
Take Care, My Angelus

"she's a member of staff and has to treat my sister. Don't worry; if she screws up, we can send it over her head. Now leave!!" Nikolai boomed as the siblings got out. 

They had no reason to stay in here. 

Alexander looked at the love of his life, and just when their eyes met, she looked the other way, and that hurt. He knew he had messed up, but he still needed her. he needed to explain himself to her. he didn't care that her siblings were savages. 

He didn't care that he was risking a second bullet wound. He didn't care about that. He didn't care that she hadn't told him the truth. He totally didn't care. 

So he walked towards the hospital bed, all eyes on him, waiting to see what he would do to her, what he would do with her. 

Even in his anger, Nik was smart enough to know his sister would need her closure, and even Damien stepped aside. But he had his gun on his hand, a reminder that if Alex tried shit, he would be dead, dead, and dead.