
Danica's truth


I blinked my eyes open and smiled, my body felt relaxed and almost stress free, when I turned my head to look at Jerome, I was startled.

"You know watching me while I sleep is creepy." Jerome smiled and kissed me long and slow like he was savouring my taste.

"I can watch you all I want, come on I want you to shift, I want to see our baby."

I smiled feeling genuinely happy, "you know you can't see the baby cause it's still in my belly right?"

Jerome shrugged. "Come on, shift."

I got down from the bed and stretched.

I shifted seamlessly into a black panther.

Jerome smiled and rubbed my head with his right hand before scratching my ears, I whined in pleasure which made Jerome laugh.

"I almost like you better like this." He told me still grinning.

He crouched to my height and I quickly nuzzled into his neck, trying to rub him in my scent, he didn't smell like me enough.

"Can I touch your stomach?" He asked gently, I moved back from his neck to examine him.

"I promise I'm no danger to our child."

I tried to remind my panther he wouldn't harm the child because he was the father but I just got major eye rolling vibes from it. It didn't care, protecting the child was more important.

"Please?" Jerome pleaded.

My panther chuffed, pleased to see the alpha begging on his knees.

My panther rolled onto our back, our paws raised to the air, presenting our belly.

Jerome took careful steps towards me and crouched again, he gently and slowly moved his hand towards our belly and rubbed soothingly. My panther purred it's pleasure.

Jerome took his time rubbing and when saw that my cat was now getting irritated he moved back.

I shifted with a thought, naked because I wasn't wearing any clothes before shifting.

"How many animals can you shift into?"

"Seven." I answered. "A hell cat, a tiger, a falcon, a fox, a panther, a snake, a jaguar."

""What kind of powers do you have?"

"Well you've seen my use my healing power."

"You're never healing anyone again."

I ignored him. "I can do mind control, I can enhance or decrease a person's strength either shifter or human that's basically what I know I can do." Wow, I was feeling awfully chatty today.

"You've seen the side effects of what being a Hikrata did to me."

Jerome nodded.

"It turns me into a freak."

"You're not a freak." He kissed me, more like pecked me on the lips.

"If you say so." I said.

"How long does it last, when does it happen?"

"There's no saying when it will happen, and there's no saying when it will go."

"How did you loose your virginity." He asked casually like it was a normal question. I see, he was using this opportunity to ask me questions I wouldn't answer on a normal day.

"When I turned nineteen I went into a club and picked up a guy."

I braced myself, waiting for the backlash of how irresponsible it was for me to loose my virginity that way, but it never came.

"How did you survive alone out there in the woods?"

"I stole money and sometimes food, the rabbits—"

I didn't want to admit that I missed them, I didn't want to miss them.

"You know it's okay if you miss them, and I don't think you should be angry with them, they had no control over what happened, they stayed with you, took care of you and loved you, you should think about that before deciding not to see them again and even if they were watching over you secretly for another person, that person is dead so you should be rest assured that no one would be using the against you again. You should think about that"