
Bullshit Dimensional System

Kirishima Hiroto, that's my name. This is the unbelievable story of the time where I acquired a system... sound cliché right? ... I know, and I don't really like how it forces me to do things that- [Host, please stop talking to yourself and do your job] See what I mean? It kept giving me quests that requires me to jumble that entire storyline of my favourite animes... I just hope that this never ending loop of jumping from dimension to dimension would stop. [-100 system points has been deducted] Wtf !? I'll do it!! So stop deducting it!! Do you know how much I sacrificed for those points!? [Do you job, Host] This system is really getting on my nerves... At least... I have cute anime girls with me. "Ara you're much cuter than me Hiroto" "T-That's right!" Maple please don't agree with Kurumi... You're hurting my pride... "Owner!! Let's have babies!!" No, cerberus... stay- W-Wait! Don't pull my pants!!

VladFallen_C · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 1: World of Bofuri


Hiroto shouted as he landed on the ground on his back. Making him grit his teeth as he felt a few of the bones on his back break upon impact, causing him to turn his body and kneel on the ground. Holding his back with a pained expression on his face.

[It seems like the system has made another mistake with the coordinates. Adjustments are being made]

[Thank you host for your contributions]

"You son of a bitch..."

Hiroto cursed before green light showered down on his body. Healing his broken bones, causing Hiroto to widen his eyes in surprise as the pain dissapeared from his back.

[Please stop whining host. It's just a small wound]

The system said causing Hiroto to clench his teeth in annoyance and anger, but decided to just let it go by breathing deeply. Since arguing with the system wouldn't really earn him anything.

"... Calm down, Hiroto... Control your anger..."

He said as he breathed out, causing his body to relax before he sat down on the ground. Looking at the translucent window in front of him with a frown on his face.

"Tell me the quest... You suddenly pulled me in here when I didn't even get to properly read it"

He said as he bent backwards. Trying to feel if there was any problems with his back, and fortunately the system really healed his every wounds. Making him look around his location. Seeing thay everyone was frozen in place.

[Quest: Grow stronger

Reward: All skills and abilities are retained by the host.

Failure: Death

Limit: 1 week]

"... Can you be at least be a bit more specific than that?"

Hiroto asked in exhaustion, seeing how vague the quest is. Making the screen in front of him to blank out for a few minutes before a new series of words appeared in front of him.

[Quest: Grow Stronger

Reach level 30 (1/30)

Reward: All skills and abilities are retained by the host.

Failure: Death

Limit: 1 week]

"That's better"

He said as he stood up from the ground and began to stretch his body. Making the system look at him impatiently as he was taking his time.

"So... where the heck did you pull me into?"

[Current Dimension: Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu or also known in your world as Bofuri. You are now possesing a nameless background character of the anime]

"... Out of all the characters I possessed... I get to possess a background character..."

Hiroto said with a sigh before sitting down on the ground and looking at the system with a serious expression on his face.

"Tell me... If I'm in bofuri... then... why am I directly inside the game?"

He said before looking at his own body, causing him to see that he was wearing a set of peasant clothes that beginners of the game in the anime normally wore.

[All abilities and skills that you will accumulate will be directly assimilated in your body. To make this possible and easier, the system has made you possess the avatar of the character. But you will respawn if you do die in the game so you don't need to worry about anything]

The system assured as Hiroto observed his body and hair. Finding that the body that he possessed was extremely identical to his real body. Making him look at the system in confusion.

[The bodies that the host possessed will be altered to look identical to you, but every character of each dimension will remember you as that character that you have possessed. If you ever possess the body of a female character, the system will alter their bodies to look like the female version of y-]

"W-Wait a minute... A female character?"

Hiroto asked in bewilderment as he heard that there's a large possibility that he would possess a female body. And judging from the continuous quests. There's a chance that this system would force him to have sex with a male while he is in a female body.

[Indeed. In some cases the host will possess the bodies of a female character... and yes there are chances of what you're thinking of will happen]

"Motherfucker! Don't you dare give me shit quest like that!!!"

He shouted in anger and fear while pointing his finger at the system. Making the system remain silent as Hiroto started cursing up a storm.

"I'll fucking kill myself if I ever get those kinds of quest! You got that!?"

[Oh no... Anyway, you don't really have a choice host. Do you really think that the system will be threatened by you?]

The system sarcastically said, causing Hiroto to clench his fist. Resisting the urge to punch the screen in front of him, causing him to try and calm himself down by controlling his breathing.

"... I'll think about it once I'm there..."

He muttered before looking at the floating window in front of him with a serious expression on his face.

"Tell me more about yourself"

[Host, seduction won't work on us]

"You son of a bitch I'm asking you information about the nature of the system"

[Please avoid cursing the system or there will be penalties]

"It's because of y- nevermind, just tell me more information about you"

He said in exasperation, causing the translucent screen in front of him to distort before a large number words started to appear in front of him.

[The system cannot objectively judge a person's strength or numerically evaluate a character's strength. That is not within the scope of the system since power systems work differently in every dimension. For example, an overpowered person in one dimension will be treated as a weak person in another while the weakest of the former's dimension is considered powerful in the latter. It is impossible to objectively judge a person's strength since everything is different for mosy dimensions]

"... So no levels or gamer like ability?"

[There are none, the host's power will be judged by the strength of his soul. The main subject that will hold all of the host's accumulated abilities, skills, and physical or magical prowess. There system has no levels nor does it have any status points that a large majority of the other systems holds. The only things that will be shown in your [Status Window] are you skills, number of completed quests, personal information, and the strength of your soul that is judged based on the widely accepted ranking between systems]

"Show me my status"

Hiroto said, causing a large translucent screen to appear beside him. Showing a full body model of him while his information was shown at the side of the model.

[Kirishima Hiroto

Age: 18

Soul Ranking: Tier I

Skills: Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Physical Strength, Enhanced Charm

Number of Summons: 0

System points: 0]

The notification read, causing Hiroto to place his hand on the [Soul Ranking] section in confusion.

"What does Tier I stands for?"

[Tier I are the souls of normal men, Tier II are enhanced souls, Tier III are specialist souls, Tier IV are demi-gods, while Tier V are considered gods in the world of systems, and finally Tier VI, no one has able to reach this tier yet and they are treated as celestial beings. People that roam the celestial plane without limitations]

The system explained, causing Hiroto to place his hand on his chin. Thinking about what else to ask the system.

[In fact, since you're physical body is stored in a special space in the system. You're physique is based on the body of the person you are possessing. The only difference is your mana capacity, but that is adjusted based on the current strongest being of that dimension. As a preventive measures to avoid destroying the blance of power in each dimension]

The system added, causing Hiroto to widen his eyes in response.

"Doesn't that mean that-"

[No, since your current body is that of a virtual one, all changes will be converted into permanent buffs. This make it possible for you to buff the physique of the body that you possess to a certain extent. In this case... it rarely has any limitations since physique buffing skills are very limited. Skills also don't possess any levels, since all information will be directly provided to you. You just need to practice it so that you can master it]

The system explained, causing Hiroto to nod his head in understanding.

"How about the word changer that you mentioned before? What are the limitations... and please be specific"

[Changing a word from the script of the dimension would directly alter reality. You cannot change a word that would directly affect the relationship of the heroine and the protagonist, nor can you change a word to kill or revive them. That is the only limitation that it has]

He explained. Making Hiroto smile as he could already think of various scenarios where this aspect could help him, but hesitated as another question appeared in his mind.

"... Then one last question... When you said I could bring the characters that I summon with me back at my dimesion... Doesn't that mean that..."

[Indeed. In between every quest, you are given a resting time. Accordingly all of the characters that you've summoned will also be brought to your world, the world where they are treated as idols and fictional characters]

The system explained, causing Hiroto to frown in response from hearing his answer.

"So... I have to feed and take care of them myself"

He said before looking at the system with a bright smile on his face.

"Sounds bullshit... It looks like I won't need to fullfil one of the continuous quests"


The system remained silent while looking at Hiroto who had a wide smile on his face, but it can't afford for him to give up on those continuous quests since it could directly help him enhance his soul.

[The host has requested a debt of 400 system points]

[Request has been accepted]

[Host will need to repay the debt, or else an interest of 10% will be added each month]

[300 system points has been used to buy a [Permanent Premium Membership] from the organization]

[Beneficiaries has been permanently engraved into the system's host]


Hirito muttered in shock as he started to read all of the series of notifications that appeared in front of him. Making him grit his teeth before glaring at the system.

"What the fuck are you doing!?!?"

Hiroto shouted in shock and anger as he pointed his finger to the system. Kneeling down on the ground as he the notification on front of him.

[The host found it difficult to raise and provide for his summons. So the system has made a solution to solve this problem]

"You motherfucker!! You're screwing me on purpose!"

Hiroto angrily shouted as he punched the translucent window with his hand, but it just went through it like he was punching air. Making him clench his fist as a single tear started to appear at the corner of his eyes.

"I haven't even started yet, and I'm already in debt..."

[Host before you start whining like a baby. Please look at the beneficiaries of the [Premium Membership] status that I've brought you]

The system said before a large golden-coloured window appeared in front of Hiroto's eyes. Making Hiroto look at it with a frown, but froze as he read through the benefits that the membership gave him.

[Premium Membership Beneficiaries:

Access to the premium store of the system shop.

100 million yen monthly allowance from the organisation.

VIP privilege in all events, shops, stores, etc.

50% discount to all of the shops in all of the shops in every dimension.

High-end security provided to the household of the system's host.

A mansion or villa of the host's choice.

Membership Duration: Permanent]

"... System... Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

Hiroto said with a look of excitement in his eyes, causing the system to look at him in dissapointment and exasperation.


"Well... If it's like this then I can fulfill those continuous quests of yours... Why did you say so from the beginning?"

He said before a question suddenly appeared inside his mind. Making him glance at the system with a curious expression on his face.

"All of this cost only 300 system points? How valuable are system points anyway?"

[System points are extremely hard to come by and obtain. You can revive a dead person if you want with 50 system points, and achieve immortality using 70 system points. Changing a single word from a script cost 10 system points alone. If I have to calculate how long it will take for a normal system holder to pay that amount... Then it would at least take 20 years at maximum]

"... I take back what I said..."