
Bunker 12

Wrestling between amnesia and suicidal thoughts, Akuma tries his best to survive in this monster-infested underground shelter. Here, the poor fight for the rich; an army of young special soldiers forced into enrollment stands as proof. Humanity needs to be saved from this unrivalled threat, and they shall be the ones to do it with their feeble, yet undying, hope. Cover Art by @art_dabdab

_oli_ · Sci-fi
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34 Chs

- Connection

[Disclaimer: This chapter contains light sexual content at the end of the chapter. It is nothing too explicit, but I prefer leaving this disclaimer to anyone who might be uncomfortable with this type of content. Thank you!]

"I understand that your Strategist could not make it here, Gale?"

"Yes, sir."

Assembled in the senior scientist's desk, the teams' representatives are here to report back on their prior mission. As strategists, it is part of the job. Savvy and Kage are the only strategists from their cohort present, Gale replacing Cortex, alongside two other seasoned strategists, Sonar and X-Ray.

"We lost Cortex and Sprout during our mission."

"I see. Sorry to hear that. What about you?"

"Oh- I- We were able to replace the equipment and secure the zone. We um, we suffered no losses. Sir."

Savvy stuttered, caught off guard by Gale's information.

"Same for us, sir."

"Same here."

"Good, good. Kage?"

"We struggled to accomplish our assignment. Bang is in bad shap-"

"Did you succeed?"

"... Yes, sir."

"Good. From now on, refrain from any useless information. I only care if you were able to complete the mission or if anybody died."


Only he and Savvy were not used to Doc's coldness. His pragmatic nature and uncaring behavior were hard to move past for the young woman. Heartless. That was the conclusion of her insight on the man. 

"You are dismissed. Gale, may I have a word with you?"

"Yes, sir."

The soldier slowly left the room, leaving the two important figures alone.

"Those soldiers were important assets to the Foundation. Their death is quite troubling."

"My apologies, sir. I am also quite affected by thei-"

"Do not misunderstand. I do not care about that. I will not mourn nor grieve them. They are investments. You can not even begin to comprehend the sacrifices and resources needed to create you soldiers."


"And now, our organization lost promising talents."

"I understand. I take full respon-"

"It was Rowdy's fault, wasn't it young man?"

"Pardon me, sir?"

"The boy is quite vulgar. And irrational. It is no surprise that his short temper would have caused such a blunder. He misjudged the situation and grew careless. His hot temper prevented him from thinking properly. Therefore, this mistake cost the lives of his fellow comrades. Isn't that what happened? "

"I understand he can be perceived that way, sir. But I must assure you that it wasn't his faul-"

"Now, now. No need to be so protective. Surely the Foundation's stability will suffer less damage if a lower-level Commander was to drop in rank over a Commander of your calibre. If change needs to be made, it will be less of a hassle to rearrange the bottom ranks. Or do you insist on taking the fall for him?"


"You understand the situation, don't you Gale."

"... Yes, sir."

"I ask you again. Whose responsibility are those soldiers' losses?"

"... They are Rowdy's fault."

"Good. I will see to it then. You may leave."


The Torrent could not compete against the old man's corruption. The Commander had to bitterly bow in the face of the scientist's hold. His will torn and his morals twisted, he left the room, defeated. 


"That fucking asshole! And you just went with it, hun?"

The Junkie was riled up, as usual. But this time it was motivated.

"I already told you I'm sorry. There was no way I was gonna change his mind."

"Yeah right. I'm sure you tried really hard."

"Shut up. I did my best and I already apologized to you. Next time you go report to him yourself."

Gale was already troubled with too many things to deal with his companion's mood swings. 


"Anyways. This is still fucked."

"Yeah. It is."

"You're in for a drink?"

"The guilt is getting to you, hun?"

"Of course it does. Aren't you affected by this?"

"Meh. It happened. I wish it didn't, obviously. But there's nothing we could have done better. So."

"I wish I believed that."

"Maybe a drink really will help you believe it. But that will be without me. I don't do well with too many people around."

"Right. See you then."


"I still can't believe it."

Savvy seems really affected by it. They all are. I guess that makes sense. They did die. Maybe it still hasn't set with me yet either. The only difference is that I didn't know them. But, it could have been us. It was a close call. I guess it's all thanks to my body that I didn't die.

I'm actually quite surprised. I was covered in blood, but after showering, my wounds were only superficial. Before, when I knew nothing, I was sure it was impossible to rival those monsters. But we did it. We made it out. We got lucky.

"A bunch also got messed up. I heard most of them are now under medical care."

I wonder where Rouge heard that. But I guess that makes sense.


Jab doesn't seem to be able to let that slide. I can't be mad. I get it.

"Here we were, planning to fuck him over. But we're barely fighting to survive. If we don't do anything now it'll be too late."

"It's already too late."

I agree with Savvy. Well, I never thought there was ever a chance to do anything to begin with.

"I feel so pathetic. Why did we think we had a chance? Whether he planned for them to die or not, the result is the same. We're already beginning to slowly lose power. He knows that."

"So you're just gonna give up?"

"I am." 


"I'm not going to give up fighting. I just… I had time to think about it. I tried to figure out every possible outcome. And it just won't work if we're too hasty. If we try anything now, we'll just expose ourselves and our motives. And if we fail, we won't get another chance. And I think we're most likely to fail. We're all new to this. To these powers. And I really think that we are underestimating him. If we are to lose even more of us trying to do this, or if our situation is to get worse if we fail, it will be over. I think Slash was right, in a way, with what he was saying. We need to kill those things, even if we're told or not. We would need to anyway even if we managed to overthrow Doc. And I think that would make it more difficult then. Animosity will rise. Uncertainty too. Chaos. We don't know how the Insiders will react. I'm sorry, but I think we need to play along for now.

"This is bullshit."

"I'm sorry, Ja. I jus-"

"No. Don't be sorry. I get it. I'm just fucking pissed."

I see why he's mad. But still, he really is pissed. He's leaving the bar awfully early. He didn't even finish is drink. That's concerning.

"Hey, I knew I'd find you guys her- Woah there. What's up with him?"

He almost bumped into her. I guess he didn't see her appear in the doorway. 

"He's ok. He just needs time to cool off."

"I see that. But how are you guys? The mission was a success!"


I agree with Rouge. We got lucky, it could have been a disaster.

"Well, now. Have more faith in yourselves! You're still alive, aren't you? You won't get better wins than that. Forget any hope of overwhelming success. You'll always be scraping the bottom and barely escape death."

"That's terribly depressing."

"I'm not sure I like that."

"Haha, well…"

She's wearing a sour expression. I don't think she meant to bring the mood down. At least she's honest.

"Wait, we're missing somebody. Where's Spike?"

"Oh, she said she was gonna party with Blue, whatever that means."

"Blue? Ah, right. They were childhood friends or something like that right?"

"I think so. It never was really clear. Spike is pretty bad at explaining…"

"Haha yeah, she's pretty easygoing isn't she?"

"That's underselling it."

"Haha, well, she's funny. I like her. She'll be a good influence for Blue… I think. She is always too stressed. Anyway, I won't bother you for too long. I just wanted to say that I'm glad to see you're alright. I also wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to make you feel helpless or let you down."

"It's fine, we get it. To be fair, we didn't really have time to think about it back then."

"That's true, but still. I just wanted to make sure you guys knew we're here to help you."

"Yeah, thanks."

Even though they say they are thankful, their tone is pretty heavy. But I understand. I didn't pay it too much attention either. But I guess they would be more affected than me since they probably care about their lives more than I do. Though I guess it was good practice. I understand that we won't always have Commanders on our team. We need to become more dependable. 

"Anyway, that's pretty much it. I won't bother you any longer. You guys have fun. Just not too much fun. We still have our training tomorrow remember?"

"Yep. Don't worry, about us."

"Good, see you tomorrow then."


With a ceramic floor polished enough to look at your reflection, the warmth of the golden light emanating from the suspended ceiling was bouncing around and illuminating this long but narrow corridor. On one side, a window was covering the wall in its entirety, carved out of the rock, opening the view over the sleeping city. Deep below lays the city where the sun never shines and yet, never loses to the darkness. 

The numerous residential lights were piercing the nights, without fail. A world of its own. An ecosystem wearing its own rules. Rules born of time and lineage, overseen by underhanded hierarchy and hereditary monopoly. Though unfair and outdated, this methodology born of survival was allowing this society to function. An imagery similar to its roads. 


Uneven, uphill and sinuous, the streets were chaotically roaming and warping around the infrastructures. They were formed under Earth's decision, they were adapted to its harsh nature. And yet, amongst this chaos, the city was beautiful. It was built with dignity. Honor. The hard work of its proud founder was resurging. 

On the other side of this surprising view, ivory doors decorate the wall in a symmetrical interval. Just their facade alone was hinting at a deep luxury. Suites. All Identical. Spacious environments honoring the highest crop of the Foundation's structure. From the 12 Commanders to Doc's most trusted handymen, the room weren't offered as a gift of appreciation as much as they were manipulative means of psychological warfare. Nonetheless, they were appreciated. 

In this otherwise eventless evening, the elegant fracas of high heels were almost burying the soothing voice echoing in the hall.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. After Em, now me. Sorry mom…"

Rose fled her family's destiny, the remaining of her past life contained in the box she was holding. Answering the call created by her walk, a door opened. James walked out of his room to lay his eyes on the woman approaching. Her troubled blue eyes rose up at the sound of the door opening. Any doubt she had left her when she had sight of him. That uneasy feeling she always has in her guts slowly dies away whenever she sees him. She doesn't know how she feels about him, about them. She doesn't know what will happen. But there's one thing she knows, and it's enough for her. When she is in his presence, she feels safe.


"Hey. Do you have everything?"

"Everything I could bring with me."

"Ok. Let me."


The tall man unburdened her of her belongings, of the weight pulling her down. He looked at her longly.

"You're pretty."

Even with all the clients she's met, all the things she did and had to do, and all the things she heard, no one could make her blush like he could with only simple words.

"Really? You're doing this right now?"

"What, it's true."

"Yeah yeah, playboy."

His proud snickers were rapidly shut down when the woman grabbed his collar and pulled him down to her level, stealing his lips with hers.

As if they were catching them in the act, Blue and Spike were turning around the corner. Spike's vocal nature immediately noticed the lovers of their approach. Rose instinctively moved slightly behind James' large build, not knowing if the newcomers were bad news or not. Her tense feeling loosened a little when her partner sighed lightly. They were lucky it was just The Normie. 



"Always so nice to see you."

"Wish I could say the same."

"Alright. I'm just trying to be polite here."

"Yeah, Blue! Come on now, he was just being nice. Evening mister."

"Glad to see somebody with some manners. Spike was it?"

"Yes sir!"

"I'm not that old. Just call me James."

Blue avoided making eye contact with Spike, pouting at her, ready to scold her for being impolite. The Commander's eyes then met with the blond woman behind the man. She scoffed.

"I see you've invested for a good night. Didn't picture you as the type. I'm slightly disappointed in you. Who knew you could get lower."

"It's not how it looks like. She's-"


Rose abruptly joined the conversation, saving James from any further slander. 

"I can offer you a good price. Or would you prefer to join us?"

She intertwined her arms around James' bicep, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Hun. I like your bluntness. He picked well."

"He couldn't have picked better."

After further observation, Blue knew she was missing something. They were both wearing casual clothes. Nothing luxurious or sensual. That box was also missing context. She couldn't tell what was transpiring, but she knew she misunderstood the situation.

"Hey! You look just like Blondie!"

"Um, excuse me?"

Spike left her friend's side to get a closer look at the unknown woman.

"Yeah! You look just like her! Same hair, same eyes too."

Rose's expression completely dropped. Her heart went rogue.

"W- Who are you talking about? Who's Blondie?"

"She's a friend of mine. You reminded me of he-"

"What is she like? H- how is she doing?"

"I- um…"

James and Blue also caught on. Something isn't right.

"Well… I mean, she's doing good. And um, she's really smart. And kind. So there's that. She's a little shy though, but that's okay. Oh, and she's really pretty! That's why you reminded me of her! But um, why do you ask? You know her?" 

Rose was lucky she was already clinging to her partner; she felt her legs give up for a second. Emotion rushed inside her, making her feel lightheaded.

Thank god you're ok, Em.

"She sounds very nice."

The tug of Rose's body alarmed him that something was going on. He decided this awkward encounter had lasted long enough.

"Sorry, but we've got things to do. So…"

"Right, I wouldn't want to cockblock you."

"Blue!? You don't have to be so crude!"

"No, like I said this isn't li- You know what. Fuck this. Goodnight."

After parting ways, Spike followed Blue to a farther room which she opened and let her in.

"Welcome to my abode."

Reacting to Spike's entrance, the various lamps and chandelier sparkled around the suite methodically turned on as the excited young woman stormed through The Commander's place. Her violet irises were absorbing everything, warping and eating light like black holes would. While her friend was touching everything she could reach, Blue routinely set her belongings aside.

She walked over to a sizeable piece of furniture with a lush finish. With a simple tap of her finger, the asset opened slowly. An icy fog seeped out and coursed above the marble floor, catching the warm dim light gently showering the apartment. The Normie pulled out a majestic glass bottle filled with a deep crimson liquor. She looked over her shoulder to see what kind of mischief her guest was up to, only to see her strategically testing any sort of cushion furniture she could find.

Blue smiled tenderly before continuing with her preparations. She reached out in one of her cabinets to pull out lavish coupes. The satisfying pop of cork and suction made Spike's ears twitch. She was already over the smooth granite counter before the fine wine could hit the bottom of her glass. 

"Woah. You're into fine drinks like that now, huh?"

"There's a reason why the bottle is still full. I just can't get into it. That's why I invited you to help me drink it."

Blue set aside the bottle before grabbing the stem of her glass, her fingers bathed in the scarlet reflections coming from her drink. She gently palmed the bottom of the other coupe before handing it to her company. Their hands softly brushed against one another during the delivery.

"Here. To you."

The Commander raised her glass. The smiley young woman looked confused but excited. 

"Me? What did I do?"

"You did your very initial mission, didn't you? That's exciting."

"Is it really, though?"

"Haha, yeah. You're right. It's kinda shit. But hey, you came back alive. That's something to celebrate no?"

"Hehe, it sure is!"

"I'm just glad you're back."

"Yeah. Me too."


"Hehe, cheers!"

Spike cheerfully tapped her coupe against Blue's. A sharp clarion echoed in the quiet suite.


Resting on the marble board, there was a pair of empty bottles, coupled with empty coupes and empty plates. Laughter, a rare occurrence in these parts, resonated through the dim suit. In a mess, two bodies were chaotically resting across the spacious bed, lying atop the silky white sheets. The heavy blanket long forgotten on the floor, prior kicked off due to the warming temperature. The two friends were laughing uncontrollably, their sides and cores suffering great pain. They were reminiscing embarrassing and funny stories of their past. 

"You got totally yelled at for it hahaha!"

"And whose fault do you think it was silly!?"

"Wha- Hey hey now, it wasn't my fault you were so dumb back then!"

"I can't believe you just said that to me hahaha!"

Happy tears were at the heart of this trip down memory lane. 

"We're drunk, aren't we?"



After a few failed attempts trying to stop laughing for no reason, they finally succeeded. 

"I did miss this, though."

"Miss what?"



"We used to hang out in your room all the time."

"It's hard to remember the times we weren't in there."

"Hahaha yeah."

"It was nice."

"It really was."

"We changed since then, haven't we."

"Barely, you're still a little dumb."

"I- You-"

Blue jokingly began to punch Spike's shoulder, whose lousy laughter showed how unbothered she was. Slowly, they found themselves on their sides, facing each other. The young woman looked at her older friend, her blue hair spreading over the white sheets, adding color to them.

"You still dye them. I'm glad. They look good on you."

"It's my trademark at this point. I'm not about to just change names."

Quietness was slowly taken over this otherwise very loud and eccentric night. Blue's azur eyes began to wander over Spike's body. She stared longly at her smooth dark skin, now tattered with ivory markings. They were scouring her entire figure, sharply defining her silhouette and her curves. Instinctively, she curiously brought her hand over to her friend's jaw, running her gentle fingers across one of the marks inhabiting her serene visage. 

Spike was still looking directly into her blue eyes. She suddenly felt extremely warm, more than she already was. Her face began to burn. She was unfamiliar with that feeling. A sparkling sensation emerges in her stomach.

"Those. You did change a littl-"

Nervously, Spike pushed back her friend's hand. She was breathing heavily. Knowing how close she was to Blue's face, she was scared she would notice. Blue's face was slowly overtaken by concern.

"Oh I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to. I was just got curious and-"

"No. It's not like that."


"It's just. I don't know. It caught me off guard. Your touch. I started feeling weird. I never felt that before."

"Oh, ok. … Oh!"

Spontaneously, she felt her face evaporate. Her drunk rosy cheeks gained a deeper tint. She only now realized how her curious escapade could also be perceived as an intimate caress. Her heart began to quicken. 

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"N- no! Don't be sorry! I didn't mind it. I was just flustered a little."

They found themselves staring into each other fevered gaze. Something about the ambience was different. It was hard for them to breathe normally. Not being able to think straight, it's as though they had to breathe manually. Spike's violet irises were shaking, now looking back and forth between her long-time friend's blue eyes and pink lips. Lips she never had noticed before on her, not in that way. Blue was frozen in place. Her chest was hurting from the unstoppable throbbing of her heart. She was feeling the pulse in the tips of her red ears. 

Spike was unconsciously closing the distance between them. She had no idea what she was doing. She was so anxious she could feel her vision get blurry at times. Soon enough, her lips were faintly brushing against her best friend's. She looked one last time into Blue's eyes before closing hers and locking in. Blue accepted the kiss, not knowing how to respond to it at first. But after her friend pulled back lightly, she doubled down. She leaned in and responded to her friend's feelings with a kiss of her own. They both gave in.

Spike's hands fondly scooped Blue's face as they kissed deeply. Blue's hands were reaching for her partner's sides when she felt her roll over her. She was now straddling her, her lips passionately embracing hers. The adventurous hands were now reaching the back of the body mounting her. Blue pulled back for a moment, now breaking up their mouths for the first time. They were both panting from the heat of the moment. Spike looked at her eyes, skipping from one to the other, looking for answers. Blue murmured softly.

"This isn't because you're drunk right?"

"No. You?"




They were both still unconsciously nodding when they began making out again. They both didn't know what was happening. What these feelings were, or where they came from. For the longest time, relationships were regarded as something very serious, something crucial. In this current climate, where survival is the guiding light, love affairs were regarded solely as a means of reproduction. Therefore, same-sex relationships were not only banned or shunned, they were unheard of. Unspoken of. 

But right now, they had no time to think about it. Nor could they think about anything. Their mind was blank. Spike was kissing Blue's neck deeply as her hand slowly reached down on her partner. The Commander closed her eyes as her back arched itself. She leaned her head against Spike's to moan deeply in her ear. Blue was struggling to focus, trying to remove the very little clothing left on her best friend's body, blocking her fingers to feel every inch of her skin. 

Blue wanted more. She wanted to make her partner feel as good as she was feeling. She sat up and began to discover Spike's chest with her lips. She felt fingers gently grip her hair as she was able to force a noise out of Spike's mouth; she had found a sensitive point. Spike then ran her fingers down Blue's back to remove her top. Her heart skipped a beat when she felt her body soar from the silk sheets. Her senior and her strength effortlessly lift her up and pin her down on her back. Their eyes met and locked into each other, even when Blue was slowly tracing her body down with a tender kiss, all the way down to where she knew she could please her.