
Bulletproof (Resonance).

Maeve Evans an orphan, skilled, and highly trained assassin who lost memories of her past goes undercover as a bodyguard to protect Axel Helion the sole heir to Majesty group incorporated and known to be a universal playboy. Whilst undercover, recovering her memory and in a blossoming love discovers a secret behind her past that changed her very existence. ************************ The rain showered heavily, drizzling with extreme force in the illumination of the night as tears streamed down my eye, yet all I could feel within me was intense pain and raging anger. My mind was in chaos and my heart in pain but the anger I felt within me outweighed them all. We stood stationary in the downpour as we gazed at each other in the solitude of our vicinity. No, I couldn't kill him yet, at least not until he told me the reason why he did it. "why....tell me why you did it". I gazed away from him in hopes to restrain my anger as I muttered clearly in a barely audible voice which reveal my agony but I knew he heard me. "I said why did you do it, tell me!". This time I expressed in far greater modulation when I didn't get a reply from him. "Why do you think I did it?". He enunciated in an indifferent tone and aspect as he continued in the same tone." They defiled god and were given judgment". "God? what sort of damned god?". I expressed in a loud voice as I rushed towards him at full speed sending a punch in the direction of his face. The background surrounding us was suddenly blown away by the wind that assembled from the intensity of the punch, leaves were scattered around and the ground we stood in dug deeper. He caught my hand before the punch could get to his face, he swiftly twisted my hand behind my back holding it firmly as he whispered into my ear in an impassive but scornful timbre. "look at you, you're still so weak and carry around insignificant emotions, after losing so much I expected that you'd change but you're still as naive as ever, giving time to fervent sentiments". My anger increased by the second, I kicked him with my leg and when I noticed he was distracted I used my free hand to deliver a hit on his lower abdomen sending him flying across the trees. He stood up from the grass with a slight slit suit and swiftly took off his lounge leaving on only the black trouser and dress shirt. "Prepare to have your ass handed to you, today is the day you die". I started with a baleful smile and complete resolution.

Emin_Ence · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter One: Run.

It was dark and rainy as we ran through the dark and poorly illuminated alley, l wondered what we were running from and where we were headed.

"Mum I'm scared, where's daddy," I said to my mum as she held my hand while we ran through the dark alley.

"Daddy's coming my love, so we need to be there to receive him when he gets to our meeting place," she said to me.

We continued running as fast as we could, I didn't want to plague her with any more of my questions but she still somehow noticed my anxiety.

We suddenly stopped running as she squinted down to my height and held my face in her hands and reassured me that everything was okay as she struggled to portray an affirmative silhouette but regardless she couldn't hide anything from me as I couldn't hide anything from her. I saw through her corroborative facade, which gave a fretful aspect as she spoke boldly but not without trepidation.

"My love everything is going to be okay and I'm sorry that we're outside in the dark when it's raining and cold and for the fact that you are soaked, let's just get to the meeting place and Everything will go back to normal".

" You promise mum".

"Yes my dearest, I promise".

Without warning, we heard a sound which appeared to be a gunshot, from a distance and it seemed to be arising from the direction we were coming from as I looked back I became apprehended with fear, I glanced at my mum and her face manifested to be even more horrified, she suddenly snapped out of her trance and took my hand firmly as we sprinted through the dark alley which was leading to a place we knew nothing about.

Unexpectedly we arrived at a crossroad, we were cut up on which direction to go. As I looked back again I could see that whoever it was that shot the gun was catching up on us because I could hear the sounds their running feets made, splashing through puddles of water as they advanced towards us.

I gazed back at my mum and to my dismay, it surfaced that she didn't know what direction to go, but she held me firmly and we sprang towards the road at our right.

This was not a surrounding we were accustomed to, although we had been living in the city, we were not generalized in the structures of the road as we had only moved into the city a week ago.

The light around the streets was dimmed and did not illuminate the surroundings.

We continued running but abruptly heard another sound of the gun being shot and this time it appeared closer than ever Nevertheless my mum held me tighter than ever as we accelerated our steps.

We got to a confined area of a small shadowy partition between two buildings which was extremely dark and led to a different avenue. We stopped and then my mum stooped to my height as she moved her hands to my face and stroked my hair placing it behind my ear, I noticed her eyes were teary as she tried desperately to suppress them.

" My ba...by ". She said as her voice broke."

. "I'm so sorry, I want you to know that your dad and I love you so much and will always be with you". She said with her voice which was breaking and was barely audible as she tried to format the words.

" Mum what's going on". I uttered as tears rolled down my eye.

"Nothing is wrong honey, it's just that your dad and I have something we need to take care of and I need you to be a good girl for mommy and do what mommy says, can you do that baby?". She asked as she wiped away the tears that continued to stroll down my eye with her thumbs.

" Yes," I said as I struggled to control the tears flowing from my eye.

"Mommy wants you to run through this narrow alley between these two buildings and I need you to continue running as fast as you can and don't look back no matter what happens okay baby, can you do that for mommy".

"Yes, but mummy I want you to come with me so we could go meet daddy".

" Mommy can't come with you now, I told you I and your dad have something to take care of respectively before we meet and after that, I'll come to find you, it's just like playing hide and seek".

"Are we playing hide and seek mummy". I voice as I hiccuped in between the formation of words.

" Yes, honey that's exactly what we're doing so....". She couldn't finish her words as we heard another gunshot.

"Run, Isabella, run". She said as she pushed me through the small spaced alley and I turned and started to run.

I ran and ran and ran and refused to look back as she had told me, cold rain showered down heavily and I heard a loud gunshot which made me gaze back at my mum as she fell to the ground and looked lifeless drenched in her blood.

Suddenly everything within me became numb as I became engulfed in darkness.