
The Truth


Clueless and useless was the way I felt, what kind of Aloha was I if I couldn't figure out what was harming my pack members.

Another Vampire attack with no trace of the said vampire, but Hailey, Danica's friend, was proof that the situation was getting worse.

Her blood was on the wall of her room, and the words written with it made my blood boil.

I'm coming to take back what's mine

Who the hell were they, I couldn't look at Hailey fearing I'd break down at that moment.

She laid down on the bed, a very deep neck wound that wouldn't heal, several bite marks on her legs, the inside of her thighs, buttocks and breast. 

They defiled her, I couldn't comprehend the type of trauma she would go through if she ever woke up.

Witnesses said she didn't scream like the others did, didn't act mad like the others did, she just fell through the door of her parents room having walked from the back yard where she had been playing with a friend, and no knew when it happened, they just saw the blood on the ground and decided to follow it, and that was when they saw Hailey entering the house with her hand covering her neck which was covered in blood.

And how did the blood get to her room?

No one knew.

I didn't know what to think, what to do. I felt useless and powerless.


Remembering how Jerome had run from the room when one of his enforcers came to call him made me scared.

Hailey wasn't healing, and they weren't sure if she was going to survive it. 

For the first time in forever I felt truly scared for someone that wasn't me. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help?How much guilt would I feel if she died and I knew I could have helped her?

The questions ran through my head, I sighed, maybe I should just go against Jerome's orders to stay in the room and go to Hailey instead.

Arriving at Hailey's house I congratulated myself on finding it atlast despite the fact that I'd knocked quite a few doors tonight because Jerome's scent had led me to their house.

I adjusted my hood when I knocked on the door, Pete answered so I sighed in relief that it wasn't Vincent.

Pete squinted at me so I pouted, showing my best look of absolute and utter sadness.

"Did Jerome give you permission to come?"

My pout turned to a glare, "I'm the Alpha's mate, I don't need permission."

"Oh is that right,?" He asked, still holding the door, "since when are you the Alpha's mate?"

I really didn't want to do this, but he gave me no choice, I stared at him until he had to look directly into my eyes which were now brown because I was going to compel him.

"You will let me in and take me to the room where Hailey is staying."

He nodded with a blank look then opened the door wide for me to enter.

I inhaled deeply to calm my nerves as I pushed the door open.

My face was drained of colour when I saw Hailey, she was naked, bite marks covered her body, but the wound on her neck was worse, and they weren't showing any signs of healing, and it didn't look like she had any more blood to lose with how white she had become.

Jerome turned dead eyes at me and I whimpered in pain, I didn't like seeing him look like that, Vincent was the same.

"What are you doing here?" I whimpered again because there was no affection in his voice. I trembled with the need to submit and comfort him. I had the sudden urge to kneel between his legs and comfort him however I could.

"I can help." I said, he scoffed and I said more firmly, "Let me help."

"I told you to stay in the room, I didn't give you permission to come out, to come here or to leave the house."

"I'm your mate, I don't need your permis—"

He suddenly started laughing and then stopped. "You didn't accept me as your mate Danica, I've not claimed you, you've not claimed me so you don't have the permission to come in here and act like my mate or that my pack matters to you!

"You only think about yourself and no one else, you don't care what others are feeling so why are you acting like you do!"

I flinched when he raised his voice, and swallowed down a whimper. His words hurt me more than I dared to admit, he was right, I only cared about myself, I didn't care about anybody else, I was selfish, he was right, he was right about everything.

I looked away from him to the man and woman who sat at the left side of the bed staring at Hailey who didn't dare act like they were listening, I assumed they were Hailey's parents with how swollen their eyes were from crying.

I gently walked towards the bed and climbed it, Hailey's parents eyes snapped up and her father growled while her mother whimpered.

"It's alright," I said, my voice gentle as I soothed them, "I can help."

A look of hope flashed across their eyes before disbelief clouded them.

I sighed, already dreading the amount of energy I would used and the toll it would take on me. I gently placed my hand on her head and breathed out.

I could feel my energy leaving me and flowing into Hailey, I could see the bite wounds healing, and I heard the gasp of surprise and the sigh of relief.

The beck wound wasn't healing well so I pushed in more power than I had to spare and watched it mend itself. 

I could feel myself getting weaker by the second.

Hailey sighed in her unconscious state which made me smile and her parents whoop in joy. It meant she was now asleep and no longer dying and when I saw no more wounds I gave in to the sleep that overcame me.