
Bunker 12

Wrestling between amnesia and suicidal thoughts, Akuma tries his best to survive in this monster-infested underground shelter. Here, the poor fight for the rich; an army of young special soldiers forced into enrollment stands as proof. Humanity needs to be saved from this unrivalled threat, and they shall be the ones to do it with their feeble, yet undying, hope. Cover Art by @art_dabdab

_oli_ · Sci-fi
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34 Chs

- Motivation (Trials Part Two)


Gale's Trial

Nuke & Richter


The Examinees must remain conscious for the allowed time. They are free to do what they want during that time. The Examiner is also free to do as they want. If the Examinees are conscious when the sound signal is rang, they pass. If the Examinees are incapacitated when the sound signal rings, they fail. If the Examiner is conscious or not changes nothing to the result.


"This is basically like the other Trials so far, then. Why did those fuckers make a big deal out of them? Those are pretty lame so far."

Nuke felt underwhelmed. She was ready to let loose, even if she knew she had no chance of winning. Even if the challenge set before her doesn't call for mass destruction, she doesn't plan to change her approach.

"Haha, you say that girl, but you realize none of your friends passed right?"

The big Commander felt somewhat excited.

"Like I give a shit. I'm still gonna mess you up."

"That sounds fun. What about your friend?"

"I'd rather stay away. She's not the teamwork type."

Richter was staying still behind his partner. He knows her destructive capabilities.

"Really? She'll have to learn then. In our field, you can only make it if you work together"

"Don't worry big guy, it's not by choice. Only I can withstand my power."

Said the soldier as she grabbed the two vials hanging on the belt holding her olive baggy pants.

"Hahaha! You really are confident, aren't you? That's good. You need to know your self-worth."

Praised the Torrent while removing the big metallic tanks hanging from his back. He put down the chromatic cylinders before opening the valve on one of them.

"Just be careful, overconfidence only leads to harm."

The alarm sounded and the two soldiers put up their guard. They did not know about their Examiner's intentions. However, he was staying still. He took a deep breath, and hadn't moved an inch since. Perplexed, the Examinees look at each other. Without communicating, Nuke came to the conclusion to not waste time and be extra careful. While it didn't look like Gale was going to attack them, she felt it was wiser to take him out nonetheless.

She gradually started approaching him with a careful and light step. Armed with glass vials in her hands, full of liquid and gas, she continues to close in on her target, observing him. Behind her stands Richter, still in place. He slowly took his hands out of his dark hoodie's pockets as he started crouching.

I know I said I wasn't going to do anything, but...

The young soldier brought his hand to the ground. With his palm against the glass-like floor, he closed his eyes. Focusing. After a short moment, he flinched in surprise.

What is that cube made out of? I am powerless here.

As he was questioning his own powerlessness, a huge explosion set off. The warm gust of wind blew his hood off his head as the bright heat forced him to squint his eyes behind his hand blocking it.

"Hahaha! How do you like that?"

Nuke yelled in a folly, now only one vial left in her possession. No response came from the smoke screen left at the core of the explosion. The cloud slowly dissipated to show Gale in its center. His huge arms standing as a shield in front of him, he suffered no more damage than only having part of his clothes blown off.

That blast, I was not expecting that. What did she throw at him? Wait... I remember her now! Isn't she the one who caused an incident during our weapon training? With explosions that big, I get why her teammates can't be around. I can't afford to eat that shit straight in my face again. I just need to buy time. It shouldn't be long…

"You're awfully silent now. Bet I caught you off guard. I still have another by the wa-"

Before she finished taunting, the Commander leaped off the ground and started dashing away. Both Examinees were surprised at his speed considering his gigantic size. Before they could react, Gale appeared behind Richter and grabbed him with one hand. As if weightless, he was holding his body in front of him with his massive fingers entirely covering his head.

"Tsk! Using him as a shield, you truly are scared of my power."

Nuke was standing still, thinking.

Well, it doesn't matter. We don't need to defeat him after all. But I mean, we could try to take him out and then we'd be certain to pass, but…

His head firmly gripped and his body hovering over the floor, Richter saw an opportunity. He was in range. He brought his hand in front of him and grabbed the Commander's arm. After a few seconds, the Torrent let out a grunt, his lips still sealed, before letting go of the soldier. His arm was now loosely flapping along his figure.

Hurgh! What was that!? I just felt my arm break and my shoulder popped! What the fuck did this kid do to me-

Confused and still in shock, he couldn't avoid the palm coming to touch his chest.

When did h- Wait! Is he gonna break m-

He was certain his rib cage would also implode, but nothing happened. Further away, Nuke violently collapsed on the floor. Slowly, Richter's hands slid along his chest, just before his body also crumbled on the ground. The Examiner sighed in relief. He calmly walked back towards his metal tanks, closing the valve on the one he used and opening the other with his only functioning arm. He took a deep breath again, before breathing regularly again.

That was too close for comfort, but it did come in clutch. These kids almost got me, that would have been bad. Still, what's up with them?

As Venom charged in the cube to treat the Examinees, giving them oxygen after being intoxicated with carbon dioxide, the bell rang. They had failed.



Wig's Trial

Rouge & Undead


There is no time limit for this trial. The goal is the same for both the Examinees and the Examiner: force the other party to surrender. They are allowed to do anything they want to achieve their means. The Trial will not end until there is only one person left who hasn't verbally surrendered.


"Do you have any plans? Cause I sure don't."

Undead sighed nonchalantly.

"Not precisely, no. There's nothing I can do right now, so. But you're immortal or something right?"

"I mean, as far as I'm aware, yes."

"How the fuck is that even possible? But, that means you'll at least have a better chance of passing than me. As long as you don't surrender, she can practically beat you up until she's tired or something."

"Not being able to die doesn't mean not being able to feel pain. These crazy people really tested everything to see if I could die or not. And I mean everything. My life goes on no matter what. But so is the pain. It stays."

The young man's eyes were remembering his endless nights of torture as he responded.

"Damm. That sounds fucked. Don't overdo it. It doesn't matter to me anyway. It's not like we have to make it together to pass."

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning to."

"Are you guys ready?"

The woman was shyly waiting in her spot. Compared to her Commander peers, her presence is far from menacing. Standing in her dark black tunic, only her ridiculously long black hair makes her stand out. Running all the way down to below her knees, they strangely had a sinister look to them, an unexplainable gloom.

"Funny of you to ask us but ok. Sure, let's do this."

"Ok. I'm sorry. I'll try to make it quick for you."

The Necromancer's voice was gentle and febrile, as if worried.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

As the young soldier responded to her eerie comment, the signal was heard. No one moved. The soldiers kept looking at each other, uncertain of what the Commander was going to do. They unconsciously agreed it was better to keep their distance until she made her move first. However, they would never have expected the first move to come out of a third party. Party far more dangerous.

Breaking out of the ground and through the tempered glass floor, two horrendous creatures crawled their way inside the examination ground. In fear, the two soldiers rushed behind Wig seeking her protection. Expecting all the spectators to jump in to attack the unwanted guests, they were in shock to see no one move an inch.

"Is that a fucking joke? Is that part of your fucking test? It better be a joke!"

"What are we supposed to do Wig!? They're coming for u-"

Before they could plan any sort of strategy, the two beasts ferociously leaped on the Examinees, completely ignoring the Commander standing in front of them. Pinned against the wall under one of the Hollow's claws, fear drowned her lungs as she screamed for her life. She suddenly stopped as her teary eyes looked around her. Wig, all the other Commanders, all her friends, all were staring at her. None of them had worried looks. Mixed with the growling of the monsters were the agonizing shrieks of her partner, getting eaten alive. Feeling a warm breath approaching her face, she looked back into the eyes of the creature that was pushing its claws into her flesh. She was helpless before the voids of pure malice staring her down. All she could let out was a cry of pain.

"I give up."

Wig had a remorseful tear running along her cheek. That's all she needed to hear.

In the meantime, confusion was brewing in the Coliseum. The spectators were witnessing an eventful spectacle. Only a few seconds after the signal, the two Examinees collapsed on the ground. From afar, they could not hear the muffled mumbling of the two convulsing soldiers.

Wig is not a fighter at heart. Reflecting that, she was gifted with a power unsupported by direct frontal violence. After the biochemicals contained in the vaccine spread through her, she earned unprecedented capabilities. At first, nothing impressive. She learned how to grow out her hair and manipulate each individual hair control soldiers from the backline, attaching her hair to their limbs. Like a puppet master, she has learned to use an army of soldiers, using their strengths to cover for hers, while still having extensive knowledge from standing at the back of the battlefield; the best of two worlds. It was only later that she found out about the true somber potential behind her abilities.

Through trial and error and some ethically questionable experiments forced on her, she learned how to manipulate the psyche of others. Though proven useless against Hollows, The Necromancer can connect her hair to the cerebrum of other soldiers and overrun their innate consciousness to subject it to her own. Mostly used to instantly transmit commands and communicate, it can also be used to take over people's intellect and insinuate images of her choice. Stuck in what they think is reality, the victims fail to realize their minds and bodies are disconnected from the real world. Everything experienced is mental only, therefore the sensation of the pain is authentic, but the repercussions are nonexistent.

After vocally announcing their forfeit, both Examinees fail the Trial.



Whiff's Trial

Drool & Gum


The Examinees and the Examiner are given a flag. Both parties must capture the other's flag to win while defending theirs from being stolen. If the Examinees manage to capture and secure the Examiner's flag while still in possession of theirs, they pass. If the Examiner steals the Examinees' flag before they do, the Examinees fail.


"So you're attacking right?"


Answered Drool through her mask. The two Examinees were already on the same page; hearing the rules was enough for them to understand what strategy was best. With his adhesive properties, Gum is more suited to defend their flag. Even if Whiff can reach their flag, he only needs to touch him to get him stuck to him, Whiff would then be unable to go back to his side.

And I'll be on the offence. I don't know what his power is, but as long as I'm coated in my saliva, I'll get good protection. It's humiliating, I hate my power. But I need to do anything I can to win.

Drool was determined. She unlocked the mechanism to the side of her face mask, unleashing a flow of liquid. She bathed in her drool, covering her skin and her uniform. The Commander was looking at her. Under his big black coat reaching the top of his boots, he was calm and collected.

I won't be able to pierce her armor. Even I am ineffective against her power. But she can't bring me down, so she'll aim directly for my flag hoping I won't be able to stop her. She's gonna rely on Gum to protect their spot. He's also going to be a pain. I can't get close to him or he'll pin me down. The hardest part of these Trials for us Commander is to win without showing the truth behind our powers. I don't understand why Doc is so dead on about this. It sounds more efficient for the Foundation to have everyone on the same page and not hide any information between or ranks. But for him, it's important that we conceal our abilities. It doesn't matter now. I just need to incapacitate them at the same time. Better get to it then.

The Keeper crouched, the bottom of his cloak now covering the floor all around him. He calmly pressed his hands on the ground and took a deep breath. He looked up at the Soldiers with an intense gaze. The bell rang.

The masked Examinee sprung forward with no intent to lose. She tried duking her adversary with her swerving footsteps. However, he stood his ground, ice cold. Drawing closer to her objective, she planned to jump on the flag directly, avoiding frontal contact with the Commander. He wasn't going to let that happen. Clearly.

He unexpectedly dashed out of his coat, leaving it to crumble on itself. She did not expect to feel her head getting grasped by a firm hand. He strongly gripped the young soldier's slippery face with her mechanical mask and, with unexpected strength, he lifted her up before slamming her against the floor. Thankfully, her natural outer shield protected her from any physical harm. However, as soon as the back of her skull cracked the floor of this insulated chamber, The Keeper lifted her head up rapidly before slamming her head a second time.

From afar, Drool's companion seemed unfazed.

"You know you won't hurt her like that right?"

"You don't need to dent the armor to hurt the flesh."

Whiff stood up nonchalantly, walking confidently towards Gum, leaving the young woman behind. The soldier's eyes lit up as he saw the Examiner walking away from his flag.

"Now Drool! Go get his flag an-"

Gum's shout was cut short when he saw his partner weakly roll on her stomach. After a failed fainthearted attempt to stand up, she found herself stuck on all fours. Possessed by some sort of panic, she brought her hand to her metallic mask, her trembling fingers fidgeting around the mechanism trying to open it. Right when the latch opened, a waterfall of foamy bile flushed down her mouth. Dizzy, she quickly collapsed on the floor again, incapacitated.

What happened to her?

Like all the soldiers before him, his overconfidence faded away when things took a turn for the worse. So sure his devoted partner's defence was unbeatable, witnessing her downfall summoned fear and doubt inside him. But time, at the moment, is a luxury; Questioning himself will have to wait.

Steadily approaching the remaining examinee, The Keeper was serene. The dark brown eyes resting behind his black hair showed no signs of hesitation. Before him stood the last defence before his objective.

Let's see if my work paid off.

The Commander leisurely pulled his hands off of his long jacket, slowly raising them beside him. Creeping above the floor was a thick fog of hazel aura, dispelling and breaking under his every step. The acrid smell coming from him burned the young soldier's nostrils and sharpened his irises. With this ache in his throat and this weight in his chest, Gum nervously stood his ground. He must not let him through.

It's fine. It's all good. I just need to stay put. Surely she will get back up soon. I just need to hold him off until then. And stalling is what I do bes-


"What's wrong, Gum?"

"... What the fuck is happening?"

The soldier started to wobble from side to side, his hands trying to cling to the thick air around him. Lightheaded, he crumpled to the floor, failing to keep his eyes open. The last thing he saw was The Keeper walking over him and lifting the flag behind him.

After failing to protect their flag, both Examinees Failed.



Swift's Trial

Flow & Sprout


Each participant will bore a band on themselves. The band can be anywhere, as long as it is worn on the outside and visible. The objective of the Trial is to steal everyone else's tag while keeping yours. The last one to still be in possession of their tag wins. There are no teams.

Only one Examinee may pass the Trial, or in the case the Examiner wins, they shall both fail.


"It doesn't specify it's illegal to team up, does it?"

"Huh, hun."

The Contortionist positively hummed as she stretched her slender limbs.

"Right. So Sprout, you agree we just team up on her then?"

"Clearly. After we get her tag we will have a fair chance between us."

"Alright then, let's do this shit."

"Haha, look at you girls. I love this partnership of yours. Let's have some fun together, shall we? And let's take our time to get to know each other a little more…"

Swift flirtily winked at them, but all she got from her teasing were some raised brows and annoyed side eyes. Thinking she was trying to sabotage them, they maintained focus. But she wasn't trying to distract them, she was doing it for fun. The signal echoed soon after; the two young women immediately backed off. The Commander audibly gasped.

"Oh. Come on ladies. I don't bite. Unless I feel like you want me to. So why don't you come a tiny bit closer-"

While she was playfully teasing them, they did not expect her to rapidly close the gap between them. In a flash, she was already breathing in Flow's neck. Her immediate response was to cover the tag hanging on her left hip. As unexpected as her rush down was, Flow was even less expecting a raising kick right to her temple. Despite the ribbons being the target, she realized quickly that she completely discarded the idea of a proper fistfight.

However, Flow shifted quickly and gained back balance. She followed her senior's example and tried to throw a heavy blow at her. But Swift gracefully bent out of the way while masterfully using the momentum of her twisting dodge to connect a whipping hook in the girl's liver. Flow instantly shuts down and collapses.

That will do.

Proudly thought Swift, knowing the efficiency of a liver blow. Certain her prey was done for, she elegantly bent forward to snatch her reward, only to have her thieving fingers kicked. Flow spun on her shoulders and swung her legs around violently, making them spin rapidly, before jumping back up, successfully protecting her band.

Once the surprise flushed away, the Contortionist smirked keenly. She was amused by the incomprehension. Her enemy should be out of commission, and yet, she stands full of life. She is yet to realize that Flow consciously moved her organs around, avoiding internal damage. The Commander's senses sharpened when she felt the thrill of battle. She readied herself the pounce on her target.

Right when her loose navy aura began to trickle out as she was going to leap forward, her waist was suddenly crushed under great pressure. Sprout had run up to her and augmented the size of her limb to seize her more easily. Her massive hand was now squeezing her tight.

Before Sprout could yell to her comrade to go grab the Commander's band sticking out in front of her hips, Flow was already on it. However, as if moulded from water, Swift proceeded to slip past the tightening grip of her assailant. The two Examinees, having come so close to winning, desperately through a barrage of attacks trying to seize their victory flag. But one after the other, she successfully swerved and folded through the pummeling hits coming after her. She had now gained back the flow of the battle.

These girls are not half bad. I'd like to have some more fun with them. Sad that I have affairs to attend to. Oh well.

From the sidelines, all that could be seen was a slippery silhouette slithering through and between both the young women. Her flowy movement was executed too fast for them to see; only hit by the strong gust of wind caused as an aftermath. Further away was now standing a frisky figure, now two tags richer. She playfully waved their bands stuck between her two fingers. Eyes wide open, the Examinees vividly pampered around their waists, only to realize their bands were missing.

Having failed to keep their tags, the two Examinees failed the Trial.


I'm finally getting the chance to prove myself again. Not much time has passed since our last fight, but this time I have knowledge of his style. I know for you it probably doesn't fucking matter. Who knows if you're even watching me? Deep down I know I'm doing this more for myself than I'm doing it for you. But I don't even care at this point. It won't be a proper duel this time, Chuck is gonna be there too. I'm not so good at teamwork. Even less now that I can't communicate. But that's a dumb excuse for a fuck up like me. It's not like I was any better at communicating with people when I could talk. I just really can't fucking stand the thought of not having changed at all since then. That's why I have to do this. I'm sorry, I know I have to be better than this, but I just have to utterly destroy Slash.