

"To what do I owe the visit?"

Growling Olivia broke into a smile as she sniffed me.

"You're pregnant?" I didn't know if I should take it as a question or an observation.

"You must be really good in scenting out things other shifters won't be able to or you're extremely powerful." Jerome said.

"I'd say both." She answered then went back to scowling.

"I want to know why you gave sanctuary to one of our traitors."

"I didn't give sanctuary to any named Harrison, and I want to know why you think we did." Jerome groused back.

"We received a call from someone in the pack telling us—"

"Wait," Jerome interrupted. "You received a call from my pack?"

"Yes." Olivia growled, " someone from your pack called and informed us about how you're protecting Harrison." She whirled to gave me. "I expected more from you Danica."

I scowled, "what's that suppose to mean?"

"I mean I didn't expect you to do this to me, I thought we were friends." She suddenly started crying.

I watched her cry, having no idea how to react.

"I mean—" she sniffed. "—when Alicia called and told us you were protecting Harry, I thought no it couldn't be tru—"

"Wait." Jerome cut in. "Did you just say Alicia?"

The look Olivia gave him was enough to bury a person.

She wiped her eyes and sniffed. "I don't like being interrupted when I'm speaking, you know when Casper did it we didn't have sex for a week."

I flushed, having no idea why, probably because a sudden memory came to my mind.

"You were saying something about Alicia?" Jerome asked.

"Yeah, she called."

"But Alicia is dead." Jerome said.

"No she isn't, she called me yesterday."

"But she's as already dead, so she couldn't have been the one to call you."

"I'm pretty sure Alicia was the one on the phone, I would have known if she wasn't." Olivia said sternly.

"But she's —"

"Wait." I stopped Jerome from talking. "If Alicia was the one that told you, why would she betray her pack?"

"I dunno, I didn't wait to listen, I was just so angry."

And that was when I noticed Olivia was the only moonstone pack present..

"Where's the rest of your entourage?"

"I dunno," she sniffed then muttered. "Somewhere in the woods?"

"What?" I squinted.

She started crying. "I dunno okay, I was just so angry that my only thought was to come here."

"You came alone!" I shouted angrily. "Olivia you're pregnant!"

"I know, I know, I know." She wiped her eyes again. "It's just that I was tired of the babying, I mean I know I'm pregnant, but come on, am I the baby or the one carrying the baby?"

I was terrified, was this what being pregnant looked like? Would I behave like this? Would be this emotional?

"Hello, we were talking about Alicia." Jerome said.


A woman sat on the cold hard floor, her gaze riveted on the void that lay ahead.

She saw nothing felt nothing and thought of nothing, she was still.

Commanded to stay that way until permission to do otherwise.

The sudden opening of a portal neither made her flinch or blink.

"You've been summoned."

She stood up from where she sat, her gaze still on the void.

"What does my master wish of me?."

"Your presence is required, you will show yourself to Valeria Hortensius your daughter, you will neither acknowledge her or utter a word, and when you're summoned back you'll return to your dwelling."

She bowed, "as my master wishes."