
Burn Me (Bakugo x Reader)

In a world where quirks grant extraordinary abilities, freedom becomes a precious commodity, and the pursuit of heroism takes a daunting turn. "Burn Me” unravels a gripping tale of liberation and resilience as you break the shackles of oppression to discover the true meaning of heroism. Forced to seize your freedom, you face a defining moment when you defy a malevolent machine sapping your quirk's power. Stepping forth to protect the iconic hero ‘All Might’ from a merciless villain, who once subjected you to torment and manipulation, you mark the turning point in your own destiny. Having vanquished the villain, you secure not only your own freedom but also liberate two fellow prisoners, survivors of the villain's malevolence. However, amidst the haunting echoes of your past, a glimmer of hope arises as you are offered a remarkable opportunity—a full scholarship to the prestigious U.A. High School, renowned for nurturing aspiring heroes in Class 1-A of the Hero Course. Yet, with your soul tarnished and hands stained by your dark history, the question looms large: Can you embrace the mantle of a true hero, walking the path of light and virtue? In this enthralling narrative, you grapple with your inner demons, your past choices, and the potential for redemption. As you traverse the halls of U.A. High School, you must confront your doubts and fears, striving to heal your battered soul and prove that heroism knows no boundaries. “Burn Me” weaves a spellbinding tale of self-discovery, courage, and the unyielding human spirit. Join this transformative odyssey, where the journey towards becoming a hero demands not just extraordinary powers, but an indomitable will to rise above the shadows and into the radiance of true heroism. Will you find the strength to claim the light within and fulfill your destiny as a beacon of hope in a world yearning for heroes? Word Count: 165,377

SMVI · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight

"He-Hey sorry I am late-!" Midoriya came jogging into the living room, turning the conversation and spot light onto him.


"What are you doing here?" Mina added.

You and Midoriya locked eyes.

"I-I well-" Midoriya physically began to sweat.

"I thought you said you had training today?" Kaminari mindlessly commented.

"I-I do—I-I mean I did-!"

"I texted him." You called over the confused voices.

"Huh?" Mina turned, "I thought you left your phone upstairs?"

"I texted Midoriya off Bakugo's phone." You swiftly replied.

"Eh?" Kirishima turned to the ash blond, "I didn't know you had Midoriya's number-"

"I-" Bakugo glared at you for dragging him into this web.

"He is in the group chat." You pointed out.

"Oh yeah!" Kirishima laughed, "I forgot you were added to it!"

"Whew-" Midoriya breathed, moving into the living room.

"How was training Deku?" Ochaco asked.

"Ah...it was great!" You narrowed your eyes onto Midoriya, he was a terrible liar. "Wha-uh...what are you guys doing?"

"Watching this-!" Ochaco held up the DVD cover. "-it just started so you're in time!"

"Awesome!" Midoriya moved to join on the couch. "So... (y/n) you're home alone?"

"Yep." You replied, glancing at the green-haired mop.

"Cool." Midoriya nodded, quickly letting the conversation drop as the lights dimmed and the movie played.

"Sorry I am late-!" A voice called over the screen, you snapped your head around to see All Might's skeleton walking into the living room, casually flipping through the mail. "-that meeting was pointless, I have to go back tomorrow-"

Midoriya, Bakugo and you all shot each other worried expressions.

"Whoa-!" Kirishima jumped up, "-someone broke in!"

"(y/n) stay back-!" Mina sprung to her feet with the rest of your eager classmates. "-your hurt, we will cover you while you get to safety-"

"Wait-!" Midoriya gasped, holding his hands up.

"It would be really great if you guys didn't kill my caretaker." You lazily replied, pausing the movie.

"Ca-Caretaker?" Kirishima looked back at the shocked All Might. "What?"

"You think I just live here alone?" You asked, casually leaning back against the couch. Playing off like you didn't have a pounding heart and you weren't about to be exposed to the class.

"Well, I guess not-" Kirishima muttered.

"Who is this guy!?" Kaminari pointed. "I thought you were like held captive all your life! How do you-"

"I was." You answered, "This is Toshinori, a member of the school board."

"School board?" Mina blinked.

"Is he like some creepy stocker!?" Kaminari leaned closer to you. "Blink if you're in danger." He whispered.

"Stocker?" All Might muttered.

"We met while I was in the hospital, after I realized I had nowhere to go, he was the only one who cared enough to lend a hand-" You explained, pushing Kaminari back. "-and no, he isn't a creepy stocker."

"Oh!" Kaminari laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry then!" Kaminari apologized to All Might.

"Yeah-!" Mina and Kirishima bowed their heads. "-we didn't mean to be so disrespectful!"

"I-It's quite alright." All Might felt himself sweat, "I just wasn't aware there would be company over. A text message would have been nice!"

"Oh yeah-" You looked up; "-I have a phone."

"(Y/n)!" All Might snapped, "Anyway, ah, you kids go back to your movie I'll just head to my office-"

"It was nice meeting you!" Ochaco waved.

"Yeah..." All Might quickly turned, practically sprinting out of the room.

"You handled that surprisingly well." Midoriya muttered low enough so only you and Bakugo could hear.

"Mm-" You nodded shoveling pizza into your mouth as you un-paused the movie.

Bakugo had sharp eyes as he watched you. You lied so fluidly with no hesitation.

The night wrapped up smoothly after that, you said goodbye to your classmates as they piled out of the house.

"Hey (y/n)-" Kirishima stopped on the porch, turning back to you.

"Hey?" You asked, turning to him.

"I noticed you had a map of town laying in your kitchen."


"Why is that?"

"Oh-" You said, "-I just wanted to find a good hiking spot."




"Well, I never was able to get outside so I thought that would be a good place to start."

"Who got you into that?"

"One of the clerks at the grocery store-" You chuckled; "-he has gotten to know me well the past few months. I asked him about outdoor activities to help me get outside more, he said we had the best places to hike."

"He was right." Kirishima flashed a smile. "I go with Bakugo sometimes."


"Yeah!" Kirishima laughed, "That's one of his favorite hobbies, he has the best places to go! You should hit him up and ask him what trails he takes."

"Yeah-" You nodded, "-thanks, I'll do that."


After a sturdy lecture from All Might about not giving him a proper heads up about the people who randomly showed up, you went to bed crashing hard not long after your head hit the pillow.

The next day was silent as All Might had to go to UA for the teacher's conference from yesterday that didn't wrap up in time, leaving you peacefully alone.

You were added to the Class 1-A group chat last night, you replied a few times here and there but for most of the day you slept.

The sun was falling asleep when you decided to stir awake. With a wide yawn your face, you glanced at the new phone you still weren't used to. Kirishima and Bakugo went to the gym, Kirishima invited the rest of the class and Bakugo was threatening the students, so a normal day for them.

Tossing the phone on the bed you hopped downstairs into the kitchen feeling your stomach growl. Sitting on the counter was a cookbook, you marked the page of the next recipe you wished to try.

You knew All Might would be in his meeting until late like last night so you were cooking for one. The only problem is you were missing most of the ingredients needed to make the curry you wished to try. On the television it always looked so good, so you kicked on a pair of shoes, grabbed your wallet and phone before stepping out the door into the warm air.

"Hm..." You leaned over the fresh vegetables, holding a basket on your arm with a scribbled list of ingredients at the grocery store. "...I have no idea what I'm doing." You muttered t yourself before glancing around the busy store. "Huh?" You blinked, focusing your eyes on ash blond air moving away from you. You smiled, turning on your heel to following the figure.

"Bakugo, I thought you were at the gym-" You said touching his shoulder, he turned and your eyes widened seeing a woman looking confused at you. "I-I am so sorry!" You quickly backed away, "I thought you were someone else." You went to turn to leave but the woman spoke to you.

"You said Bakugo?" She questioned, you turned looking back at her. She held the same glowing eyes he did, their hair color matched and the styles were even similar...

"I-I did." You nodded.

"You wouldn't be talking about Katsuki Bakugo, now, would you?"

"I would...?"

"That is my son."

"S-Son?" You licked your lips. "I--uh-" You were starting to sound like Midoriya. "-you two look a lot alike."

"Yeah-" The women smirked as she shrugged, "-we hear that a lot. He gets all his charm from me."

"Yeah." You smiled. "I can see that."

"How do you know my son?"

"Uh, we are friends, were in the same class."

"Really?" The woman gasped, "You two are friends?"

"Yeah?" You didn't understand the look on her face.

"Hm." She pulled her lips into a thin line. "What are you shopping for?" She wondered, peeking into your incomplete basket.

"Uh-" You laughed looking into it as well. "-I was gonna try my hand at curry tonight."

"Really!?" The woman brightly smiled, "What kind!?"

"I have found I like spicy food so-"

"That is crazy!?" She laughed lightly pushing your shoulder. "I am making my famous spicy curry tonight!"

"Really?" You nodded, not following the conversation.

"Yes! You should join us!"

"Oh-" You caught on quickly, "-no... I-I couldn't-"

"Of course, you can!" She threw her head back laughing. "I must get to know the friend of my son!"

"You really don't." You muttered,

"Come on." She said, taking the basket from your arm and placing it on the shelve. "I will give you all the pointers."

"Uh..." You said as she pulled on your arm, dragging you with her.

"My name is Mitsuki by the way-" The woman called looking over her shoulder. "Don't call me none of that Mrs. Bakugo-!" She glared; "-you understand!?"

"Uh, yes." You nodded, the two of you walked around the store. Mitsuki taught you many cooking techniques you did not know as you walked beside her to her house.

"Here we are!" Mitsuki called walking up to a large house, it was just as big as All Might's.

"Wow." Your mouth hung open. "You have a beautiful home."

"Thank you (y/n)!" Mitsuki grinned, "Come on, we have a lot to do!"

"Ok." You nodded helping with the grocery bags.


Mitsuki's house smelled amazing.

You were chopping up a red pepper when the front door opened.

"Honey I'm home!"

"We are in here!" Mitsuki called, stirring the pot of curry.

"How was your-" A man with brown hair and glasses walked in, "-huh?" He blinked looking at you.

"This is (y/n)-" Mitsuki answered her husbands confused face, "-she will be joining us for dinner."


"She is one of Katsuki's friends."

"Hi-His friend!?" The polite man blinked, looking back to you.

You smiled in response.

"Your home early." Mitsuki commented. "(y/n) this is my husband Masaru."

"Nice to meet you." You greeted.

"I know you." Masaru studied your face, causing you to frown.

"That is rude!" Mitsuki glared at her husband.

"I'm sorry!" Masaru went to speak by was cut off by the front door once again,

"I'm home!" Bakugo called, causing your heart to skip. He was going to kill you when he finds you here. You glanced over to the window over the sink.

You could crawl out that and be down the block before Bakugo spots you.

"We are in here!" Mitsuki casually called. "We have a dinner guest tonight!"

"Like I give a shit-" Bakugo said, walking into the kitchen but froze upon seeing you.

"How dare you!" Mitsuki lectured, glaring at her son. "I taught you manners!"

"They didn't stick!" Bakugo glared back, "Why the hell are you here!?" Bakugo spat at you.

"I ran into your nice friend at the store." Mitsuki answered for you, "So I invited her over for dinner."

"She is not my-!"

"Go set the table!" Mitsuki sang over her son, turning to finish dinner.

"Sure-" Bakugo growled, "-(y/n) come help me."

"I'd rather not-" You muttered,

"I insist!" Bakugo gripped your arm pulling you into the dining room after scooping up the dishes. "What the hell are you doing here!?"

"I am two feet from you-!" You snapped back; "-you don't have to yell!"

"Why are you here!?"

"I ran into your mother at the store."


"So, she invited me over."

"Why did you come!?"

"Oh, you think I had a choice?" You laughed, "You and your mother are a lot alike."

"We are nothing a like!"

"Really?" You say, "You see no resemblance?"


"You do know that is genetically impossible-"

"Shut up smartass!" Bakugo snipped cutting you off.

"I'm sorry-" You sighed, "-I knew you would be mad, but I tried to turn down the offer but she kind of just dragged me along."

"Ugh!" Bakugo sighed, slamming the silverware onto the table. "The hag is impossible!" You studied Bakugo's annoyed expression.

"If you go get my phone-"

"Why the hell would I get anything for you!?"

"-I can say I got a text and excuse myself." You glared at him, finishing your statement. "Never mind, I'll just leave now-" You said moving to head back to the kitchen to gather your things.

Bakugo quickly caught your wrist before you could exit the room,

"No, I-" Bakugo glared into the distance, refusing to look at you. "-it's fine...you can stay."

"Really? Because you don't seem so thrilled-"

"I already said you could stay!" Bakugo turned, locking eyes with you, still holding onto your wrist. "Why do you make everything difficult!?"

"I make everything difficult?" You scoffed, "Maybe I should start recording you so you can see just how much of a pain in the ass you-!"

"I..." Bakugo crunched his face snapping his eyes to the floor, "...just...stay..." It took Bakugo a second to look over to you.

"Fine." You rolled your eyes but smiled.

"Shut up!" Bakugo snapped. "Look at your side of the table-!" He pointed; "-it looks like shit!"

"It looks just like yours." You defended.

"It does not! Look all your dishes are crooked!"

"That is not crooked!" You followed him.

Mitsuki and Masaru stood just outside the door way, a smile resting on their face hearing the conversation between the two of you.

"It is too!"

"It's just your face!" You called.

"It is not-! Bakugo glared, "-it's your face!"

"Oh, that's original!" You laughed, "I wonder where you heard that!"

"Shut up dumbass!" Bakugo turned from you, blushing as he fixed your 'crooked' dishes.