," "Sigh, they deserve much better than those… freaks,"

"Great, there's more of them, we can't have a freak free school! Is that too much to ask?!" Boy yelled.

"The freaks have heard you and do have a death wish?" Momo said, cracking her knuckles. "Ha, what does a little girl like you can do?!" He said, looking down on her.

The girls looked unconcerned, but the boys looked at her questionably. "Watch carefully, Arai, this is Momo's specialty," Grace said.

Momo was suddenly in the parallel stance. "Right jab!" Grace shouted and Momo punched with her right-hand and sent the belittling man towards the wall.

Mouths are ajar. Momo looking at Arai with a pure smile which the girls knew it wasn't anything good.

"I'm so excited about your training! Are you?" Momo asked with a mischievous look in her eyes.

He gulps silently. "Yup! Can't wait… " He said scurried off to class with Momo behind him.

"Best be going now, come along Rikatsu," Teagan said and walked off with Rikatsu. Grace and Kao were the only ones left.

Grace and Kao nod at each other and walk to their class. School went by fast, and they all home got changed, and the others came to Grace's house.

Kai answered the door this time. "Welcome girls, come on in," The girls walk in and when the boys tried to come in he closed the door on them.

"Kai, you might wanna open the door," Momo said while looking at Grace who was behind him.

"Why should I?!" Kai asked defiantly. "This is my home and I decide who comes into my house!" Kai said proudly.

"You haven't been here in 6 months and still say this is your house?! You ain't paid the bills in those 6 months, I did! Until you pay me off, I run this house!" Grace said from behind.

Kai broke down, wondering how she got the money to pay the rent. He was crying on the floor.

"Come on in, boys," Grace said, and they all walk in seeing a grown man crying on the ground. "Backyard. Let's go," Grace said, walking away from her crying father.

The others followed suit. "Let the training begin. Teagan, in that corner, teach him a way to kill even being the center of attention. Momo teach him martial arts, but keep him in one piece, in my dojo," Grace said.

"Dismissed," she said, and they went off to their thing. "Kao you're with me. I want you to close your eyes and imagine a light gust of wind swirling around you," Grace said.

Kao nods and does as his given instructions. The wind started moving around him. "Good. Now think of stronger like almost knocking you over but try to keep it in this space," Grace said while slightly standing back.

Kao tried doing as told but couldn't really control it. Kao started going out of control and a wind storm started brewing, and Kao started levitating.

"Kao! Can you hear me?!" Grace yelled and looked at him. He gave no response and started levitating higher and higher.

"It's not working! He's getting away!" Momo yelled and ran towards Grace with Arai. Teagan runs towards Grace. She goes toward Rikatsu as well.

"What are we gonna do? He keeps on getting higher!" Rikatsu said, worrying about his twin brother.

That's when Kai comes out. "I want everyone inside! There's a giant wind storm coming soon!" Kai yells.

"Um, daddy we're kinda about to deal with it," Grace said. Kai looked up and saw Kao and understood what she meant.

Kao was rising higher by the second and didn't seem to come down anytime soon.

Kai went back inside to "protect" Misaki. "Girls…" Grace said, and they both looked at her.

"Give me a boost," Grace said and smirked. They both nodded and Grace was standing on Teagan and Momo's hands, and they tossed her up with all their might.

They launched Grace into the air and came up short and applied fire to the soles of her shoes to boost her up.

They were damn near the equator at this point. Grace gave it one final boost and grabbed him. She did something that no one else would expect to snap him out of it.

When he snapped out of it, he passed out because of the elemental overuse. She grabbed him and started free-falling.

You know, for fun. But when she was nearing her worrying friends, she slowly started to land on the ground with everyone surrounding them.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for saving my brother," Rikatsu saying, sighing in relief.

"I won't turn my back on my friends. They mean the world to me! That includes you guys too," Grace said.

"Don't tell him I said any of that. That would be very embarrassing," Grace said acting like a normal girl for once throwing everyone off.

"Is anyone gonna take him off my hands or am I gonna have to carry him home?" Grace asked in her normal tone.

"You carry him, I'm sore, because of Teagan's harsh training," Rikatsu said. "At least you're not bruised. I can barely walk," Arai said.

Grace sighs and shakes her head. "Lead the way Rikatsu," Grace said and followed Rikatsu to a nice-looking house that looked like it had two floors.

Rikatsu unlocks the door and walks in following Rikatsu. The twins' parents were sitting on the couch.

Rikatsu facepalms and tries to walk behind the couch and go unnoticed, but that never happens.

"Welcome back 'katsu. Ah, who is this?" The woman said, assuming to be their mother.

"What's wrong with Kaokao? How is she able to carry him?" the woman asked. "Ariya calm down! But that's a good question," he asked, looking me up and down.

"This is Grace Akari, who is the leader of the group we're in," Rikatsu said, "Huh? A girl is the boss? Funny, why aren't you or your brother in charge," The man.

"Akio," Ariya said in warning. "The reason is her anger is explosive, and she's powerful," Rikatsu saying that while scooching away from Grace just in case she kicks him.

"Explosive? Powerful? What a joke. I want to test this for myself," Akio said while standing up.

He towers over her. "Get me a knife, Rikatsu. Or do you think I should use my elemental?" Grace said while setting Kao on the couch with his mother.

"Elemental, just don't completely burn him," Rikatsu said, not wanting to move his sore body.

Ariya stood up and Rikatsu sat where she was. Grace, Akio, and Ariya walk outside. "Akio you're about to fight a 16-year-old girl. Think about it! You might hurt her," Ariya said, trying to talk some sense into her husband.

"If Rikatsu said she was powerful, she should be. We both boys are stronger than me, so should she," Akio said while stretching.

"Miss, I think you watch from there. It'll be safer," Grace said. She nodded and watched from the window.

"I promised Rikatsu I wouldn't burn you to a crisp. But prepare yourself," Grace said.

The yard started to smolder from Grace's glare. Akio charged at Grace and tried to grab her, but she easily avoided his big callous hands.

He finally got his hands on her, but regretted it instantly. His hands were burnt, and he immediately released her.

"Why is your body so hot?!" Akio yelled. "What do you mean? This is my normal body temperature. Wanna see how hot it is when I'm angry?" Grace asked, smiling.

"Nope! I'll pass. I have wounds to heal on my hands. I will accept you as their leader," Akio said before walking inside and Kao was awake.

He walked outside and up to Grace. "So why are Dad's hands burnt?" Kao asked. "Your dad challenged me to a fight and lost. Don't worry I promised not to burn him to a crisp, to your brother," Grace said reassuringly.

"Oh okay. Oh, about earlier…" Kao said, and Grace's cheeks flushed and looked away. "Heh, you look like a normal girl now," Kao said, chuckling slightly.

Grace was grumbling and walking home and Kao went inside and both slept.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rayace_Venuscreators' thoughts