
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Destroying the Cults

In the eastern part of the slums, outside the Domain's sphere of influence, where the influence of the cults ran deep, the Holy Knights, under the leadership of Elias, the Sacred Knight and Grandmaster of the Deilux Order, prepared for a daunting battle.

The cults, with their twisted beliefs and malevolent practices, posed a threat that could not be overcome through conversion alone.

Armed with their unwavering faith and honed combat skills, the Holy Knights embarked on their mission with a resolute determination.

They knew that the fight against the cults would be intense and challenging, as these dark forces held a firm grip on the hearts and minds of their followers.

As they advanced through the labyrinthine alleys of the slums, the Holy Knights encountered the cultists, their faces hidden behind eerie masks and their robes bearing sinister symbols.

The clash between light and darkness was inevitable, as the Holy Knights stood as beacons of righteousness, ready to extinguish the corrupting influence of the cults. With their swords gleaming in the dim light, the Holy Knights engaged in fierce battles, their movements precise and their hearts filled with a sense of duty.

They fought not only to protect the innocent and restore peace but also to liberate the cultists from the grip of their twisted beliefs. The cultists, fueled by fanatical devotion and indoctrination, unleashed their last powers in a desperate attempt to defend their dogma.

But the Holy Knights, driven by their unwavering faith and the divine strength bestowed upon them through the Knight Temple, were resolute in their mission.

Each swing of their blades was accompanied by prayers and invocations, channeling the power of the Divinum to vanquish the darkness.

The clashing of steel echoed through the narrow alleys as the Holy Knights fought with unwavering determination, their armor adorned with the insignia of their order.

The battles were fierce and intense, as the cultists resisted with a fervor born out of their twisted convictions.

Most cultists wore no armor but fanatical robes, believing their gods would protect them. The consequences - Each swing from the Holy Knights were fatal. Most cultists were either pierced through, lost a limb or straight their head.

Despite this, the cultists did not give up. The brainwashing they gave themselves was just too strong. If they were not killed directly, they would fight until they were either killed by a Holy Knight or died from their injuries. The whole scene resembled a zombie movie

But the Holy Knights, guided by the teachings of their faith and their unwavering belief in the righteousness of their cause, pressed forward. Through their unwavering courage and unwavering faith, the Holy Knights gradually gained the upper hand.

As the battle raged on, Elias found himself at the forefront of the fray, his sacred armor gleaming with the residue of battle. The clash of steel reverberated around him, and the air crackled with tension.

In the midst of the chaos, Elias instinctively reached for his divine artifact. With a swift motion, he raised the shield before him, its surface pulsating with a soft, ethereal glow.

As the cultists launched their relentless assault, their blades slashing through the air with deadly precision, Elias stood firm, his gaze unwavering. With each strike, the shield intercepted the blows, creating a barrier between him and the malevolent intent of his adversaries.

The divine energy within the shield rippled outward, forming a protective aura that enveloped Elias. As the cultists' weapons collided with the shield's barrier, their attacks were repelled, their strength nullified.

The force of their strikes dissipated harmlessly into the air, like waves crashing against an impenetrable fortress. Amidst the chaos, Elias remained steadfast. His eyes glinted with a mix of determination and compassion, his movements calculated and purposeful.

The shield became an extension of his will, a conduit for the divine power that flowed through him. With each blow repelled, Elias seized the opportunity to counterattack. His sword, guided by his unwavering faith and honed skill, struck with precision and purpose.

The cultists, caught off guard by the resilience of their opponent, faltered in their advance. In this moment, Elias embodied the unyielding strength and unwavering devotion of a sacred knight.

The shield, a testament to the power of the Divinum, allowed him to stand firm in the face of adversity, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

As the battle reached its climax, Elias pressed forward, his shield serving as a shield of protection not only for himself but for his comrades as well. Their movements became synchronized, their unity fortified by the impenetrable barrier that Elias wielded.

With each swing of his sword and every blow deflected by the shield, Elias inspired those around him. The divinely infused artifact became a symbol of hope, a tangible representation of the unwavering faith and resilience that coursed through the veins of the Holy Knights.

As the last remnants of the cultists were vanquished, a profound calm settled upon the battlefield. Elias, his armor battered and his shield still pulsating with divine energy, surveyed the scene.

The air carried the scent of victory and the lingering echoes of battle. In that moment, Elias understood the true power of his divine artifact. It was not merely a tool of defense but a symbol of his unwavering faith and his commitment to the cause of light.

With a renewed sense of purpose, he sheathed his sword and held his shield close to his heart, ready to face whatever trials awaited him in the relentless battle against darkness.

With each defeated cultist, the hold of darkness weakened, and the light of the Divinum shone brighter.

As the battle raged on, the Holy Knights never wavered in their resolve. They fought not only for the physical liberation of the slums but also for the liberation of the cultists' minds and souls.

In the end, their efforts bore fruit. The cults in the eastern part of the slums were dismantled, their influence shattered, and their followers left to contemplate a new path, free from the shackles of darkness.

The Holy Knights stood triumphant, their armor drenched in the sweat of battle, their faces marked with determination and victory.

They had fulfilled their duty, not only as warriors but also as guardians of the Divinum's light.

Their success in the battle against the cults brought a renewed sense of hope and peace to the eastern part of the slums.

The inhabitants could finally breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the forces of darkness had been defeated and that a new era of freedom and enlightenment awaited them.

Elias, stood among his fellow Holy Knights, a sense of fulfillment and purpose radiating from within.

The battle against the cults was won, but their mission was far from over. With the eastern slums freed from the clutches of darkness, they turned their attention to other areas in need of their divine intervention, ready to bring salvation and hope to those who still lived under the shadow of oppression.