
Bad men


I was an eighth year old girl, kidnapped from her foster home, and I had no reason to why I was being held, but what I could make out from the voices I could hear, I was going to be worth a lot of money.

I was in a box, scared and terrified, I heard the sound of his voice, he was chuckling, whispering how good I was being, I already lost my voice from screaming, I didn't know what to do, I was just a little girl.

Then suddenly everything was quiet, I knew then my time had come, they were finally going to do away with me.

But I believed, I wasn't going to die like this, I wasn't going to give up, I had hope, because something in me kept telling me I was safe, nothing was going to happen even though my other half disagreed.

When the silence became to uncomfortable, I pressed my ears to the wall of the box.

I heard the soft sound of someone walking with no fear in life, the walk of confidence. And as the sound grew nearer, I held my breath.

The thud suddenly stopped.

"I think she's in there." A voice said gently. I crouched as the lid of the box was suddenly lifted. I closed my eyes at the wave of light that assaulted my senses.

"Oh God." A different voice said. "What have they done to you? You poor thing."

I blinked open my eyes, I was not a thing, I wanted to tell the man, I was a human, a girl child who had her rights stolen from her, but I kept quiet, I didn't know who this new man was, I didn't know if he was worse than the others.

"Hold on, I'm going to bend the box so you can climb out."

I wanted out of the box to, so I kept quiet as the box was lowered sideways and I climbed out.

"Hello." A little girl, who looked a bit older than me called. I narrowed my eyes at her. This girl didn't seem right, her scent was off, even the man had no distinct scent.

"Will you let me go." I had to know if he was going to hold me captive like the others.

"No dear, you'll be free, you'll go to school and become someone big, I'll teach you how to fight so no bad man will be able to push you around any more, do you like that?"

"Yes." I answered, with a slight hesitation. "Do I have to pay you?" I asked, because the bad men always asked for money when they did something for others.

He seemed surprise by my question.

"Don't worry, you'll pay me with your loyalty."

I nodded. "I'm Tara." I told the girl.

"I'm Diana." She told me, "you're gonna be my new sister and Koala will be our brother."

"Who's Koala, is he your pet."

Diana giggled while the man snorted. "No, he's a boy, but older than us."

"Oh okay."

"Daddy said you'll leave with us when we save you from the bad men, is it true." I had no idea what to say so I looked back at the man.

"Will you live with us?"

It was great that the man was asking, but did I really have a choice? What if I said something and he hits me in anger like the bad men did when they took me from my foster home?

"It's up to you Tara, do you want to come with us?"

I didn't know what to say.

"Please come, we'll go to school together and I'll stop being the only weird one."

"Do they call you weird in school?"

"Yes and dad is powerful, bad men fear him, he'll never let any harm come to you."

"What about the ones that put me in the box?"

"I took care of them, you'll never see them again."

What more could I want? I had my own personal bodyguard.

"I'll come with you."

"That's a great choice Tara, I promise to always keep you safe."

"Okay." I answered, because really, what more could I want, my Foster parents never really wanted me, I was an unstable child, I was weird, they didn't understand me, I was not what they wanted.

But here, was a man, who wanted my loyalty in exchange for keeping me. What more could I want.


I didn't like sleeping, I hated it, and yet I needed it.

I hated it because, being a dreamer I mistakenly dive into people's dreams because I didn't have control.

I hated it, seeing things I didn't want to see, knowing things I didn't want to know because sometimes, my dreams sort of dive into people's mind.

But for Hailey, I wanted to dream her dreams, know her thoughts, dive into her mind. And it took self control to stop myself.

I had done a lot of bad things in life, I had killed people for Knox, I enjoyed it, killing bad men. But I enjoyed kissing Hailey the most. But I wasn't content.

My mate wasn't entirely sure about us.

"Are you keeping something from me?"

"No I.." she hesitated. "It's just that, there's a human girl I was dating."

"Do you still love her." I wanted to know, and I hated feeling self conscious.

"No, I don't love her, it's just that I feel guilty, I really liked her, and I knew she liked me, I don't like how I broke up with her without a reason."

"So us being mates is not reason enough?"

"No, you don't understand." She stood up from where she rested on my, on the bed. "She kept asking me what she did wrong but I didn't have an answer."

"That's the problem with being close with humans that don't know our secret."

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what?" She shook her head.

"You don't care about how your words affect others. I never thought I'd get a mate because I was gay, I didn't even know I'd be treated the same when people found out I liked girls, they didn't change towards me, they didn't care who I was with, she helped me get over my fear,, and you're just talking about her like she has no feelings." She pivoted, opened the door and slammed it shut.