
Bullied By The Billionaire

Megan Arrey is a graduate of the University of Douala and has just acquired a job at a Newspaper house. She has the task to have an interview with the most influential Businessman Nicholas Larry, the Owner of the best wine company in the country. Work brings them together, but fate tears them apart after a one-night stand. Megan is torn apart when she can't find Nicholas when she rises the next morning. Will she disclose the paternity of her baby to the man who wasn't around through her restless days and sleepless nights?

Eyong · Urban
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145 Chs

Chapter 11

My heart was thumping high with fear, I wonder what might have happened to cause Megan to be this lifeless.

I struggled to carry her in my arms, walked with her towards the bed, and laid her lifeless body there__ apart from her heavy breathes, I could swear that she was dead.

Panic surged through my body, as the doctor came rushing in.

"Doctor, please help!" I half-screamed.

"What happened?" Doctor Lewis questioned walking to Megan's side.

I paused feeling how embarrassing it is to say we had a fight. This was really so discomfiting so I cleared my throat in response.

The main reason I did not talk is that there was a nurse in the ward with us. It was a bit awkward for a person of my stature to start explaining such things in her presence.

"Please will you wait for a minute outside?" he asked removing his stethoscope from around his neck to put it on his in his ears.

I nodded once before reaching for the door.

I returned to my former position, in the reception hall, did not dare put my ass on the waiting bench: I was busy pacing the floor.


It was about fifteen minutes later when Doctor Lewis came out of the hospital. It was already getting late and I had to make sure she returns home.

I was calm from the outside but inside I was boiling, my blood was pumping to ask so many questions__ he answered before I could even pose my questions__

"Megan had reacted negatively to the many drugs that were being injected into her system. What she needs is rest, enough rest to make her body stable. If it is fine by you, she will be discharged by tomorrow," he said.

This wasn't going to be a good idea, I had this feeling that it will be another scene when the tigress finds about this new development.

"I will be in my office, she is asleep now, so less noise is required in her ward," Doctor Lewis instructed before leaving.

I don't know what will become of me if I don't see Megan pretty fast.

Walking towards the room, I cringed the door open. The stench of drugs filled my nostrils and the astonishing sight of the most beautiful lady laid on the bed sleeping.

She looked like a sleeping beauty waiting to be kissed by prince charming. I was rich, handsome(I tell myself that a lot) well looking, but I wasn't a Prince and in as much as I wanted to feel her sweet lips, there was no way I was going to do it on an inactive body.

'Sweet heavens, Larry! what was that you just said? how on Earth can you be this lustful to already think of kissing her?'

my thoughts were crazy and they were actively getting the best of me.

Megan had a sac of drip attached on a drip stand slowly entering her body through her left hand.

I walked to the bed curious to see how pretty she was. Her breathing was now normal unless that she needed much rest to regain her strength.

I used this as an opportunity to admire her body, she looked pale as only her loud cries were enough to make her look as pale as death. Her hair was still drawn in a ponytail unless now it was messy around the band causing her hair to stand on strainless ends.

My eyes moved to her straight nose, I always heard girls from Manyu had the finest shape of nostrils in the whole of Cameroon, that wasn't a lie, it was evident before me to feed my eyes on them.

Megan's nose was pointy, not like the French man's own, it was well carved, only the tip that was beautiful pointed. I enjoyed looking at her face still checking at her.

Next, my eyes strolled to her mouth. If something must kill a man, then Megan's lips will surely cause my death.

She had fully matured lips, though she was chocolate brown in texture, she had this pair of tailored carved lips with the full bottom lip pink and very attractive.

Megan had layers of the wrapped neck, I always loved and admired women with such necks, but only ended dating only two.

Linda, the first ditched me for a Parliamentarian two months after our engagement. She said she really didn't love me, or I focused more on work than on her and she couldn't end up with me.

It was quite a scene in my life as the press and bloggers started pesting me to reveal the truth.

I always told them,

"I will let you all believe what you want,"

The engagement was called off and I turned to work more on my business.

The second lady with the 'neck with so many layers', as I always fancy calling it was__ Ashley__ she ran away with my ten million Francs CFA.

That was my last relationship before I decided to stay away from women.

Ashley took my money and eloped from the country. She thought he was wise but the moment I noticed it, she was arrested and thrown behind bars. The police had tracked her at the Mamfe-Ekok road when she tried escaping to Nigeria.

Every penny that she stole was sent back to me and she served a term of six months in prison at Newbell, Douala.

Her friends and family had to make series of apology sections begging for me to say a word on her behalf.

I did after six months and the cheap thief was released.

I don't care about her were about, it has been three years more since that incident and I had prettily moved from that scene.

Thinking of those unpleasant experiences, I wonder how much of a thorn in the flesh can Megan be. Not that I wanted a relationship with her, I was just being curious about it.

Especially as her baby face looked so naive as if she couldn't harm a fly.