
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Spy of Old Man P.

Elias, a 23-year-old male, finds himself caught in a web of deceit and corruption. He leads a seemingly ordinary life with his family, but a sinister truth has recently come to light. The Ambrosius Church, an institution that should uphold righteousness, is tainted by corruption.

Elias's world turned upside down when he stumbled upon evidence of the church's illicit activities. Little did he know that this discovery had dire consequences for him and his loved ones.

Old Man P, eventually found out and took advantage of Elias's vulnerability by holding his wife and child hostage, using them as leverage to coerce him into doing his dirty work.

Reluctantly, Elias became one of the five spies handpicked by Old Man P and sent to Kami, an unknown destination. He is trapped between a rock and a hard place, torn between his duty to protect his family and the dangerous tasks he is forced to undertake. Each day is a treacherous tightrope walk as Elias gathers information, risking his life for the sake of his loved ones.

3 months passed, and Elias could gather enough evidence that a new religion, named Divinum, was created inside the Slum!

Elias stands currently at the gates of the new Cathedral of the Divinum Religion. He is shocked that such a massive and glamorous building was built in less than a year! And that within a Slum, where even bread is rare! But what left him speechless was that the Cathedral truly emits a sacred aura, as if it truly combines divine and mortal, which the churches of the Ambrosius Religion lacked completely.

Just as he was about to enter the Cathedral, 2 Holy Knights blocked the way and pinned him on the ground.

The Holy knights adorned in white armor and robes are a sight to behold. Their presence commands respect and strikes awe into the hearts of those who witness them. Clad in shining plate armor, they carry a powerful symbol on their chests—a horizontal crescent moon through which a sacred sword vertically pierces.

These knights are the embodiment of virtue and righteousness, defenders of justice and protectors of the weak. Their unwavering commitment to the ideals they represent is evident in every aspect of their appearance.

The white armor they wear signifies purity, representing their noble intentions and unwavering dedication to the cause they serve. The robe that drapes over their armor adds an air of regality and mystique to their presence. Flowing gracefully as they move, it symbolizes their affiliation with an ancient order, steeped in tradition and wisdom.

The combination of the white armor and the majestic robe creates a striking visual contrast, emphasizing their dual roles as warriors and guardians. The symbol emblazoned on their chests holds great significance.

The horizontal crescent moon represents the celestial realm, a symbol of spirituality and enlightenment. Through the center of the crescent moon, a vertical sword cuts, symbolizing their duty to wield justice and protect the innocent. This emblem is the new Symbol of the Divinum Religion and is heavily inspired by the condenser that Aeden and the other used, to heal the dying ones.

The emblem on the knights chest encapsulates the essence of their purpose, a reminder of their mission to maintain harmony and vanquish evil. These knights, with their swords at their side, are the epitome of chivalry and valor.

They stand as a beacon of hope in a world plagued by darkness and chaos. With their unwavering resolve and unyielding determination, they inspire others to strive for righteousness and to stand against the forces of oppression. In their presence, one can't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration.

These noble warriors, with their white armor, flowing robes, and the symbol of the crescent moon and sacred sword, embody the virtues of honor, bravery, and selflessness. They serve as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there are those who will rise to the challenge, ready to defend the innocent and uphold the ideals of justice.

Both knights belong to the new Order of Knights, who were the first to be trained in the Knight Temple.

While Elias was being pinned down and taken into the Cathedral, another of Old Man P.'s spies watched the scene unfold. He knew that when Elias had already been found out, it was only a matter of time before he was also captured. With that in mind, the spy fled to report to his master what he had found.

<Inside the basement of the Cathedral>

The cellar of the cathedral, known as a prison and torture chamber, is a place of unspeakable horrors. Hidden away beneath the sacred walls, it is a stark contrast to the holy atmosphere above. The air is heavy with despair and the stench of decay, as the darkness seems to seep into every crevice.

Descending into the depths, one is met with a chilling sight. Damp stone walls, covered in grime and mildew, close in on all sides. The flickering light of a solitary torch casts eerie shadows, emphasizing the cold, oppressive atmosphere.

The mere presence of this place sends shivers down the spine, as if the very walls themselves hold the echoes of past suffering. Iron shackles and chains hang from the walls, remnants of a sinister past. Their rusty surfaces bear witness to the countless souls who were held captive and subjected to unspeakable torment within these walls.

The clinking sound of metal reverberates through the air, a haunting reminder of the pain that once permeated this place. In the corner of the cellar, a rack stands as a chilling testament to the chamber's purpose. The wooden contraption, worn and stained, tells a grim tale of twisted interrogation and agonizing torment. Implements of torture, long abandoned, lie scattered on a table nearby, their purpose now a haunting memory of human cruelty. The air is heavy with a sense of foreboding, as if the very essence of evil lingers within the cellar's confines. Whispers of anguish and cries of despair seem to echo through the damp corridors, a chilling chorus of the condemned.

It is a place where hope fades and the spirit is broken, where the boundaries of humanity are pushed to their darkest limits. The cellar of the cathedral, once a sanctuary of faith, now serves as a chilling reminder of the depths to which humanity can sink.

It stands as a somber testament to the capacity for both light and darkness to exist within the same sacred space.

Of course, the atmosphere of a newly built cellar can not be so gloomy as if people have been tortured and imprisoned here for decades. So, as a typical otakun, an authentic torture chamber is a must, which is why Kami invested a few Guldens to buy used torture devices in the shop.