
Buried With Secrets

Hiruka is a really bored kid and wants to do the most dangerous and bizarre things possible to change a generation full of treacherous and terrifying scum, but theres a problem with this. It is said that a man that ended the world 400 years ago called the Reality Rewriter has returned. Knowing this, Hiruka now needs to end this current generation and worry about this "Reality Rewriter person." This will also mean to get stronger and learn all of the "peculiar abilities" everyone has. On this journey, Hiruka needs to gain allies and gain power over certain people and countries and experience the trauma and the secrets the world has to offer, along with being on both sides. Good, and Evil. Will Hiruka be able to change the generation, or will he be mess up and get killed by the Reality Rewriter or even by one of his friends?

novaperoz · Action
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14 Chs

We lost?

The meteors were pretty damn big. They descend one by one. In the enormous windy battlefield.

"Now I need to get the flag quickly before the meteor crushes me. I also need to free Taketa." Fischer said trying to concentrate

Fischer doesn't do anything if someone else is doing it. But when it comes to the case where he has to compel himself into doing it, he will definitely do it.

Fischer then ran to the flag, and tried to grab it. The last guy got in Fischers way which led into a fight.

"Well now it's time to fight this guy." Fischer said. The last guy started making a pose. His right leg moved back and both of his arms were straight. Kinda like a stance you do when you push somebody. Green aura started coming out of his hands. Fischer started to get ready to dodge the attack. But the aura was too fast. Fischer then tried to dodge every single one but the aura was just too strong for him to handle. It started penetrating his skin and he couldn't do anything about it.

Fischer groaned in pain as the green aura made its way under his skin. Fischer fell to the ground, still screaming in pain, it hurt so bad it made his vision blurry and almost made him pass out. He could see the guy start making his way over to him, and he could hear the meteors slowly destroying his surroundings. Just as he thought it would be the end for him, he heard an angry voice yelling at him "GET UP FISCHER, YOU NEED TO SAVE ME DUMBASS!".

Fischer looked and saw Taketa laying on the ground, still paralyzed, yelling at him. At this moment Fischer realized that the guy had taken his aura back, and that Fischer was free to move again, the guy was now about 5 meters away from him. Fischer pretended to be passed out till the guy came closer, when the guy was almost right above him, he took a broken piece of concrete, and tried to throw it at his head, but it missed, and hit his shoulder instead.

Fischer could hear a disappointed sigh from Taketa, but the miss gave him just the right amount of time to get up, and get out of the guys attack range. Fischer was out of breath and sweating a lot, he was anxious and could barely control his breathing, The smell of ash and burnt flesh made his head spin.

His heart was racing and he knew that he did not have a lot of time to think about his next moves. Right as that thought crossed his mind, a green ball of what seemed to be the guy's aura, was on its way towards Fischers head.

Fischer barely dodged it by pure luck, but another 4 aura balls were already on their way towards him. Fischer got a glimpse of the guy's face, and all he could see was rage, this did not make Fischer less anxious, if anything it made him feel worse. Fischer miraculously dodged 3 of the auras, except 1 which hit him in the right leg.

Fischer cried in pain as he was unable to move his right leg. As Fischer was crying in pain, dark spots on the concrete were forming. Disturbing creatures started to form in the dark spots. Some were simple skeletal remains, others were creatures with 3 eyes, and a tongue as long as the body itself.

The last guy's eyes were filled with horror, as he realized that Fischer had created these monsters. But it was already too late, as Fischer was groaning in pain, the disturbing beings charged at the guy, instantly drowning him in the dark liquid they were made of.

Taketa was then able to move now. "What kind of ability is that???" Taketa asked very baffled. Fischer didn't say anything and was sent to the jail since he fell during the battle.

Some people then started to clap their hands. "Nice show your little friend put on." One of them said. All of the people were dressed. They looked very wealthy and rich. Taketa retreated and tried to run away. "Where do you think you're going sweetie?" A woman said grinning. The woman was very attractive and she looked like a psychopath.

"Damn what am I supposed to do?" Taketa thought. he couldn't just fight them all by himself. That's when two people showed up. It was Fumi and Ryo. "Where do you think you're going sweetie?" Ryo said mocking the girl. "How dare you mock Miss Firework?" Another girl said. "Dang there's even a cringy ass Cheeto girl." Ryo said smirking.

"What the hell did you just call me!" The girl yelled furiously. "Lets just defeat these weirdos so we can get the flag." Fumi explained. "Alright, I'll grab Taketa and you'll fight them." Ryo said. "Sounds fine to me." Fumi replied.

Ryo grabs Taketa and puts him on his back. They go to the cage to help guard it. Fumi closes his eyes and then opens it. "Body Manipulation third volume." As the girls were waiting for Fumi to make a move, their bodies started moving on their own. Fumi then threw their bodies in different places on the battlefield. "Well that was easy." Fumi said walking to achieve the flag.

Meanwhile in Hirukas teams cell, Kamiko and a girl from Harus team starts talking to eachother.

"Uh Kamiko, do you like your new squad?" The girl said. "I meannnn...They are kinda boring so far. I don't really know their personalities yet." Kamiko stated. "Oh really? Haru said that our new member is a better replacement than you. The girl said. "Saori, listen. Why would I give two flying fucks about what Haru thinks? I am no longer apart of that squad anymore, which means that I don't care." Kamiko explained. "Oh I don't know. Sorry for asking." Saori mumbles. "Kamiko, is that blue haired guy in your squad? Saori asks." "Hiruka? Yeah he is." Kamiko replied. "He seems like a good guy. I like him. He's also a hottie. Saori said blushing a little bit. "Looks like you have a crush. I should tell him." Kamiko says. "NO PLEASE DO-" "Just kidding! Of course I wont." Kamiko says laughing. Saori starts laughing too. "But what if I do?" Fischer asks. "You wouldn't dare tell Hiruka." Kamiko says with a menacing face. "Woah Kamiko I'll chill out." Fischer muttered.

One of the people guarding the cage then says something to the prisoners. "Looks like we will take the W." One of the guards says. "You guys should just accept defeat no-" The guards stopped talking. They then descend to the terrain like the losers they were. There was one more guard. He was looking for the guy that caused the trouble. The guy then launched himself off the edges of the platforms, and stabs the top of his head. He then placed 3 of the bodies on the edge of the terrain, and kept one of them. The guy eventually rolled the body towards the other bodies like the bowling ball and all of them plummeted off the platform. "Nice I got a strike." He said.

The guy was later identified as Hiruka Sakai. "Hiruka??? What the fuck was that all about?'" Kamiko asks. "I just wanted to have some fun. The Koro Challenge is getting boring as shit." Hiruka states. Saori starts blushing. "Huh why is she blushing? Does she like me or something?" Hiruka questions. "Nah shes always like that." Kamiko replies. "GET US OUT ALREADY DAMMIT!" A kid says frustrated. "Oh yeah I forgot about that. Hiruka says scratching his head." Hiruka then opens the cage and everyone is released.

As soon as everyone got released, Hiruka sees the other opponent with their flag. they was rushing to the other side to place the flag on their flag. "BRO THE GUARDS SUCK WHAT WERE THEY DOING???" The guy said. He was the leader of the squad that Fumi was curious about.

He was speed blitzing everybody. He wasn't showing no mercy at all. He was also carrying a 200 lbs weight on his back. Everyone was doing everything to get the flag back. They was using all of their abilities. I wasn't even near him so I couldn't really do anything. People were flying everywhere and trying to catch him off guard. But none of that worked. It felt like the man couldn't flinch.

He was right at their flag but Fumi was right there. Fumi tried to stop him by getting in his way but the only thing he did was jump. he was too fast for Fumi to even get access to his body. He then placed his flag on the top of theirs

The other team got so hype. They were jumping making L's on their finger and showing us. "I knew we would win." One guy said. "That team was fodder. They didn't stand a chance." Another guy said. "KIHO WHAT THE FUCK WAS YOU DOING!" Haru yells furiously. "YOU DIDN'T DO SHIT THE ENTIRE TIME! AT LEAST HARIYAMA TRIED! YOU DIDN'T DO JACK SHIT! Kiho didn't say anything. He was just standing there in the back.

"Something doesn't feel right." Katashi said. "You're right, I know that Kiho isn't the type of guy that doesn't care about anything. But did he really just stand there the entire time?" Onaka asks. "Who knows. Kids these days are weird." Katashi states.

"Don't you think its weird that the buzzer never went off? Somebody said. He was one of the six Hatsudenjos. The youngest out of all of them. His name was Rasenoji Koakunin. The 2 people he was talking to was Crystal and Rai. They are also from the Hatsudenjo. The last Hatsudenjo is named Kiryu. he likes spectating by himself.

"Yeah, why didn't the buzzer go off?" Crystal asks. "Maybe it will go off soon I don't know." Rai says. Kiryu was just watching the whole thing and he is probably writing down the future threats. He is always prepared for the future and the upcoming threats.

"So, we won. Why don't I hear the buzzer?" the guy that speedblitzed everyone said. He was very confused. "Huh? You got the flag?" The instructor says pretty flustered. "Yeah, look at our base." The guy said. "Wait thats not the right flag. Who the hell made a fake flag?" the instructor asks.

Everyone was confused. "A fake flag?" A guy says. "No way thats fake it looks identical." Another guy says. "Wait so that means that, the game isn't over?" Haru asks. "Thats exactly what it means. But question, wheres your real flag?

Kiho then starts smirking. "Kiho, what did you do?" Sagitta asks.

What the hell did Kiho do to the flag?

This was one hell of a chapter to write

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