
Building the Strongest Undead Empire from Scratch

Note: Female Protagonist - Without Yuri - With no romantic involvement. The continent of Eldoria is vast, its territory more expansive than a star, home to a hundred thousand races where opportunity, danger, and challenge coexist. All humans arrive on the continent of Eldoria, and each person starts with a castle, summoning their own troops to compete for supremacy against all other creatures on the planet. Alex received an undead castle. By building her castle, she can summon skeletons, zombies, specters, death knights, liches, bone dragons, ghost dragons, and zombie titans—all kinds of undead troops. As Alex continues to develop and grow, she becomes the revered Undead Queen, admired by countless people! === In a world shadowed by death, the silent realms await, home to the undead and the Grim Reaper's sanctuary. As long as death's presence endures, the great Undead Queen will return.

PikaQ · Fantasy
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146 Chs

I'm gonna be the richest person in Eldoria

On her second day in the land of Eldoria, Alex woke up to a system announcement.

[Night retreats, dawn arrives.]

Alex slipped into some fresh new clothes, tossing yesterday's outfit into the closet.

She threw on a casual white tee, her long white hair loosely hanging down her back, paired with blue denim shorts and flip-flops, and stepped out.

Time to check out last night's loot!

As days passed, every Lord was beefing up their strength, and soon, food might not even be a scarce resource.

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm.

At the castle's entrance, Alex was stunned by the mountain of animal carcasses piled up.

"Wow, that's a lot!"

With Arthur in the mix, even those high-agility antelopes were easy prey.

Alex noticed that after a night in the wild, Arthur had leveled up to lv3.

[bone dragon king (Arthur)]

[Race: undead]

[Loyalty: 100% (Never Betray)]

[Life Tier: Standard]

[Level: lv3 (Can level up by killing enemies)]

[Health Points: Immortal as long as the soul fire burns]

[Mana Points: 60]

[Strength: 30]

[Stamina: ∞]

[Agility: 30]

[Max Potential: Divine level]

[Active Skill: Nether Dragon Breath]

[Passive Skill: Elemental Magic Immunity]

Arthur's Strength and Agility had each spiked by ten points, and his Mana Points had increased by ten as well, though no new skills had unlocked.

But that was already terrifying enough—if they encountered a Moon Silver Wolf at night, Arthur could totally dominate.

As for the three zombies, only two had made it to lv2, with one still stuck at lv1, probably because zombies are just too dopey.

Couldn't snag enough kills, Alex figured.

The two lv2 zombies hadn't even hit lv3 or changed class, so Alex didn't bother checking their stats.

On the flip side, both specters had reached lv3. Being ethereal undead immune to physical attacks, snatching kills from the clueless Skeleton Soldiers was a piece of cake.


[Race: undead]

[Loyalty: 100% (Never Betray)]

[Life Tier: Standard]

[Level: lv3 (Levels up by defeating enemies)]

[Health Points: Immortal as long as the soul fire burns]

[Mana Points: 0]

[Mind: 15]

[Stamina: ∞]

[Agility: 10]

[Max Growth: Commanding level]

The lv3 specter has evolved into a Phantom, with significant boosts in Mind and Agility. Despite being one of the basic three troops, it still lacks skills, primarily relying on soul attacks.

Though the specter has class-changed, the difference isn't too drastic—probably just an enhanced soul attack.

The real freaks of nature are the death knights, who've undergone a radical transformation.

Their usual blue flames have vanished, replaced by eerie, temperature-less red flames. Their scythes have turned blood-red, and they've bulked up significantly.

[Death Conqueror]

[Race: undead]

[Loyalty: 100% (Never Betray)]

[Life Tier: Standard]

[Level: lv3 (Levels up by defeating enemies)]

[Health Points: Immortal as long as the soul fire burns]

[Mana Points: 0]

[Strength: 16]

[Stamina: ∞]

[Agility: 14]

[Max Growth: Monarch level]

The death knights have also class-changed into, well, death conquerors. As troops unlocked from a level 2 Barracks, their growth stats are significantly higher than those of Skeleton Soldiers.

After reviewing her troops' stats, Alex started to check out her loot.

Of course, she didn't count it herself—the system automatically did that.

Alex also noticed dozens of unread messages in the top right corner of her panel, all about the XP gained from killing wild beasts.

She realized she had leveled up again, but hadn't noticed anything off while she was asleep.

[Lord: Alex]

[Power: lv5 Standard (Can level up by killing enemies)]

[Domain Level: lv6 Initial Castle]

[Troops: undead race]

[Equipment: Grim Reaper's Scythe]

[Health Points: 150]

[Mana Points: 40]

[Strength: 12]

[Stamina: 11]

[Agility: 12]

In just one day and night, Alex had zoomed up to level 5, feeling like leveling up was pretty swift.

After checking her stats, Alex turned to start her day's grind—summoning, disassembling, recycling!

She dealt with 10 wild boars, 15 antelopes, 25 rabbits, and 150 wild chickens.

"Man, did I just raid a chicken coop or what?"

With so many bodies, it took Alex the whole morning to summon them all.

She felt totally wiped out, plopping down on the ground, drained.

"Man, using magic is exhausting!"

It must be because Alex recruited other troops, but this time using Undead Summoning Magic, she not only summoned Skeleton Soldiers but also managed to bring forth zombies and specters.

Of course, there were death knights too, but they were fewer in number compared to Skeleton Soldiers, zombies, and specters.

45 lv1 and lv2 Skeleton Soldiers; 15 lv3 Skeleton Warriors.

35 lv1 and lv2 specters, 25 lv3 Phantoms.

25 lv1 and lv2 death knights, 15 lv3 death knights.

40 lv1 zombies, 20 lv2 zombies.

Alex figured out this tricky system—she couldn't summon lv3 zombies since she hadn't unlocked that level for her own zombies, no matter how hard she tried.

When she summoned using lv3 wild beast corpses, she got either Skeleton Warriors, Phantoms, or death knights, but not a single lv3 zombie.

However, through summoning, she noticed that the double summoning effect from the Grim Reaper's Scythe wasn't consistent; sometimes it only summoned one undead creature, but its stats were significantly higher than normal.

Though she didn't know why it was like this, Alex didn't really sweat it.

"This undead army just got bigger again. I wonder what that others Lord with only twenty troops will think when they see my hundreds of undead."

Playing games with me? You're way out of your league!

Alex smirks, feeling pretty smug.

"Disassemble! Disassemble! Disassemble everything!"

[Successfully disassembled wild boar corpse, obtained 400 food portions, 40 wild boar tusks, 20 wild boar skins, 12 magic crystals, 1 Essence Shard.]

[Successfully disassembled antelope corpse, obtained 300 food portions, 15 antelope skins, 10 magic crystals, 2 Essence Shards.]

[Successfully disassembled rabbit corpse, obtained 350 food portions, 35 rabbit skins, 20 magic crystals.]

[Successfully disassembled wild chicken corpse, obtained 750 food portions, 77 magic crystals.]

Total haul: 1800 food portions, 119 magic crystals, 3 Essence Shards.

"I'm gonna be the richest person in Eldoria!"