
Building your own super empire from scratch

Alexander was a diligent worker, toiling tirelessly every day, and had sacrificed a lot to build the empire. However, when the empire began to take shape, he was mercilessly abandoned, leaving Alexander feeling lost and despondent. But when God shuts a door, he opens a window. Just when Alexander was at his wits' end, he discovered a mysterious secret room and met the supreme goddess of life. From then on, his life would be rewritten, and those who had betrayed him would eventually face the judgment they deserved!

DaoistpjUWEL · Fantasy
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385 Chs

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From beneath the earth came a series of rumbling noises, shaking the ground and hills. Leopold and Beauregard couldn't maintain their footing and toppled onto the ground. 

John and his minions, meanwhile, managed to stay upright only by using their magical energy to adhere to the floor.

What on Earth was happening below?

John's face darkened.


Just then, chunks of stone began to fall from above. The situation was rapidly deteriorating. The water from the Magic Fountain was sending up increasingly larger waves.

"Sir, we might have to evacuate," one of John's attendants finally spoke up.

John stared intently at the Magic Fountain and spoke in a grave voice, "We've come all this way, lost several men, and finally found this Magic Fountain. How can we leave so easily?"
