
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


< The day Old Man P. found out about the Divinum Religion >

Old Man P., stood nervously before Cardinal Bertrand in the grand halls of the main Ambrosius Church inside the City of Hansa. It's the same Church that Kami saw, when he first came to this world. Old Man P. knew all too well the wrath that the Cardinal could unleash, and fear gripped his heart as he prepared to deliver a report.

"Your Eminence,"

Old Man P. stammered, his voice quivering,

"I bring news of a rival religious faction known as the Divinum. They have gained significant influence and pose a threat to our operations and very foundation!"

Cardinal Bertrand's eyes narrowed as he listened, his piercing gaze cutting through Old Man P.'s facade. The Cardinal was known for his fiery temper, and crossing him was a grave mistake.

"Speak quickly, Priester Gausling," the Cardinal demanded, his voice laced with a dangerous intensity, "What do you know of this Divinum religion?"

Old Man P. gulped, struggling to maintain his composure. "Your Eminence, the Divinum religion is gaining followers rapidly. They preach a doctrine that rivals our own and could undermine our control over the territory. They pose a threat to our criminal operations and our influence in the capital."

The Cardinal's face darkened, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

"How could you allow such a religious faction to grow under our very noses, you fool?! I trusted you to maintain order and ensure our dominance inside the Slum and YOU let a whole new religion form under your nose?!"

Trembling with fear, Old Man P. attempted to defend himself.

"Your Eminence, they were crafty in their approach. By the time we realized the extent of their influence, it was already too late."

Cardinal Bertrand's fury erupted like a volcano. He slammed his fist onto the table, causing the room to shake. "You dare to make excuses? You have failed me, Peter. I knew since the beginning that you were more suitable for your fake role than your real one. I should have never trusted a lowly thug like you to handle matters of such importance!"

Old Man P. cowered before the Cardinal's wrath, his voice barely a whisper. "Your Eminence, please forgive me. I will do whatever it takes to rectify this situation."

The Cardinal's eyes burned with anger and disappointment. He leaned in, his voice filled with icy venom. "You will do more than just rectify it, Old Man. You will these cultist and massacre every last one of their believers! I will even grant you the authority to command thirty Scarlet Knights in this mission, in case you fuck up again."

Old Man P.'s heart sank at the Cardinal's words. The weight of the task was suffocating, and he knew the consequences of failure. But he also knew that defying the Cardinal would be a death sentence.

"As you command, Your Eminence," Old Man P. managed to utter, his voice laden with resignation.

The Cardinal's gaze softened slightly, a cruel smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Remember, our Church must not be associated with these thugs. Only when all hope seems lost may you use the Scarlet Knights. Do not forget, even if you win, if you use the Scarlet Knights, you must die for the sacrifice our reputation has had to make."

Old Man P. nodded, his face pale with fear. He understood the Cardinal's warning. The consequences of failure were dire, and he had no choice but to obey.

With a heavy heart and a mind clouded by fear, he departed from the Cardinal's presence, knowing that in case he needs to die, he sill drag the whole Divinum Religion and all its believers down with him.

< Present >

Kami, observed impassively as the thirty Scarlet Knights triumphed over his Holy Knights, relentlessly marching towards his Cathedral. With an unyielding gaze, Kami weighed his options, considering the best course of action to protect his followers and preserve the sanctity of his domain.

As the Scarlet Knights grew closer to the cathedral, Kami contemplated various strategies. He assessed the strength and capabilities of Esther and her remaining Knights, analyzing their chances of successfully defending against the Scarlet Knights' onslaught. He also considered the potential consequences of intervening directly, knowing that his divine power could tip the scales in favor of his followers. Kami pondered the possibility of using his bronze-tier God talent to aid the Holy Knights.

He also acknowledged the potential risks and consequences of direct intervention. He understood that revealing more of his divine influence could lead to a loss of independece. His followers might become dependent on his intervention, neglecting their own abilities and resilience.

Ultimately, Kami decided against another direct intervention at that moment. He believed in the strength and resilience of his Holy Knights and entrusted Esther with the task of organizing a strategic defense.

This strategic choice was based on the understanding that his Knights would fight with increased determination after they saw his first intervention, under the belief that their God would come to their aid if they were on the verge of defeat. By withholding his intervention until the last possible moment, Kami aimed to inspire his followers to tap into their inner strength and fight with unwavering resolve.

He recognized the power of faith and the motivation it could provide in the face of overwhelming odds. The idea behind this approach was to allow the Holy Knights to fully utilize their own abilities and resources, rather than relying solely on the direct intervention of their deity. Those that die are simply not fit for being his Knights and are better dead than alive.