
Bullets and Bayonets


H_Ledger · War
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The End

Hello everyone. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this series is no longer being written, due to many circumstances. The main one is the lack of inspiration, which is totally my fault. Unfortunately, I have a terrible writing process where if I think about the end too much, I cannot deliver any in between, and it ends up becoming filler. I feel this books would be too good for that to happen to it, and I really wanted to see it succeed. There is another book, however, that I am currently working on that is going to be 100% freelance "from the seat of my pants" sort of deal, so you can expect great plot and no filler while I try to tell a story. The main goal is to actually have an ending, however, as when I do a "when I think of it" sort of writing style, I have a hard time getting to an ending, but hey! That just means we can enjoy the book longer! Keep an eye out for Neon Fangs, a cyberpunk (genre, not newly released videogame) gang war story, taking bits of Romeo and Juliet for a rival gang love story, Tokyo Ghoul's Dove police force for specialized gang unit called Angels, and set in a sci-fi neo-punk themed New York called Cr 'Iwall (Cree-wall). Hope to see you there!