
Bullied By The Billionaire

Megan Arrey is a graduate of the University of Douala and has just acquired a job at a Newspaper house. She has the task to have an interview with the most influential Businessman Nicholas Larry, the Owner of the best wine company in the country. Work brings them together, but fate tears them apart after a one-night stand. Megan is torn apart when she can't find Nicholas when she rises the next morning. Will she disclose the paternity of her baby to the man who wasn't around through her restless days and sleepless nights?

Eyong · Urban
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145 Chs


"Nick, I am sorry for zooming off on you so severally just that I am wondering about something, it gets me worried when I think about it," I whispered with my hands wrapped around his neck, and my head laid on his shoulders, it was a painful confession which I can't wait to share with him.

Nicholas managed to disengage himself from the embrace as he held me on shoulder length as he was eager to know what was keeping me away from him so often.

"What is that which is troubling you, angel? you know I am always here for you, right? you can talk it out, I promise to listen to you so carefully and solve your problems with so much respect," he let out assuringly.

I heaved a sigh, ready to blurt out my worries and fears.

"What if my stay at your place is a disgrace? what if I don't match your mom's likeness? what if I'm a total mess and I blow out every memory we could possibly share this weekend? what if I am not just good for you? what if...."