
Burden of Love

Synopsis It’s a typical story of girl who was damsel in distress due to bulling for her looks and intelligence. He was rich good looking handsome and intelligent playboy student. He was 4 years old than her. He was her knight shining in amour who saved her from getting bullied that was what she believed. Earned her trust and became friends, but he had a motive for it. His scheme was revealed in front of her just before the study vacation. She loved him so it hurt her so much. But she doesn’t confront his motive. She leaves him for good. What was his real motive? Will he get know the real reason for her disappearance? Where did she go? How will she able to start her new life? Will they ever meet again? After 10 long years. But everything is changed. She is not damsel in distress anymore owns an investment company and chain of restaurants. Happily engaged to her good best friend. He was not happy sunny play boy anymore. His fiancé cheated on him with his friend and left with his money. He is heartbroken and his company is in big trouble. Badly need an investor to save the company which is a legacy of three generations. Through a long last friend he gets to know about the company who is looking for investments in his town. What will happen now? What will be her reaction after seeing him? Does she still has feelings for him, will it affect her engagement? Does he still remember and recognize her? What will his reaction after seeing her? This is story of Arthi and Atharv. Story about friendship, trust, love, misunderstanding, betrayal and self-respect. Let`s see what their future hold for them.

Nayana_Vishu · Teen
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46 Chs


Chapter 6: Two month`s ultimatum

It`s been almost a year I can`t even imagine they betrayed and hurt me like this. My two good friends' one was my best friend and another was my fiancé.

My two friends who were with me for more than 5 years. They were using me for my money and selling the sensitive information of company to our rivals.

After I caught them red handed they just accepted it boldly that they love each other since 7 years and said I was just a stupid pawn in there game. A ladder who helps them to claim the social status.

I didn't feel heartbroken like I felt during my angel disappearance. May I didn't even loved Priya I was just comfortable with her that's it. If Rajesh didn't fill my head with stupid love ideas I may not even considered about it. I just felt betrayed and hurt because I valued our friendship very much.

After than I fired them both my company is in a big mess. All the important projects were either got rejected or got on hold, we even lost many projects.

Board of directors and shareholders started to put blame on me, since I was the one who bought them into the company.

Atharv stopped going to his home and started stay in office only. He has a room in his office. His parents and grandpa tried hard to make him come back home but he was not ready to listen anyone.

His extended family members who used to praise him for his intelligence now started to taunt and mock him about his stupidity.

It`s been nearly a year since his Atharv`s life turned upside down. His fiancé and his best friend backstabbed him by having an affair behind his back. He has lost is arrogance and confidence completely in everything. He doesn't know what to do and how to manage the company because all the Rai properties are under mortgage.

Bank is not providing anymore new loans. There was shortage of funds to complete current projects. The board of members and shareholders have given Atharv 2 month's ultimatum resolve the problem. The company which stood still for almost 3 generations is under the verge of collapsing without any support.

Now Atharv was frustrated and started to drink daily non-stop. Since he was not able to handle the stress caused by the constant price dropping of his company shares.

There was also a mysterious person who was buying those shares silently and couldn't be even traced with all the efforts. Because Atharv`s family holds total 30 percentage of shares, the shareholders have 15 percentage of shares. 10 percentage of shares where in the name of Arthi father. Now the mysterious person owns 45 percentage of shares.

Now his only hope to save the company was the appointment which he has with the CEO of Star group of investments which is next week. He even heard a lot about the mysterious President and founder of the Star group.

He was trying to reach them for appointed with the CEO but couldn't get through them. But his grandpa somehow managed to get appointment for him.

But Atharv doesn't know this appointment is going to change his life completely. He will also find the person whom he is missing for almost 10 years. Who is completely different from what she used to be? Will he gets to know the reason why she left him? Will he informs her the truth which related to her father`s death? Let`s see what will happen when they meet.