
I think so too

  We are not at Ben’s house. We are at Josef’s new house. The one with the amazing gym downstairs. It’s night but the streets are still busy and the lights are everywhere. I step out and pause to squint at my boyfriend.

  Ben hoists my bag over his shoulder. After a few words to the driver, the limousine zooms off. 

  This is suspicious. He offers me a hand.

  Placing my hands akimbo, I ask, “Where’s the surprise? And what are we even doing here?” 

  “It’s in the house,” he explains when I hesitate to take his hand. “This was the best place to keep it. Let’s go up. I’ll show you, I promise.” 

  That works. I push one foot in front of the other till we are in front of the door. Ben retrieves a bunch of keys from his pocket, he gives me one last look, then opens the door.