
Who is Lillith

Dear diary, I read some more of her letters today. It seems like the older she got the more she figured out..I'm so anxious to find out the truth but I know that I needed to read the letters in order. My mother doesn't even know that I have these letters, I mean how could I tell her about them. If you were real and were me you'd understand...The letter that I read they were different from the rest, at the bottom it said Love Lillith. I've never heard of the name Lillith until now, HER name was Ruby--My grandmother's name was Ruby, I suppose that's a more respectful way of putting it. Ruby's letter had said love Lillith at the end, should I read more of the letters or should I give it up? Huh if only you were real, maybe you'd actually be of good advice...Well, I suppose you're tired of me writing on your old yet soft pages.

Until next time - Leah