
Buried With Secrets

Hiruka is a really bored kid and wants to do the most dangerous and bizarre things possible to change a generation full of treacherous and terrifying scum, but theres a problem with this. It is said that a man that ended the world 400 years ago called the Reality Rewriter has returned. Knowing this, Hiruka now needs to end this current generation and worry about this "Reality Rewriter person." This will also mean to get stronger and learn all of the "peculiar abilities" everyone has. On this journey, Hiruka needs to gain allies and gain power over certain people and countries and experience the trauma and the secrets the world has to offer, along with being on both sides. Good, and Evil. Will Hiruka be able to change the generation, or will he be mess up and get killed by the Reality Rewriter or even by one of his friends?

novaperoz · Action
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14 Chs


"Hiruka, who the hell is-" "RYO!" I shouted as I interrupt Taketa. I never thought about Ryo ever since we went to different schools. We were friends ever since we were babies. "A scrub stays a scrub. Glad I was right." Ryo said. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. Ryo always called me a scrub for no apparent reason. "Akuma! Whats up?" Ryo asked. "You are a fake, I'm calling it." Akuma said. "Akuma did you get more stupid over the years? Seriously. What makes you think that I'm a fake Ryo???" Ryo said in concern. "You don't sound like him." Akuma said in disappointment. "I should smack the shit outta you. Have you ever heard of something called puberty? "Ryo said in exhaustion. "THATS SOMETHING THAT YOU HAVEN'T WENT THROUGH YET!" Akuma screamed. Everyone was now focused on our team and the other team. "These kids look pathetic right now." A kid from this one squad said. The squad he was on was most likely to win just by looking at how experienced they looked. "I agree, but we can't expect everyone to be serious especially when this koro challenge is open to anybody. We need to find out about these teams before we declare victory." The leader explained. His energy didn't feel pleasant. I feel like he has killed some people in his life. "Fumi, I feel like the people we should focus on is that squad." One guy on the team said pointing at the squad. "I agree. they look the most dangerous outta all of them." Fumi explained. "If we get them eliminated, its guaranteed victory." I can tell this Fumi guy was really serious about this. Something tells me that we are all going to get eliminated in the first round. Lets also include the fact that we only have 3 members. Let me see is Ryo can join.

The argument continued. "WHY IS YOUR HAIR SO SHORT?!" Akuma yelled "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR HAIR IS SHORT TOO!" Ryo yelled back. This is getting ridiculous. Ryo didn't even meet Taketa yet. "WHY ARE YOU A BOY?" Akuma yelled. Everyone got confused. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??? WHY ARE YOU A BOY?!" Ryo yelled back. At this point, the other squad weren't arguing anymore and were watching us argue. "I think it's time for both of you guys to stop." Hiruka said. "HIRUKA, THIS MAN ISN'T RYO!" Akuma screamed. "Okay, time to come with me." Taketa said calmly while he was pushing Akuma to the other side of the room. This was the time to ask Ryo "Now thats over with, Ryo." I said. "Akuma is still the same. Still does Akuma things." Ryo explained. "What's up though?" "I was wondering if you could join us." I asked. "Oh I would, but I can't. I have a squad." Ryo said. "Oh you do? Nice." I said. I really wanted to know who was in his squad. "Not really, since I have to work with NPCS." Ryo explained. "What?" I said. What the hell is Ryo talking about? "Ryo come with us." 3 people said at the same time. "Well Hiruka I have to go. Lets hope both of our teams make it to the finals!" Ryo said smiling. He threw out his fist. I threw out my fist too. "Alright. My team is definitely winning though!" I shouted. Everyone started paying attention to us again. Some people started laughing. "Alright, lets see." Ryo said while walking away." "Uh Hariyama." A girl softly said. She looked hella suspicious to me. Her face doesn't give me good energy. She had long brown hair, with a dress. She was on Hariyama the entire time. "What is it now Sagitta." Hariyama said."Uh do you think we have a chance?" Sagitta asked. "Well, it can go either way. If Kiho actually cooperates with us, this should be easy for us." Hariyama explained. "And that is not happening." Kiho said. Everyone from the squad frowns. "I don't even wanna be here. The only reason why I am here is because of my stupid teacher." Kiho clarified. "Well, its your fault that you have a high iq!" Sagitta said. "Well this squad was doomed from the start." Kiho said shrugging his shoulders. "Once everyone finds out Saggita and Fischers weaknesses, our team is done." Kiho explained. Kiho never cared about his squad since he found them annoying. "W-Whats my weakness?" Fischer asked. "Oh thats simple, you are too nice to girls and is too passive when it comes to fighting." Kiho said. "Yeah Fischer you really need to stop trying to get a girls number because every single one of them rejected you." Hariyama said. Somebody then busted the door open.

"WASSUP BITCHES WE ARE HERE TO RULE THIS ENTIRE CHALLENGE THINGY BECAUSE WE ARE WINNING!" The leader of the squad shouted. "You came just in time because I am getting ready to start explaining the Koro challenges." The instructor said. I then noticed that Kamiko girl was walking around asking everyone something. "Hey, can I join your squad?" Kamiko asked this one team. "Are you blind? We have a full squad." The kid said. He was missing an arm. The guy has an eyepatch on too. Though, he didn't look like a threat. "And are you missing an arm? YES!" Kamiko said while walking away. She gave zero fucks what people thought of her. Which I can understand. I'm sometimes like that. Kamiko kept asking every squad and was getting pissed every time. She then came to me. "Hey, can I join you?" Kamiko asked. You see, we did need a last person so I honestly couldn't think of a reason why I should say no. So I didn't. "Yes, perfect timing. We needed one more member anyway." I said calmly. "Well great! I am Kamiko Amon! What's your name?" Kamiko asked. "Uhh, I am Hiruka Sakai." I said. I didn't want to tell her the things I wanted to accomplish. It seemed useless knowing that I just met her. Kamiko had a hoodie with cargo pants which was a good combo. She had plenty of jewelry along with silver hair and wore boots. I have a feeling that Kamiko will be somewhat helpful to the squad. "Taketa and Akuma came back to me and Akuma was calm now. "Hiruka I finally got Akuma to-" "Who is that beside you?" Taketa asked as he cuts himself off. "Oh, this is just a new person. Kamiko." I said. "Oh okay but why a-" "OKAY EVERYONE STOP TALKING!" The instructor shouted. His mouth is definitely obliterated after he said that. "I will now be explaining the koro challenges." The instructor said. Finally.

"So first off let me explain how to get a koro pass. You have to clear 3 out of the 4 challenges that I assign. If you complete the fourth one which only one of you will, I will recommend you to the SSS crew. There are four challenges and me, the city's leader, and the 6 Hatsudenjo will be watching at all times. The last challenge will be public for everyone to watch. The first challenge is a game of capture the flag. I have my own rules for the game. You guys will be playing on eight split battlefields so I can test your acceleration, physical power, and grip. If you fall a single time, you will be placed in a cage. There are two different cages each team has. The cage area will be on two different battlefields. You can free your teammates from the cages if you want. Just open the door. The flags will be on two separate battlefields too. Whichever team ends up with the two flags at the end, wins and the buzzer will go off telling me that the game has ended. You can also team up with enemies if you want. I really could care less. Also, no giving up. If caught giving up, you will be eliminated. I think thats all I have to say about the first challenge. Any questions?

"Yeah, I got one." Fumi said. "Oh, what is it." The instructor said. He said it like he wasn't going to receive any questions. "When you said falling, falling as in falling down to the ground or falling but you didn't land on the ground?" Fumi asked. "Falling as in if you hit the ground." The instructor said.

"Any more questions?"

"Can you repeat everything you have said." Kiho asked.

"Yes, as you wish." The instructor said

"So first off let me explain how to get a koro pass. You have to clear 3 out of the 4 challenges that I assign. If you complete the fourth one which only one of you will, I will recommend you to the SSS crew. There are four challenges and me, the city's leader, and the 6 Hatsudenjo will be watching at all times. The last challenge will be public for everyone to watch. The first challenge is a game of capture the flag. I have my own rules for the game. You guys will be playing on eight split battlefields so I can test your acceleration, physical power, and grip. If you fall a single time, you will be placed in a cage. There are two different cages each team has. The cage area will be on two different battlefields. You can free your teammates from the cages if you want. Just open the door. The flags will be on two separate battlefields too. Whichever team ends up with the two flags at the end, wins and the buzzer will go off telling me that the game has ended. You can also team up with enemies if you want. I really could care less. Also, no giving up. If caught giving up, you will be eliminated. I think thats all I have to say about the first challenge. Any questions?

The instructor said exactly what he said last time. How can he memorize the things he says? "Can you say it one more time?" Kiho asked. Everyone started to get mad at him. "BRO ARE YOU DEATH?" One guy said. "This guy really is trying to waste time right Fumi? Someone from Fumis squad said. "No, i see what hes trying to do." Fumi said. "Not a bad opponent."

"Okay." The instructor said

"So first off let me explain how to get a koro pass. You have to clear 3 out of the 4 challenges that I assign. If you complete the fourth one which only one of you will, I will recommend you to the SSS crew. There are four challenges and me, the city's leader, and the 6 Hatsudenjo will be watching at all times. The last challenge will be public for everyone to watch. The first challenge is a game of capture the flag. I have my own rules for the game. You guys will be playing on eight split battlefields so I can test your acceleration, physical power, and grip. If you fall a single time, you will be placed in a cage. There are two different cages each team has. The cage area will be on two different battlefields. You can free your teammates from the cages if you want. Just open the door. The flags will be on two separate battlefields too. Whichever team ends up with the two flags at the end, wins and the buzzer will go off telling me that the game has ended. You can also team up with enemies if you want. I really could care less. Also, no giving up. If caught giving up, you will be eliminated. I think thats all I have to say about the first challenge. Any questions?

"Okay, thats it." Kiho said with a smile.

"Katashi, what squad do you think is going to win this time? A lady asked. Apparently, both of them were one of the 6 Hatsudenjo. Basically one of the most powerful people in Japan. "This may seem weird, but I put my guess on those four people that came just in time. I've heard about one of them slicing an entire school in half. Thats an impressive feat if you ask me. Katashi explained. "Onaka, who do you think is going to win since you always guess the right team." Katashi said. "I think that that Fumi guy is going to win. He looks like an experienced guy with great potential." Onaka explained. "Yeah, you're right. You might win this one. Katashi said. "I definitely will." Onaka said winking at Katashi.

All of us then got teleported to the battlefield. "There are a total of 1004 people here so that means its going to be a 502 v 502!" The instructor explained. The battlefield was really big. Each battlefield had to have at least a 70 mile radius. Fumis squad and Harus squad were on my team. We also had the squad with the guy that asked for a repeat. Those people who said were going to win were there too. Even Ryo was on my squad. I knew we were going to win but I wanted to try my best anyway. "The first round of the koro challenge starts...NOW!" The instructor said.

This is the start of the koro challenge.

Next chapter is gonna be mad fun to write

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