
Burn Me (Bakugo x Reader)

In a world where quirks grant extraordinary abilities, freedom becomes a precious commodity, and the pursuit of heroism takes a daunting turn. "Burn Me” unravels a gripping tale of liberation and resilience as you break the shackles of oppression to discover the true meaning of heroism. Forced to seize your freedom, you face a defining moment when you defy a malevolent machine sapping your quirk's power. Stepping forth to protect the iconic hero ‘All Might’ from a merciless villain, who once subjected you to torment and manipulation, you mark the turning point in your own destiny. Having vanquished the villain, you secure not only your own freedom but also liberate two fellow prisoners, survivors of the villain's malevolence. However, amidst the haunting echoes of your past, a glimmer of hope arises as you are offered a remarkable opportunity—a full scholarship to the prestigious U.A. High School, renowned for nurturing aspiring heroes in Class 1-A of the Hero Course. Yet, with your soul tarnished and hands stained by your dark history, the question looms large: Can you embrace the mantle of a true hero, walking the path of light and virtue? In this enthralling narrative, you grapple with your inner demons, your past choices, and the potential for redemption. As you traverse the halls of U.A. High School, you must confront your doubts and fears, striving to heal your battered soul and prove that heroism knows no boundaries. “Burn Me” weaves a spellbinding tale of self-discovery, courage, and the unyielding human spirit. Join this transformative odyssey, where the journey towards becoming a hero demands not just extraordinary powers, but an indomitable will to rise above the shadows and into the radiance of true heroism. Will you find the strength to claim the light within and fulfill your destiny as a beacon of hope in a world yearning for heroes? Word Count: 165,377

SMVI · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter Twenty Five

Back in the arena, Bakugo waited impatiently for you to come running in late again. He felt the throbbing vein in his forehead getting bigger and bigger at each passing second.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!?" Bakugo snapped, small explosions went off in his hands.

After another handful of minuets, Midnight watched as Mr. President himself came running onto the scene. He dashed to Midnight's side on the stage and whispered in her ear.

"Ar-Are you kidding me!?" She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. Mr. President covered his mouth with one finger, letting Midnight know to keep the truth under wraps. Bakugo waited impatiently tapping his foot for the two heroes to stop whispering to each other.

Midnight stood up, looking around the crowd before sighing to herself, her heart heavy.

"It appears that (y/n) (l/n) has withdrawn from the competition!" Midnight announced.

"WHAT!?" Bakugo screeched, "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!?" Bakugo demanded to know, charging towards the teachers. "I'll kill her myself!"

"Katsuki Bakugo is the winner!"

"HELL NO!" Bakugo spat, "This isn't a real win for me until I beat that bitch-!" Pink smoke filled the area from Midnight, Bakugo slowly dropped to the ground.

"W-Well with that we have our first-year champion of the UA Sports Festival is Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1-A!"

Aizawa and Mr. President sped through the busy streets leaving UA and the sports festival in the review mirror. The two raced to the prison you were taken by Eizo. All Might, Midnight and the other teachers had to remain behind to finish off the sports festival.

"How could they have just taken her!?" Aizawa cursed, slamming his hand on the car door.

"They had the proper paperwork." Mr. President reminded your homeroom teacher. "I don't know how they got it through the system without it rising flags to us. All Might's detective friend is going to meet us at the prison."

"She is just a kid." Aizawa tightened his fists, "She has been imprisoned her entire life, how could that Eizo even want to put her behind bars!?"

"I don't know Aizawa-" Mr. President sighed; "-I just hope we get there in time before they lock her away."

~Three days later~

Aizawa walked into class Monday morning looking like more like a zombie than a schoolteacher.

"M-Mr. Aizawa?" Mina turned to her teacher as the class settled down; a slightly worried feeling crossed her chest. "Are you alright?"

Aizawa just stared at the young round faces of his students, the ones he had become so proud of. Aizawa saw how angry Bakugo still was about you not participating in the finals with him, he was glaring at the door waiting for you to walk in and explain yourself.

Aizawa glanced over Mina and Midoriya's face, all people Aizawa knew you were growing close too.

He let out a deep sigh.

"No-" Aizawa finally answered, "-strictly speaking, this conversation never existed." He said, confusing the students of class 1-A. "The words I am about to say cannot get out of this classroom."

"O-Of course." Midoriya nodded along with his classmates.

"On Friday-" Aizawa started, "-while (y/n) -" Bakugo perked up at the sound of your name, "-was in Recovery Girl's office resting up for her final match-" Aizawa trailed off getting lost in thought, raising the anticipation of the class.

"Well!?" Bakugo roughly jumped to his feet, his chair fell onto its back. "Where the hell is she!?" Bakugo demanded to know, "Did she chicken out!? Is that why she can't show her face-"

"(y/n) was arrested-" Aizawa cut Bakugo off, chills rolled down Class 1-A's skin. "-by the police, charged as a criminal and thrown in prison."

Bakugo's red eyes widened, and your classmates stomach's rolled over at the thought of you being locked up with a bunch of villains.

"Wh-What-!?" Midoriya breathed out. "-h-how-"

"We don't know." Aizawa replied, "We don't understand how we weren't alerted about this until it happened. The second she was taken we have been trying to get her released."

"Wh-What is taking so long!?" Momo asked,

"There is a lot of paperwork-" Aizawa rubbed his throbbing head, "-that declares her a villain. It's not as simple as just telling the police they are wrong, and she walks free."

"So..." Ochaco muttered, "... (y/n) has been in jail is whole time!?"

"Yes." Aizawa nodded.

"I think I'm going to be sick!" Mina gasped, holding her stomach.

"We need to do something!" Kirishima jumped to his feet. "We can't just sit around while (y/n) is locked up! That is like the most unmanliest thing you can do!"

"We are doing everything we can." Aizawa assured his class. "I thought you all deserved to know the truth, since you were all finally getting close to her."

"Is there anything we can do?" Kirishima asked, "Can't you take like our statements or something!?"

"Sadly no." Aizawa said, "We have to leave this in the hands of Mr. President and All Might."


"I trust you all to keep this to yourselves-" Aizawa ordered, "-when I know more, I'll let you know."

"What do we do in the meantime?" Jiro wondered.

"You continue with your life's." Aizawa answered, "You know that is what she would have wanted. Don't stop living and slacking on your training just because she is gone-"


"For now." Aizawa quickly corrected calming the classroom down.

Classes got out for lunch, Aizawa made his way to the teachers' lounge desperate for a quick nap. He has had not even an ounce of sleep in three days trying everything he could to get you released. Aizawa opened the door and saw All Might sulked over the table staring into a cup of cold tea.

"You ok?" Aizawa asked,

"No." All Might slowly shook his head.

"You heard back from your police friend?"



"His hands are tied-" All Might's stomach turned, he thought he might vomit. "-he has to make come calls."

"We are going to get her out." Aizawa placed a hand on his shoulder. "We will-"

"The last thing I said to her was so..." All might shakes his head, fighting back the urge to cry. "...I--she didn't deserve that-"

"She knows." Aizawa said,

"She was dragged out of here." All Might rubbed his face.

"Yeah, I talked to Recovery Girl too."

"The last thing she heard from anyone was so..." All Might's guilt was eating him alive.

"Well-" Aizawa said, "-she knows at least you and I are on her side."


"I talked to her before her match with Shoto."

"You did!?"


"What did you say!?"

"I just said we were proud of her, even though you're a so full of hot air you would come around and that we were always in her corner."

"Thank you Aizawa..."

"Yeah well...I was there to you know, I watched her save our asses from that psycho."

"It has been so fun watching her come out of her shell." All Might laughed.

"That it has-" Aizawa agreed with a small smile on his lips. "-that girl is something else."

"She is special."

"One of a kind."

~ One Week Later~

The next few days dragged through UA High School in a dulled blur. Most people are celebrating the festivals and for competing in it, but for Class 1-A they were too sick with worry about their classmate who was wrongfully imprisoned.

"Guys-!" Mina flew into class like a bat outta hell!

"Wh-What?" Midoriya stirred, still half asleep.

"Have you guys seen it!?"

"Seen what?" Jiro asked with a shrug.

"The video of (y/n)!" Mina threw her arms out.

"What video are you talking about?"

Mina quickly pulled up her phone, taking a seat as everyone collected around her.

"How did this get on the internet?" Midoriya wondered, seeing it was footage from the front of the prison.

"No idea!" Mina gushed, "But it is all over social media!"

"There's (y/n)!" Asui gasped pointing you out as you got off a bus, you were handcuffed and still muzzled wearing your gym uniform.

"She looks so tired." Ochaco sprouted tears in her eyes at the sight of you.

The guard removed the muzzle off your head as the warden spoke:

"You are the saddest bunch of criminals I have ever laid my eyes on!" The warden called, looking at each face.

Even Bakugo had collected around the phone, his eyes pinned onto you who was looking around the area.

"How long is this going to take?" You called out.

"What is she doing!?" Kirishima waved his hands dramatically at the phone.

"You got something to say inmate!?" The warden snapped in your face, you glared back at the man.

"You're the warden here-" You snapped right back with a dark laugh, "-who did you bang to get the job-" A punch to the side of your skull sent your head flying sideways.

"No!" Asui gasped covering her mouth with her hand.

"I see I hit a nerve-" You snickered, rotating your jaw. "-you're a spineless pathetic lot-" You laughed in the warden's face as he delivered another head spinning punch sending you flying to the ground, adding two kicks to your abdomen for good measure.

"Can he do that!?" Kirishima stood from his seat, getting riled up.

"I can tell you cut gym in high school-" You said getting up, blood dripping from between your lips. "-I'd say you hit like a girl, but I'd feel offended-" That earned another kick right across your face, pushing you back onto the ground.

"What the hell!?" Kirishima and others were getting worked up over something that had already happened. Bakugo clenched his jaw, his fists tightened the more that man hit you.

"Mhm-" You chuckled, looking back at the guard.

"Why does she keep getting up!?" Kaminari couldn't understand you!

"-don't worry-" You sneered; "-I'll make a man outta you."

"That's it-!" The warden spat as he kicked you once more, "-you're going to solitary!"

Once those words left his mouth you stopped trying to get up, you remained on the ground, stomach crumbled in pain as your brain was rattled inside its cage.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Mina shot up from her desk seeing the homeroom teacher walk into the room. "Did you-!?"

"We have already seen it." Aizawa put up his hand stopping the title wave of questions, "We have All Might's police friend already on the case for how the warden treated (y/n)."

"Why on earth did she do any of that!?" Ochaco pressed.

"We think-" Aizawa sighed, "-to get into solitary."

"Why would she want that?" Toru wondered.

"We believe since she stopped fighting back against the warden, and never threw a punch back, that was her goal."

"But why?"

"We still don't know the full extent of what she did while under Shadow Jack-" Aizawa reminded, "-we believe she had enemies there, either people she helped put there or crossed the wrong way. We think solitary was her only chance at survival, which is why she went so hard against the warden right away."

"I-I-" Ochaco shook her head, tears dripping down her face, "-she has to get out of there!"

"We are doing everything we can." Aizawa said, "I know it is frustrating, painful even. But we have to stay strong right now for her."

"Are we any closer at freeing her?" Jiro asked, Aizawa closed his eyes in response.

"How long can she possibly survive inside that prison!?" Toru cried,

"(y/n) is strong." Aizawa stated, "I believe she can hold her own until we can get to her."

"She shouldn't have too..." Mina sniffed, wiping the tear that fell down her face before anyone could spot it.