
Built different [Cyberpunk Fanfic]

THIS FANFIC WAS NOT MADE BY ME, THE ORIGINAL WORK IS ON AO3 AND WAS MADE BY SIGNLESS ACOLYTE *WARNING* IN LATER CHAPTERS RAPE IS MENTIONED, IF YOUR NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THIS, DONT READ THIS FIC AS ITS AN IMPORTANT PLOT POINT ---------‐------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything went to hell. That was Night City for you. But through the biggest stroke of luck in David's life, he wakes up the day of his Sandevistan implant, and decides... Not again. He'd fix things. He wouldn't break his promises again.

titytechnician · Video Games
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32 Chs

Chapter 19- You, Me, and He Makes Three

The same time that David and Maine were discussing matters with Falkins, Lucy was going out on the town with Dorio, Kiwi, and Rebecca. They did this on occasion, not because they did anything especially girly but just so that they could be themselves outside of their roles in the crew.

Despite what some might think, the four of them actually did get along fairly well, and were even friends. Well, Lucy thought of them as friends. She knew Kiwi had her own hangups, and her belief that it was better to just not trust anyone in Night city at all. But she was truly of the belief that if Kiwi really didn't want to spend time with them, she would have just bowed out, and gone home.

Instead, they were all at the Second Amendment shooting range to try out a couple different guns, as well as just enjoy shooting bigger guns without having to worry about things shooting back. This of course was Becca's choice for their first stop. Next would be Dorio's. The muscular Amazon would probably choose something physical and visceral. Maybe a wrestling match. Maybe she'd try to cajole one of the three into a spar. Or hell, maybe she'd actually show the feminine side she was shy about and convince them all to go get their nails done.

She hummed as she looked down at her own nails. Perhaps she could use a manicure… David was always so quick to notice every little thing she did or changed. It was one of the things she liked the most about him. He was so damn perceptive…

She chuckled to herself as Becca took her turn to let loose a flurry of bullets from a set of DS1 Pulsar's, dual wielding them, cackling like a madwoman amidst the sheer ballistic carnage.

There she went again, thinking of her input. She didn't think she could go more than a few minutes without thinking about him, or wishing he was there. She knew it wasn't normal to want to be around your input constantly, and never leave his sight. To want to almost crawl into him so that they would never be apart. But she couldn't help it. Every time they seperated, it was like her heart broke, and could only be mended by his presence. Hell, the only thing keeping her going by this point was the fact that he'd let her keep the tracker on him.

Knowing where he was at every given minute should have been a nightmare to her gonk of a boyfriend. But no. He was more than happy for her to know where he was. Hell, the few times he'd gone to Lizzie's, he'd sworn to her that it was with Pilar and Falco. Not that she cared, BD's were a hell of a lot different from just getting some trim from any hooker that might be interested. But no. For some reason, the very idea of porn or BD's in general seemed to cause a visceral discomfort to him. She didn't question or press but…

Fuck it made her feel like even more of a tease and a terrible girlfriend for not having slept with him yet. This was going too long. Her pussy was practically throbbing by now with how much she wanted him, and her nipples felt like they were in a constant state of hardness that could cut through glass.

But there was just something in her that told her that she didn't deserve it. Didn't deserve him. That the moment she gave in, he would be disgusted at the lustful wanton whore that she wanted to be with him and leave.

But equally, she couldn't even bear to consider the idea of le-....

She couldn't even finish it in her head. Just vaguely thinking about it sent her heart racing in fear and her stomach feeling hollow.

"Hey Lucy, are you feeling alright?"

She blinked swiftly looking towards the sound of the voice and….oh. Rebecca was looking at her concerned and a bit exasperated.

"You know, the whole point of having a girl's night out is to have fun just us without the boy's around. Not to brood and stress about stuff."

She laughed softly, before giving the shorter girl a smile. Jeez, her face felt so weird with how often she was smiling nowadays. It was like the muscles in her cheeks were starting to cramp up from overuse. She wasn't even really aware you could do that until she'd met David.

And there she went again.

"Thanks Rebecca. Was just thinking of… dumb stuff I suppose. Have we decided what our next goal is?"

Kiwi piped up, looking interested for once.

"I think Dorio mentioned something about getting our hair done. So, I'm down for that."

Lucy's joy froze for a moment. That sounded nice actually. All of them getting a wash and scalp massage as someone took care of their hair needs. One problem for her.

Her deep dive port. She just… she couldn't handle people being anywhere near that port. The only one she'd been ok with it, was David, and she hadn't even realized it until after he'd gone with Kiwi to do that job for Faraday. The very CONCEPT of someone touching that patch of RealSkin, finding out what Arasaka had implanted in her to make sure that she would be the most effective she could be…

She shuddered.

"Mmm.. I think I'll pass if that's ok? Don't like strangers touching my head."

She said easily, trying to portray it as something far less upsetting and anxiety inducing than it actually was. Kiwi wasn't fooled but she didn't question things. That was just the way she was. She wouldn't say anything, just let you explain it to her in your own time.

She didn't know why she hadn't explained her time in Arasaka's Old Net Recovery Program but… she hadn't told anyone. Not even David yet. And yet why was she so certain she would? It almost felt like an inevitability. Not in that soul crushing dread kind of way either. More the sense of… coming comfort. Like falling into your bed after a long exhausting day.

Becca shrugged as the ladies began to exit the gun range, having already paid for their time, her arms raised with her fingers threaded behind her head.

"Well then you and I can get a mani-pedi while these two get soaped up. Sound good ice-queen?"

Heh… that was Becca. Despite her abrasiveness, Rebecca was one of the more sensitive and considerate women she'd ever met. Their personalities might not match up perfectly, but she could say for a certainty, she liked the shortstack.

But she wasn't stupid after all. Becca had it BAD for David. Almost as bad as she did. And despite what she'd told David before the Maxim job…. She did worry a bit. Not because she believed that David would be unfaithful. But…

Before she could continue her line of thought, Rebecca had hip checked her with those insanely proportioned hips of hers, making her stumble and glare at the cackling little gremlin.

"Come on! I already said that girls night out is for fun! No brooding allowed!"

Dorio leaned down so that her head was level with Lucy's, a playful leer on her face.

"Oooh… I bet she's not brooding. I think she's fantasizing..~"

Oh no.

"Pfft, fantasizing? Fantasizing about what?"

Lucy blurted out, her eyes unable to keep from darting back and forth, trying to figure out a way to escape the coming conversation. She looked desperately at Kiwi, hoping that she would give her an out, only to find Kiwi steadfastly looking away, so as not to catch her protege's pleas for assistance.

Traitor!!! She cried internally in despair as Dorio's teasing grin became wider.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about, little Miss Netrunner. Your input. And what a tasty looking input he is. He looks nice and lean…. Does he know how to work the muscles he has in the bedroom, or does he need a bit of training up?"

Why did she look so honestly intrigued???

"I haven'-! We-!"

Goddamn her she was flustered. She wasn't used to being flustered dammit! Did she just have a sign on her forehead that said 'please bully me' ?

"That's none of your business!"

She finally said, hoping that would stop the hellion in human form from prodding any further about her sex life.

Or lack of one rather.

Dorio just chuckled and pulled back a bit, giving her a gentle nudge on her shoulder.

"It's cute seeing you get all worked up. You're not usually like this. The last time you had a one night stand you didn't even hesitate to dish about what happened. Guess it's different now feelings are involved hmm? New love can make even a fumbling kiss feel amazing."

Lucy flushed, but felt the urge to defend David now, because good God. Those kisses were NOT fumbling.

"If I tell you ONE thing will you let it go??"

Dorio grinned.

"For today only but sure."

She groaned and fidgeted with her hands briefly, his kisses flashing through her head before sighing.

"He's disgustingly good at kissing."

Dorio raised an eyebrow as Kiwi looked away in feigned disinterest as they walked down the streets of Night City. Meanwhile, Becca was clinging onto every single word she had to say like it was gospel.


Dorio said with that stupid wide smile again.

She huffed but obliged, continuing her statement.

"He kisses like he knows every single thing that will make my fucking toes curl. Like, not just 'oh this is really nice' I'm talking, I've legitimately had to stop him from kissing me until I came shuddering against the wall of my apartment."

Dorios eyes glittered at that, as Becca's dilated and even Kiwi seemed intrigued.

"Against the wall?" Becca asked her, voice trembling just a touch.

She nodded, her eyes glazing with the memories..

"Mmm… he might not be taller than me… but damn he still made me feel like I was tiny…"

She sighed in pleasure, as she idly checked her tracker. Mmm. Heywood huh? That was interesting. Must have been a big job. She felt the urge to send him a message, asking what he was up to… but no. He'd let her have damn near total awareness of where he was at every point. She could have some damn faith in him and not demand updates like she was some controlling abusive girlfriend.

She was better than that.

He deserved better than that.

"He's strong… maybe not as strong as Maine or you Dor, but he's stronger than his frame suggests. And I felt trapped in his arms in the BEST of ways. And he just… I don't even know how to describe it. And the best part is that despite the Sandy? He's fully 'ganic. So that body heat is just….


Fuck she was starting to work herself up talking about David, and from the looks around at the crew, she wasn't the only one. Dorio's eyes were glinting in a manner she recognized in her mirror, Kiwi even looked like she might need to take a breather.

Becca though?

Becca looked like she was ready to go racing after David and try him out herself with how eager she seemed. It honestly sent a little thrill through her that her gonk could affect these badass women like this, though she also felt a little.. inadequate.

Especially as she looked at Rebecca, she wondered...was she right for David? Would David be better off lea-.

No. No, she couldn't bear the idea. She was so weak. She couldn't even consider the idea that she would bow out and let somebody who wasn't as fucked up in the dome take care of David.

Becca, perceptive as ever, seemed to regain her self control and gave her a nudge playfully.

"Alright now, let's stop fucking listen to Lucy brag, and head to the next stop. We hitting the hairdresser or what?"

Kiwi hummed as her eyes lit up with data streaming.

"I can get us an appointment at Fashion Cuts? Two hair washes and touch ups and two mani-pedi's?

Dorio finally relented and stretched out, cracking her back.

"Sounds like a plan to me then."

Lucy quietly caught Rebecca's gaze as they moved towards the hair salon, mouthing a quiet thank you. The girl just gave her a little smile. Anytime, she mouthed back.


The rest of the day passed almost in a flash, the manicures and pedicures Rebecca and her had gotten were pretty damn preem she decided as she admired her fingernails. As well as that, Kiwi had taken them to watch a street game of basketball, before Lucy finished their little meeting as she usually did. With some ice cream.

"Ya know, I know I used to make fun of you for always wanting to do the same thing when we all go out Lucy, but I think I've warmed up to it. There's something to having a reliably good end to a nice day isn't there?"

Rebecca said, eating from her little plastic bowl, the confection being topped with chocolate sauce, bananas and sprinkles. Meanwhile Dorio was munching on a cookie ice cream sandwich and Kiwi was contentedly drinking a milkshake from a straw into her face plate.

Lucy and her plain vanilla cone reveled in her victory, grinning at Becca.

"You have your victory meals after a job, I have my little treats to remind myself that not everything sucks. Especially when you're in good company."

Becca gave her a soft smile as Dorio cheered with her mouth full of cookie and ice cream, and Kiwi hummed in approval. And as usual, Kiwi was the first to stand up to depart. Though to be fair, this time she seemed almost… fond in her goodbyes.

"I've gotta get going. I was wanting to work on compiling a new Daemon for the next job, so I gotta get to it. This was… fun. Looking forward to the next time."

She said, giving them all a lot more of a farewell than normal as she stalked off, her coat doing the badass flare thing it did sometimes.

"Damn I wish I could pull off a coat like that."

Becca groused as Dorio sighed in pleasure, having finished off her ice cream.

"Well ladies, I had a great time. Becca, you'll call me about the questions I had about upgrading my iron?" The muscular woman said as she tossed the wrapper into a nearby can.

Rebecca just gave her a thumbs up as she was finishing the rest of her ice cream. Dorio nodded in acknowledgement and gave Lucy a little salute, heading off in the opposite direction of Kiwi.

Silence fell for a moment as Becca finished her ice cream, dropping the little bowl in the garbage as well. She'd expected Rebecca to leave soon after as well, but instead…

"Hey uh… Lucy? I kind of need to talk to you. It's...important."

She froze. What… what did she… What did she want to talk about?

The question was pointless. Lucy had a damn good feeling about what Rebecca wanted to talk about.


She asked the shorter woman, affecting an air of nonchalance.

"Yeah. Can we talk? At your place?"

Lucy hummed but… it was time. Time to clear the air. Time to figure out what the hell to do about all this.

"... Alright. Come on."

The trip back to Lucy's apartment was not exactly the liveliest thing in the world. Things were quiet both in the city and between the two women, both of them saving everything they had to say until they arrived in Lucy's abode.

Entering into her apartment, Lucy took a seat on the windowsill, looking out at the rockets, the fading sun, the rising moon.

"So… what is it Rebecca?"

Rebecca took a seat on a nearby chair, her legs swinging lightly as they couldn't reach the floor. She was picking at a cuticle roughly before seemingly taking a breath to calm herself.

"... we're friends Lucy. Despite our own issues, I'd fight and kill for you just like everybody else on the crew. You know that right?"

She'd hoped. But it was still nice to have it confirmed.

"Yeah… yeah I know."

She said, still looking at the rocket platform.

"That's why I'm not gonna hide this anymore, or lie to you."

A tight feeling in Lucy's stomach began to grow in size as she looked back to find Rebecca staring straight into her eyes.

"... I like David. I like him a lot."

The bottom of Lucy's stomach dropped out from within her, as her mind raced. Was she going to say Lucy didn't deserve him?

You don't.

That she was going to go for him herself?

He deserves better.

".... So… what do you intend to do? Try and take him from me? Tell me I should let you have him?"

She said coldly, and quietly. Despite her inner dialogue, she still couldn't even begin to consider the idea of letting him go.

What was said next however, began to change everything… and for the better.

"What kind of girl do you take me for Lucy? I'd never do that. That gonk would kill for you. He'd never fucking let you go."

Rebecca replied, looking visibly disgusted at the idea of trying to get Lucy to let him go.

Lucy however couldn't really comprehend what she was hearing as she stopped hugging her knees to her chest.


Rebecca gave her a little eye roll before smiling affectionately.

"Look… Lucy, I'm not trying to steal him from you. I just… Can I try to explain?"

She hesitated, part of her wanting to tell the firearm obsessed gremlin to get out, and stay away from David, hissing and clawing like a cat.

But another part of her, a warmer, more hopeful part of her wanted to hear her out.

"... Ok."

Rebecca let out a deep breath, looking relieved before fording the stream of her consciousness into attempting to communicate her thoughts.

"I… you know I used to be Mox right?"

She nodded, the tattoos and sexual freedom in the shortstacks mannerisms plus the occasional reference to people in leadership had given her that impression.

"Well… I'm used to a certain kind of attention. To people looking me up and down, and asking me how much for a couple hours. Or conversely people looking at me with mad disrespect, treating me like a kid. It's rare I find anybody willing to just… treat me like a professional. A solo, ya know?"

Lucy nodded slowly, aware of how people treated her. She'd been around for a year, so long enough that she'd picked up on a lot of things they didn't talk about.

"How does this have anything to do with David?"

She asked, still in a fairly neutral voice, even though she could see where Rebecca might be going with this.

Rebecca gave her a mock glare.

"I'm getting to it! Just… hold on. So, when I first met David it was during his first checkup with Doc Vik. I thought he was cute the moment I saw him but I just did my usual routine. Try and make him blush for funsies and all that, which holy crap did that backfire on me. I'll explain that later."

Rebeca looked a bit flustered, and to be perfectly honest, Lucy was curious to hear what had happened to make the usually shameless former Mox seem so shaken.

"... The first time he looked at me it was like he could see right through me. Past the tats, past my height,past the bravado I put on when I thought he was making fun of me. He was…. Sweet. Yeah he looked at my ass, but that's fine! I liked it. The difference was his interest was honest, not mixed up in a bunch of excuses and misdirections."

Lucy wasn't even mad or jealous at the fact that David had been looking. She'd said she didn't mind it after all, and she wasn't exactly immune to gazing along Dorio's abs or tracing Kiwi's tattoos with her eyes when they both did a dive.

"So… that was what sparked my interest. But it was when we spent a few times hanging out together that I… he cares about me. I can see it in his eyes. And I can see that he loves you to pieces. That's also obvious. And that's part of the reason I like him so much. He's so damn loyal to you. To his friends. To the crew… I just… I guess I want some of that too."

Lucy was confused. Well. Partially at least. She got that David made Rebecca feel warm and cared for. But she wasn't exactly certain what she was suggesting.

"... So… what do you want to do about it?"

Rebecca fidgeted,and looked a bit shy, and embarrassed, gazing at the ground, before looking up at Lucy.

"... would it be too crazy to want to try and… join you?"


"What??" Lucy asked Rebecca, sure that she couldn't possibly have heard her right.

Becca's cheeks were a bright red that contrasted prettily with her pale skin, biting her lower lip anxiously.

"I want to try and date him as well. No competition, no sabotage, no making him choose between us. I'd like it if we could work something out that could end up with the both of us happy."


Becca's mind was racing with all the possible responses that Lucy might give, from pure rage, to disdainful mockery, to just a polite but firm no.

Never in a million years did she expect Lucy to humor her, and continue the conversation.

".... Both of us... Dating David. How the hell would that work?"

Despite the seemingly hostile and disbelieving words, Lucy's tone was more confused than anything. She could work with confusion.

"Well… it would kind of work like things have been going. Cuz above all else, David's my choom ya know? Honestly I… no offense to you or the others but he's kind of my best choom. But… Instead of me looking at him all longingly when we hang out, I can just curl up against him and kiss him when he's being sweet. Oooh! And I can help the both of you out with sex stuff! Like I'm sure he's doing alright, but a girl knows a few things a boy just doesn't without a LOT of practice or natural talent."

Jeez can I sound like any more of a saleswoman if I fucking tried?

Her musing however was cut off by Lucy freezing and looking away again, this time.. she knew that look. Guilt. Self loathing.

"Luce… what's wrong?

For the moment, her desire to get a piece,(just a piece!), Of the happiness that Lucy had with David was cut off by her choom being in genuine distress. Lucy said nothing, and figured that after a moment she wouldn't say anything and just continue the conversation. Lucy didn't like explaining things for whatever reason, but… she figured it was some kind of trauma.

But damn, who didn't have trauma in this town?

So it came as a total shock when Lucy gripped her own bicep with her opposite hand and began to speak.

"David and I haven't slept together yet."

Part of Becca wanted to explode and chastise the girl for being a bad girlfriend and not rocking her inputs mind, but the part that wanted Lucy and herself to be happy outweighed the caustic words.

"Not ready?" She said nonjudgmentally. She got it. She'd seen a couple of Mox get into relationships where feelings were involved, and ended up completely at odds with themselves, not knowing what to do, but feeling like sex would change things, or they actually just wanted the emotional side of things.

Lucy snorted in derision.

"Oh god no. I'm so goddamn ready. I was ready to pounce on him that first fucking night I met him. I've been ready for MONTHS now, and I just can't believe I'm so fucking STUPID and contrary."

The former Mox frowned as she watched Lucy get up, and begin to pace back and forth before the windowsill.

"... Have you talked about this with David?"

Lucy whirled around in a show of sexual frustration and despair.

"And what am I supposed to tell him? 'Hey David, sorry I've been a total fucking cocktease for the last couple months. I'm just terrified that when you see the deceitful whore that you decided to fall in love with for what she really is, you'll leave me. So I'm holding off that inevitable confrontation by blue balling yourself and driving me crazy too!' ? Do you think I have absolutely no concept of how fucking stupid and ridiculous that sounds?!"

Lucy looked absolutely wrecked and distressed as she sat down, her hands in a weird position, one holding her face like what you might expect. The other… was gripping the back of her head with a grip Rebecca knew had to be excruciating.

"I just… I don't deserve him, Becca. I just don't. I'm not good enough for him, and I don't talk about things enough, and maybe he'd be better off with yo-"

Rebecca cleared the space between them, gripping the fabric of Lucy's outfit,ignoring how the grip made the tall woman's tits squeeze together and shoved her against the window.

"Don't you fucking say that you hear me? Don't you goddamn give up on him. On you. On the both of you. Look… I'm not gonna say that your fear is stupid. That's not how shit works you get me? Fear works its ways into your mind, into your very being like a parasite, feeding on all the things we don't want to acknowledge."

Lucy looked a bit taken aback, and a bit.. ooh.. eyes dilated. She liked that. Well now, that's something to keep in mind for later.

Lucy's entire presentation was crumbling before Rebecca, her eyes misty and her lips trembling.

"... Then what do I do Rebecca? I don't know how to be better than this. I don't know how to be what he deserves."

Rebecca grimaced at what she was about to say. It wasn't that it wasn't true, it was just cheesy and something even she hadn't managed to make a regular thing for herself.

"... Look, trying to change yourself for anyone isn't a full proof thing. It's like….trying to build on top of sand. You gotta want to change yourself for you too. You gotta want to be better for yourself. You do that, and change who you've been to be better for your input? That's like building on rock. It's hard though. I know it's hard, especially when frankly you don't like yourself that much."

Self-loathing wasn't exactly something Rebecca was unfamiliar with, she thought as she sat down next to Lucy, her hips pressing lightly against her.

She hesitated for a moment, but put a hand on Lucy's back, and began to rub it softly.

".... David loves you Lucy. So fucking much. It's in every single look he gives, it's in his words when he just mentions you briefly, it's just… obvious. Like a fact of the universe. And I think if you just talked to him about all of this, he'd understand. And I'm not gonna lie? I think David's a bit of a freak himself. He's got that playful look in his eyes, so I think anything you show to him, he's gonna embrace wholeheartedly."

Jeez… how did she get here? Reassuring Lucy that she wasn't a thot because she wanted to jump her man's D while also hoping that she'd have mercy on the poor former Mox's heart and pussy,and let her try and grab a bit of that Latino sweetness. Night City sure was fucking weird.

Lucy was still clenching the back of her head with a bruising grip, but eventually as the room grew silent, and Becca continued to rub her back, she spoke up.

"... You wouldn't be trying to steal him from me?"

Rebecca's eyes widened, as her heart started to race. Could she… really be? No. Ok no Becca. Get your shit together. Don't get ahead of yourself.

"Luce, I don't think I could even if I wanted to. But I REALLY really don't want to. If you tell me to go away, and stay away from him, I promise I will. I'm not gonna stop being his friend, but I'll start trying to bury my feelings. Let him go."

"So… it would just be like normal? Except he'd be with you too?"

"We'd probably need to talk about things. Work out schedules and stuff, figure out about how you and I feel about each other as time passes but… yeah. I'm not trying to be selfish. And I'm not trying to take his love for you for myself. I want him to like me in a way meant for me… not you. You get me?"

Lucy seemed lost in thought, and Rebecca just had to try and keep calm even as every part of her just… desperately was pleading with Lucy to give her a chance.

She'd beg if need be. She had her pride, but some things were worth more than pride.

"If I let this happen… if I gave David the Ok…. Would you help me?"

Her eyebrows crinkled, not quite sure about what she meant.

"...I'm not following."

Lucy laughed shakily, and attempted to explain.

"Look… I'm not good about explaining my thoughts to people. I hide things when I don't need to, as is patently obvious by now. And David… he has such trust in me, it honestly terrifies me. So he's not going to question me if I start acting stupid again. But… you're more the tough love type. You won't hesitate to call me out if I start acting dumb again will you?"

Oh Lucy… you fucking gonk.

"I'd do that even if you told me I needed to stay away from David. You two are GOOD together. And I don't want to see that get tarnished or damaged. So if you're only willing to give me the shot based on that? Then don't worry. I wouldn't… lean on you like that. Ok?"

The selfish part of her lamented that, as it was the simplest and easiest way to get what she wanted.

But it wouldn't be right.

The resentment would build up in time, causing everything to blow up and leave everyone miserable. Not to mention make her own self-loathing take a massive increase in growth. For this to WORK everybody involved had to be willing to walk in with completely open eyes.

Lucy looked at her with… eyes that Rebecca rarely saw. It was almost like David in a way. Lucy was seeing into the heart of her… Becca didn't mind at all. In fact, she kinda liked it.

She liked it a lot actually.

".... Ok."

She said eventually, making Becca's heart stop briefly, even as she was torn apart by conflicting hope and despair.


She asked as calmly and neutrally as she could, though by the trembling in her hand as she rubbed Lucy's back, it was rather obvious that she'd failed at that.

"Ok. I'll...I'll let David make the choice. No pressure from me, or you. I.. ya know, I told David this a couple months back… but I guess I didn't realize just how true it was."

Rebecca frowned, not really following, though her heart was racing in pure joy and hope. She said yes!!! She said fucking YES!

….Oh god now she needed to hope she wasn't just reading his Interest incorrectly. That would be really fucking embarrassing to go through this whole situation only to find out he didn't have any interest in her whatsoever.

But focusing back on what Lucy had just said, she questioned the Netrunner curiously.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him I didn't care what he did, as long as he wasn't the type to leave me. Gonk just said… never."

Now that? That was enough to make her fucking heart flutter and the devotion and heartfelt words hadn't even been aimed at her.

"Shit… I don't know how you didn't jump him then."

Lucy laughed then, the sound almost… relaxed at this point as the tension that had seemed to be ever present in the pastel haired woman's body language seemed to dissipate.

"I'm not sure how I didn't either. But… that brings up the question… what do I do now?"

Rebecca frowned..

"What do you mean?"

" I mean what do I do to broach the topic of having sex with David? Without him asking why I haven't done it beforehand."

She exhaled. Ah… seems like her duties would be starting from the off it seemed.

Slapping Lucy upside the head gently, she gave the gonk-brained runner a soft disappointed frown.

"We just talked about this Luce. You need to be honest with him. Just tell him you were scared, that what you wanted was more freaky than normal and you didn't want to lose him. That gonk will be SMOTHERING you in the love after that. Just… be real with him choom. Tell him you've got some self esteem issues. If I'm not wrong, I'd bet he's got some of his own. I do as well, shit. We all got our trauma."

Lucy looked chagrined at that, but nodded.

"So… just… sit him down? Talk with him?"

Becca shrugged.

"Pull his pants down too, and start sucking? I don't know Luce, I'm trying my best here, but I never had a proper relationship before either. I'm just flying by the seat of my stretched as fuck panties."

Lucy flushed at the graphic language and suggestive tone, but she just nodded, before smiling softly at Rebecca, moving one of her hands to rest on top of Becca's.

".... I can't believe I'm saying this but… thank you. For all of this. David means… so much to me, and the more time passes, the more I realize just how much this crew matters to me as well."

Becca flushed as she turned her hand over to squeeze Lucy's briefly.

"... You guys mean the world to me too. It's weird. Kinda felt like… one day I just woke up and realized that.. all of this could be-"

"Taken away from you?" Lucy said quietly, tightening her grip.

"... Yeah. Like I needed to just… give less of a shit about the fronts I try to present and just…"


They sat quietly for a moment, the two of them just coming to terms with what this would mean for them. All of them. Shit was probably going to change, and it wasn't a guarantee that the changes would be for the better…

But it was worth it. Happiness in NC was in short supply, and could be ripped from you in an instant if you didn't protect it zealously.

But hell…

Maybe there was safety in numbers.

"So do you think David will want to have a threesome with us?"

Lucy snorted, a wicked smirk on her face.

"Oh I don't doubt it. Which reminds me… you Bi or just in it for Latin Meat?"

Rebecca's face pulled into a smirk just as wicked and playful as Lucy's.

"Mmm… I go both ways, though I've got a preference for men. You though… yeah… I could see myself enjoying a nice long lick."

Lucy didn't respond for a second, only for her hand to move from Rebecca's hand, to her thick plush thigh squeezing it. It was almost comical how quickly Rebecca began to whimper as the Netrunner turned her intense gaze upon the gun crazy solo.

"Well then…. I'll keep that in mind."

Dangerous. Both of them were fucking DANGEROUS.


I wouldn't have it any other way.


"So what exactly are you looking for, kid?"

Viktor asked him as he was perusing through the chrome.

David hummed as he ignored the subdermal armor, moving to the neural mods and searching for a few specific models.

"I was hoping you'd have the Biotech MK 2? But it's looking like you don't have that many cyberdecks."

Viktor shrugged as he leaned against the wall, watching him closely.

"I carry a selection of lower model cyberdecks just to have a decent stock. But I mostly work with the more physical models. Fortified ankles, muscle weave, etc. That's just what my clientele tends to have. Honestly working on that Sandy of yours is a joy as I rarely get to work with them even if it is only maintenance."

David nodded having determined that he wasn't going to find what he was looking for and decided to stop while he was ahead.

But yo-

Shut up. I don't need any chrome right now.

"So if you don't have it… any idea where I could find one?"

Viktor hummed in consideration, his ripper glove tapping at his forearm.

"I'd say give me a few minutes. Most Rippers in night city keep in contact. Do referrals and the like. Still healthy competition but we try to spread the wealth if we can."

David nodded as Viks eyes began to light up as he made a few calls, thinking on the nights earlier hours with Maine. Maine and him had drank for a few hours but… he was able to get a bit tipsy but it was like it got filtered way too quickly. Reminded him of when he'd gotten a synth-liver actually.

(Avoid alcohol. Need nutrients.)

Which is why I ate like, four plates of wings and a pizza Sandy. You gonna explain why you've been pushing me to eat so much?

(Need nutrients. Important.)

...yeah alright I'll leave it at that for now. I'm going to want more answers than that eventually though.


He looked over at Vik as the man ended his calls.

"So… any luck?"

Viktor nodded and sent him some coordinates and a picture of… whoa. This dude was fucking yoked.

"Robert Rainwater. He's got a little clinic off of the Kabuki market. Apparently he's got a MK 2 model that's factory new. Still even in the packaging. Said he'll sell it for 55k. You good for that kid?"

"Yeah I'm good for it. Can you get him to set it aside for me? Don't want to show up only for him to have sold it."

Viktor just smirked.

"Already done Davey. You looking to get your output something nice huh? Always thought she got her decks somewhere else. Never would have guessed she was using a couple gens' old deck."

David grinned at him.

"That's my Lucy. She's fucking BRILLIANT. I'm honestly kind of scared what she's gonna be able to pull off with something like that, much less when I get her the Rippler."

Viktor's eyes widened.

" A fucking Tetratronic Rippler MK 4? You're looking at getting her one of those? Choom, those things go for damn near half a Mil."

David grimaced. Yeaaaah. They were really fucking expensive, he knew that. But it would be worth it. With a deck like the Rippler, he was sure she'd be goddamn terrifying.

"I know. But…. A runner's only as good as their skills and the tools they use right? I just want to show her I'm going to support her and that I believe in her."

Viktor just shook his head in amusement and laughed.

"You're doing pretty good at this whole input thing David. Good to see, that girls gone through some rough times. It's good she's got you in her corner."

David blushed a bit, but stood up straight, proud that Vik thought he was doing good at being a boyfriend. He'd tried his best last time around.

You weren't very good at it though, were you?

Trying to shake off that intrusive thought, he gave the older ripper a little two finger salute before heading out.

"Alright Vic, it was great catching up, but I need to go pick this up before your guy closes for the night."

Waving him off, Vik sat down, watching the same old fight as he usually did.

"Don't worry about it kid. Oh! And don't forget your lessons tomorrow. It's the big day tomorrow. Gonna test you one last time, and if you pass, I'm gonna take you to a place that does fights. Let you get a taste."

David's eyes lit up as he heard the news, already eager to see how he had improved since training with Vik. He was a bit nervous, sure, but mostly he was just eager.

"Alright Vik. I'll see you tomorrow."

As he made his way back up, he heard the pitiful mewl of the cat that usually hung out in the alley, pacing back and forth and rushing up to rub itself against his legs as he reached ground level.

David laughed and bent his knees to squat down, petting the cat affectionately before heading back through Misty's esoterica, calling out casually to Misty.

"Hey Misty, it's David. Just saying hey before I leave!

He heard nothing which… confused him. Misty was usually pretty on alert for anyone who came or left, so he decided to move closer to find out what was going on.

"Hey amor….it's been too long eh? Can I get some sweetness?"

The deeper masculine tone of a man cut through the air as David walked into to see Misty being kissed passionately by a very well built Latino.

"Oh… shit did I interrupt something?"

The bigger man pulled away just a little bit to raise an eyebrow at Misty.

"Who's the chico?"

Misty just slapped his chest playfully.

"This is David silly. I told you about him. He's the one who Vik was asking you to work with. David? This big lug is my Jackie. Jackie Welles."

Jackie raised an eyebrow as he looked David up and down.

"So you're the punk Doc Vik needs smacked around a little eh? A bit scrawnier than I was expecting but meh. We'll have you pumping some more iron yeah? Put some meat on those bones."

So this was the famous Jackie Welles. Vik wasn't kidding, this dude was fucking hench. And it looked to be all natural too, the only cyberware noticeable being on his face. Probably aesthetic with a couple of basic optic connections.

"Welcome back to NC. I'm David. David Martinez. I heard you were in Mexico?" He said as he offered a hand out to the man to shake.

Jackie grinned and gripped his hand firmly, shaking it twice before letting go.

"Yeah… a choom of mine needed some help. Promised her I wouldn't say no details so, don't go asking."

Misty smiled fondly but also exasperatedly as she looked up at Jack.

"Has V been doing the meditations I gave her? That guru her Corp pays for is a bunch of faux-spiritual crap supplemented by cyberware."

Jackie rubbed her shoulder affectionately.

"She tries mi amor...you know what her schedule is like. Very very busy."

David was curious about who this V was, but he was unfortunately a bit busy.

"Sorry, but I gotta get moving. Picking up a gift for my input and gotta make sure that I get there before the ripper closes."

Misty gave him a shooing motion, as Jackie looked curiously at him.

"Go on David. She's gonna love it. And I think you're going to have a wonderful night. I just feel it."

David smiled and left the reuniting lovers to their canoodling, making his way up north to the Kabuki Market.

The pickup didn't take any time at all. The big ripper had already set it aside, and as soon as the cred changed hands David had it hidden in his jacket's inner pockets his mom had sewn in. He could tell that they were his mom's because they were damn near impossible to see if you were looking at them.

She must have put them in when she started klepping cyberware off of corpses as an EMT.

Shaking off the dark thoughts that attempted to intrude, he made his way off to Japantown, towards Lucy.

He was humming to himself the song that had played in the background between them when they'd gone through her BD for the first time.

"So… get away…~"

He sang softly as he smiled,climbing up the stairs, singing softly as he finally reached the entrance to her door.

"I really want to stay at your house..~"

(Song Strange. Depressing!)

Yeah… the lyrics are pretty messed up. But it's not about the lyrics themselves, Sandy. It's what I felt while it was playing with her and I on the BD. I was attracted to her the moment I met her. But I think I fell in love twice. Once when she... well. I'll tell you later.The second time while we were exploring the moon. It was….




He knocked firmly on the door, expecting to have to wait a moment, only for the door to open almost instantly with Lucy there, tall, curvaceous… and looking nervous and excited.

"David! I was going to call you. Come in."

She said with a smile, taking his hand and pulling her inside, locking the door behind him.

"Hey so…. I wanted to talk to you."

She said once they were sitting down. David would have been worried, except for the fact that she was still smiling and looking a little shy.

"Can I show you something first? I… well. I kinda got you a present. We've been together for a couple months and… I wanted to give you something special."

Lucy's eyes widened, and her smile widened even further..

"Oh David… you didn't need to get me anything. If I'd known I would have gotten you something too."

Her words were earnest, and that more than anything made it very very easy to respond.

"I did it because I wanted to. Not because I wanted you to get me something. Now come on. Take it."

He said with a grin,handing her the cyberdeck.

Lucy gave him a pouty little glare before grinning and opening it…. Her eyes widening.

"David… you didn't need to get me this. Cyberdecks are EXPENSIVE. I'm doing just fine with the model I have. Is… oh wow. The Biotech MK 2? This is a nice one. Really useful for being able to throw around hacks left and right."

The young man shook his head.

"You haven't gotten an upgrade in a long time babe. You even said so yourself, I've got no idea how you're still such a scary Netrunner with an old gen deck like that. So… please. Just take it. It'll make me feel better knowing you're way more prepared now you've got that."

He couldn't keep her out of the line of fire. That wasn't the kind of man he wanted to be, the one who took away his loved ones agency. It's one of the many reasons he didn't just start finishing all the jobs as soon as they got them.

Lucy hesitated, but took the cyberdeck, and placed it on a nearby counter.

"I'll do it tomorrow. Tonight… tonight I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Reaching out to him, he offered her his hands and she took them gratefully, clinging to him in that awed manner he still couldn't get over.

"We've been together for a few months now… and… David please believe me when I say that I have literally never been happier than I have since the moment you barreled your way into my life. You make me… so damned happy. Which is why… I'm sorry. I've been lying to you about something."

He blinked. What? Why? Why would she be lying about something?

Maybe she realized she was worth more than being the output to some good-for-nothing Santo Domingo cyberpunk.

He had to fight himself to keep from panicking, as well as keeping his voice calm.

"About what?"

She blushed and looked away briefly.

"Well…. Not lying per se. But...I've been avoiding talking about something. About…. Us being intimate. I've been avoiding any chance of us getting physical and… it's not because of you. It's because of me. I'm… "

She seemed like she was really struggling with what to say, her bottom lip becoming red with the pressure her teeth were exuding.

He squeezed her hands softly bringing her gaze back upon him.

"Hey…. It's ok. We don't have to have sex. We don't need to do anything that you don't want."

He didn't expect the outburst that came from his words.

"That's just it! I do want it. I want it so fucking bad and I have from the moment you held me after you met Maine. I've just felt like such a slut because you look at me like I'm… like so fucking important. Like I'm a diamond when I'm just a shiny piece of glass. I…-"

She swallowed audibly as her eyes filled with tears.

"I just couldn't bear it if something I did changed how you look at me. So I just… I just kept putting it off. And you you fucking sweet boy… you never looked upset at me or mad I blue balled the both of us. So I just… I kept waiting for when I finally screwed everything up. "

Oh Lucy…

He moved one of his hands from between hers to cup her cheek, Lucy immediately pressing herself into his hand, almost like a cat.

"Lucy… there is nothing in this world that would ever make me look at you as anything other than the wonderful beautiful woman that you are. I love you."

That was apparently too much for her, as she launched herself at him, knocking them off the chair, and onto the floor with her pressing breathless kisses against his lips, her hips grinding against his groin with an almost mad and feverish abandon.

"Davey~... Please… I can't wait anymore. Please… I want you so badly. I want to be yours. I want to be your dirty little slut! I want to be your good girl! Anything as long as you touch me."


David's entire body felt like he was on fire, his blood pulsing through him, the sound of it like a drum in his ears.

The first thing to do was of course give his girl what she so desperately desired. She wanted him to touch her? He'd fucking touch her.

His hands reached up from his sides to grasp at her large breasts over her outfit, his grip nice and tight as he pressed up against her, Lucy's only reaction being a gasp,a throaty moan,and her hips grinding even harder against his own.

"Fuck your tits are amazing."

He whispered in awe at their size, too big for him to fit in his hand, and firm yet also plush. The perfect fucking texture even when covered up.

"They're yours. Every single bit of me is yours David."

She groaned as she shifted her hips to grind along his rapidly hardening shaft.

However much he was enjoying this, he knew they'd enjoy this a hell of a lot more on her bed. So squeezing her tits once more, he let go.

"Lucy? Let's move this somewhere more comfortable, mm?"

She was reluctant to move now that the pleasure and intimacy she had long craved was finally within reach, but she was apparently just as weak to him as he was to her.


She said reluctantly,getting up off of him. And as soon as she'd gotten on her feet, he'd used Sandy to get up and lift her, taking her to the bed, all in a second, dropping out just as quickly.

She was startled for a moment, before her face broke into a grin looking up at him from her position under him.

"You're going to make this Incredibly unfair aren't you?"

"Oh absolutely."

He said with a grin as he moved his left hand down her body, caressing one of her large breasts, the bits of soft pale flesh that her outfit exposed,and finally cupping her heat between her legs. It was like he'd touched her with a live wire, the contact making her hiss in anticipation and pleasure, raising her hips in an attempt to grind against his hand.

"Ah ah…"

He chided her softly, moving his hand away making her mewl pitifully.

"None of that. You stay still… I want to take my time with you."

She whined softly but couldn't help the eagerness in her voice.

"Oh yes… oh fuck yessss…."

"Mmm. Good girl."

He murmured, leaning forward to kiss her softly, their tongues twining hungrily as he moved his hand back to cup her needy pussy once more. Her gasp in his mouth before kissing him with increased fervor told him he was doing exactly the right thing, as he shifted her leotard just enough to expose her slick hairless cunt to his wandering fingers. One of her hands desperately clutched at his right forearm as he moved it to caress her face.

"Nnnnnh… please… please don't tease me."

She pleaded with him, desperate to cum, her eyes shiny with need and emotion.

So what could he do except lean forward and whisper in her ear….


The look of desperation and pure unabashed lust made him laugh softly.

"You'll get to cum when I let you… and no sooner. Understand?"

"Mmm…. Yes …"

"Yes what?"

If her eyes were to dilate any further, it might begin to worry him, as her eyes were almost totally black with lust and need.

"Yes sir!~"

A bolt of pleasure went down his spine at her words, his own eyes darkening in response to her eager and hungry reaction to his command of the situation. They'd done something similar to this the last time around except it hadn't been for months later.

"Mmm. Good girl."

He murmured again as his fingers slowly curled against her, sliding into her tight slit, the heat and wetness enveloping two of his digits,stroking her.

She was already breathing heavily, squirming lightly but trying to remain as still as she could.

To reward her for her obedience, he began to make a come hither motion inside of her wet pussy, every single time he did so, feeling her squeezing around his finger.

"Hah~ hah~ nnnnnh!! Oh fuck…. Fuck that so good… David…"

Her moans of pleasure and praise were like pure heaven, absolutely addicting and causing him to move with greater intensity as well as make a secondary move.

As his come hither motions inside her sped up, and her breathing caused her still leotard clad breasts to rise and fall in an absolutely fascinating manner, David decided to get serious.

Finally deciding to use his thumb, he deftly searched out Lucy's tender little nub atop her tight entrance and began to expertly press and rub against it.

It was like someone ran electricity straight through her spine with how sharply she reacted, her hips shooting up, desperate to press harder and cum against his hand.

"Oh fuck! Fuck sir! Sir! Please let me cum. Oh fuck, please!"

He almost felt bad when he pulled away, his fingers sliding from her needy hole even as it squeezed HARD around his digits attempting to prevent him from leaving.

"David… please… Please, I need it! I need you…"

She sobbed, her hips rolling,

He moved his face down to capture her trembling lips in a deep kiss, before slowly trailing down her body, kissing her on exposed flesh and above her leotard as he made his way down south.

"Oh I know love… I know. And I'll let you cum soon. Just as soon… as I… taste you…"

Her desperation became surprise, and intensified in her sheer want and need.

"Oh yes… oh fucking… please yes Sir! Please lick my pussy!"

He chuckled softly as he knelt between her thick thighs, the thick strong flesh feeling cool against his scorching hot hands.

"Well… since you said please…"

He said gently, before using his hand to shift her leotard again slightly, letting his tongue take a long slow lick at her slit, from the base, all the way up to her clit.

Her moan was beyond pornographic. It was sex, and need, and animal lust All in one.

"Mmm… that's the noise I was looking for. Alright baby…. Cum."

He slowed time again with Sandy, his cock throbbing with an insistent need that he ignored as he brought his lips down to her pussy again, licking again and again, before latching onto her clit.

Sucking softly on the nub of flesh, he let his teeth graze it as well, before rapidly swirling his tongue around her clit over and over again. He did that for a solid minute, before dropping out of the time slow. The reactions were instantaneous.

"Oh f- NNNGGHHHH!!!! AAAHH!!! HAH~ HAH~ ngggh!!!!!"

Lucy's body went rigid, her hips shooting up against his mouth as he moved his hands to grip her properly,making her unable to move as he brought her through a shattering orgasm, maybe more than one.

Her body was wracked with tremors, even as she slowly came down from the ungodly high of her orgasm.

"Oh my fucking God."

She said in a dull tone, her eyes almost vacant as she shuddered, and slowly came down to something more functional.

"That was…. Fuck David, that was so good…. How di-"

Her words were cut off as he slowly stood up after having given her pussy one last little kiss. That wasn't the only reason for her abrupt silence of course. The secondary reason for her silence was his removal of all of his clothes, and the reveal of his shaft.

"I hope you didn't think we were done Lucy."

He said with a little bit of amusement to his tone.

"Oh my fuck. I'm gonna need backup on this one."

She muttered with wide unfocused eyes, but an excited tone of voice.


She shook her head, her eyes coming into focus more.

"Nothing David. Just…. Fuck, take it slow at first ok?"

He chuckled softly as he lined his shaft up along her slit, pressing ever so slightly, the thick blood engorged head already beginning to stretch her out just a bit as his cock throbbed, his balls pulsing with need.

"Of course Lucy…. Of course."

And with that, he slowly pressed against her tight yet arousal slicked cunt, all the while helping her lower her leotards top half over her breasts, revealing the large and plush orbs of flesh, their light pink tips rigid as he lightly thumbed them.

Lucy groaned, and her own arms twitched.

"Sir? Can I touch you? May I caress you?"

She asked softly, groaning as his thick cock began pressing its way further into her.

"Mmmm… of course love. " He murmured to her as he looked over her, her eyes still blown dark and wide.

Her hands shot up from where they'd been laying by her sides to cup one side of his face, with him immediately leaning into it to nuzzle against her, the other to grip at his upper arm.

It took a moment to make sure that he didn't hurt her as he slipped and thrust all the way inside, his hips not quite flush against her own, even as his cockhead was firmly against her cervix.

"H-holy fuck David…. Still can't believe you're fully 'ganic."

She moaned as her hips rolled slightly, hungry for more pleasure. She was still slightly sensitive from the orgasms he'd given her earlier, but that didn't change her hunger for him.

"Mmm….you ready?"

She laughed incredulously.

"So fucking ready. Fuck me David. Fuck me until you're satisfied."

He raised an eyebrow.

"What about you?"

"What about Me? I just had two shattering orgasms back to back, and you've not even had one. You enjoy yourself, because fuck knows I am."

He smirked at her then.

"You make it sound like I'm not going to make you cum again."

Her eyes widened and she shook her head fearfully, but with so much lust and anticipation in her eyes it was obvious she was eager.

"Oh no… you're going to make me forget my name aren't you?"

He hummed as he flexed his hips a little to thrust a little harder against her cervix, causing her to grunt and gasp.

"Hopefully I can make you forget how to talk."

She just gave him a slightly fearful, mostly hungry smile.

"Do it."

That bit of encouragement out of the way, David's hands gripped Lucy's hips tightly as he began thrusting into her. It started slow, like an old school steam engine as he sank in and out of her. But quickly he built up steam, his cock slamming in and out as he felt her cunt tighten around him, squeezing him rhythmically as it attempted to milk him of his cum.

Every single thrust of his was accompanied by a short and low grunt or groan of pleasure. The impact almost took her breath away as her breathing picked up again.

Unfortunately it had been too long since he'd last had sex with Lucy from last time around, and this body was still unaccustomed to sex as well so it didn't take long for him to feel that his own orgasm was approaching.

Triggering the slow down once more, he stopped his movement, licked his right thumb, and began to once more assault her poor clit gently with his thumb, rubbing it in circles, then pressing firmly, and finally pinching it lightly. He did that for a few cycles, before ending the slow down, only for Lucy's eyes to literally roll back in her skull as she groaned so loudly David was sure that she'd be getting a noise complaint.

Ah well… they'd deal with that tomorrow .

Another side effect of making Lucy cum like there was no tomorrow, was that her pussy wrapped around him tight like a silken vice when he plunged deep inside once more, his balls pulsing as he growled deep in his chest. His cock pulses as thick jets of sperm shot it's way out of his long thick shaft, the sheer copious amounts of it would give a person cause for alarm. Or at least, if both participants were not completely and utterly blissed out from the amount of pleasure flooding their brains and bodies.

As they reveled in their shared experiences, Lucy reached up with trembling hands to pull him down for a deep, deep kiss, her eyes still dilated and out of focus.

"I love you… I love you…"

It was all she could seemingly make legible as he'd fucked every other thought out of her for the moment.

"Mmm… I love you too Luce… but I'm not done with you."

Her eyes lit up In pure naked want.


"Oh yes…. A lot more."


They went for another 40 minutes, but eventually, Lucy just couldn't take any more, and they called it a night. Lucy's stomach was almost swollen from the sheer amount of sex they'd had and his desire to finish inside her every time.

As they lay on her bed, she laid her head upon his chest, the both of them lazily playing with each other's hands.

"That… was amazing."

She whispered against his side, lazily and languidly pressing a kiss above his nipple.

"You…. You've never done this before?"

He shook his head, feeling bad that he was… sort of lying. But at least what he said next was pure truth.

"The only person I've ever had sex with was you. I didn't go too far with the whole Sir thing did I?"

Her face lit up in both a blush and a happy smile as she shook her head.

"God… that was stupidly fucking hot. You taking control like that… I felt safe. But… mmm… fuck… I'm sorry David but I don't think I could do this every day."

She said with a laugh, but there was a note of truth in her words. He nodded, having expected that. It was much the same last time.

"That's ok Luce. We don't have to do it every day. Or any day. Just when you're ok with it."

She rolled her eyes as she looked up at him unimpressed.

"David, you're STILL hard."

"And? I'll deal with it myself if I need to. I'll be ok."

She didn't say anything for a moment, before squeezing him tight.

".... I had something else I needed to talk to you about as well."

Confusion flooded David's brain once more as she spoke. What else could she have to talk about right now?

"... Are you attracted to Rebecca?"



He asked incredulously, certain he must have heard that incorrectly.

She propped herself up by her arm, and looked at him, her face neutral, but her eyes gentle.

"Are you attracted to Rebecca? This isn't a test or a gotcha question babe. I just want you to answer me honestly."

He hesitated as he looked at her. The hesitation was probably answer enough, but she'd asked… and he wasn't going to lie to her.

"Yeah. I'm attracted to her."

She nodded, and he hoped that would be the end of it.

It was not. But that would turn out to be a good thing.

"And if we weren't together, if I wasn't around at all… would you want to date her?"

He swallowed hard as he looked away. She gently reached over to turn his face back towards her.

"David… I'm not going to be mad."

It was something he'd avoided thinking about for a long time. It was only recently that he'd forced himself to acknowledge how he felt.

"... If you weren't on the crew, I probably would be dating Rebecca. She's…. She's a really sweet girl. She's funny. She's loyal. And she has my back ya know? It's… really hard not to imagine what a relationship with her would be like."

There was silence for a bit, though her thumb never stopped caressing his cheek.

".... What if… you didn't have to imagine?"

He blinked at her, not comprehending.

"I…. Don't understand what you're saying.

"What if you didn't have to imagine? What if… while being with me… you also tried…. Dating Rebecca too?"


"This… I…. What?!"

She flushed, a bit embarrassed but forged forward.

".... Rebecca came home with me earlier after our girls' day to talk. She asked me to hear her out. She's got feelings for you David. It's no secret. I've been able to see it, and I doubt you're not aware as well. We had a long talk and…. Well. She made some good points. So I wanted to ask you, and I want you to answer me, knowing that if you say yes, I will not be angry, or upset.

I want to know if you would be happy dating Rebecca as well as me."

David felt incredibly anxious as he tried to voice how he felt about this. Never in a million years had he ever considered that that might be something he would be asked if he desired. Part of him wanted to just say YES for fucks sake and have both Rebecca and Lucy. Certain that finally the answer to some of his sleepless nights had been found. But the other part of him that was afraid that any good thing that happened to him was a trap couldn't help but whisper to her softly.

"I don't want to hurt you."

She broke into a brilliant smile, and kissed him before speaking.

"I asked you almost two months ago now, if you were the kind to leave. Has that answer changed?"

"Never." He said immediately, just as he had before.

Her smile shined so very very bright.

"Then I'm not worried. I trust you. And I trust her. I know you wouldn't hurt me. Everything in me says that you'd rather die than hurt me. So, as long as you don't die, and you don't leave, nothing you do can hurt me."

He was confused, but…. If she was certain.

".... If you're ok with it…. I think I'd like that. I just… I don't want to hurt anyone. You'll both really be ok?"

She sighed happily and kissed his chest.

"Becca said it best that it probably wasn't going to be easy. But .. communication was going to be key. If we can just talk with each other, and don't hide how we feel, and be kind to one another… we'll be ok. We can be happy together. So… you're ok with it?"

He nodded more confidently this time, sure of his response.

"Yeah…. Yeah I think I am."

This was beyond anything he could have ever expected.

But he was ok with that. This was new. Maybe they could make this work.

Maybe no one had to be sad or lonely.