
Anjali Chapter 14

It was a bright and calm Sunday morning on September 18, 2011. The university was closed for the day, giving students and faculty alike a much-needed break. Vijay was at home, lounging on the couch, catching up on the latest news on TV. His mother, Puja, was in the kitchen, cooking Vijay's favorite dish: chicken curry. The smell of spices filled the house, bringing a sense of comfort and warmth.

"Vijay!" Puja called out from the kitchen. "I forgot to buy tomatoes for the curry. Can you run to the market and get some?"

Vijay sighed, but with a smile. "Sure, Ma. I'll be back in a bit."

He quickly changed into a simple t-shirt and pants, grabbed his wallet, and headed out. The market wasn't far from their house, just a short walk away. As he strolled down the familiar streets, he enjoyed the break from his usual hectic schedule at the university.

When Vijay reached the market intersection, he spotted a small vegetable shop he often visited. However, something was amiss today. Three thugs were harassing the shop owner, their voices raised and menacing. The shop owner, a woman in her late twenties, was visibly distressed, trying to fend them off.

Without a second thought, Vijay approached the group. "Hey! Move aside and leave her alone!" he called out, his voice firm and commanding.

One of the thugs, clearly the leader, turned towards Vijay with an angry sneer. "Who do you think you are, hero? Get lost, or you'll regret it."

The thug lunged at Vijay, but Vijay's reflexes were far superior, thanks to his enhanced strength and agility from the system he had bound with. With a swift and precise movement, Vijay disarmed and subdued the thug, leaving him writhing on the ground in pain. The other two thugs, seeing their leader so effortlessly defeated, quickly backed off and fled the scene.

Vijay stood there, adrenaline coursing through his veins, watching as the thugs disappeared into the crowd. He then turned his attention to the shop owner. His eyes met hers, and suddenly, the world seemed to slow down. His mind buzzed, and his heart started pounding in his chest. She was beautiful, with striking features and eyes that held a mixture of fear, relief, and gratitude.

The shop owner noticed Vijay's dazed expression and managed a small smile. "Thank you. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along."

Vijay blinked, trying to regain his composure. "Uh, it was nothing. Are you okay?"

She nodded, her smile growing more confident. "Yes, I'm fine now, thanks to you. My name is Anjali, by the way."

"Vijay," he replied, still feeling a bit flustered. "I was just here to buy some tomatoes for my mom."

Anjali laughed softly, the tension from the encounter with the thugs beginning to melt away. "Well, you're a hero, Vijay. Let me get you those tomatoes."

As she moved to gather the tomatoes, Vijay couldn't help but watch her, his heart still racing. He had faced many challenges and made significant strides in his life, but this feeling was entirely new. He wondered if this was what people meant when they talked about love at first sight.

When Anjali returned with the tomatoes, she handed them to Vijay with a warm smile. "Here you go. And thank you again. If you ever need anything, please come by."

Vijay took the tomatoes, their hands briefly touching, sending a jolt through him. "Thank you, Anjali. I'll definitely come by again."

As he left the market and headed home, Vijay couldn't stop thinking about Anjali. Her face, her smile, and the way she looked at him were etched into his mind. When he reached home, Puja noticed his distracted expression as he handed her the tomatoes.

"Vijay, is everything okay? You seem lost in thought," Puja asked, concerned.

Vijay shook his head, trying to clear his mind. "Yeah, Ma. Everything's fine. Just… had an interesting encounter at the market."

Puja raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. "Well, thank you for getting the tomatoes. Now, let's finish making this curry."

As Vijay helped his mother in the kitchen, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held. He had faced many challenges in his life, but perhaps the most unexpected one was the feeling that had blossomed today. He found himself looking forward to his next visit to the market, not just for the vegetables, but to see Anjali again.

The rest of Vijay's day passed in a haze. Even during lunch, he found himself replaying the morning's encounter over and over in his mind. His mother, Puja, noticed his distracted demeanor but chose not to press him about it. She simply watched him with a mixture of curiosity and concern, hoping he would share whatever was on his mind when he was ready.

The afternoon drifted by uneventfully. Vijay remained lost in thought, his mind consumed by the image of Anjali and the unexpected rush of emotions he had felt. By evening, he couldn't resist the urge to see her again. Despite feeling somewhat foolish, he decided to return to the market.

As he approached Anjali's shop, he saw her standing behind the counter, her hair catching the light of the setting sun. She spotted him from a distance and called out cheerfully, "Vijay! What brings you back to the market?"

Caught off guard, Vijay hesitated for a moment before walking over to her. "Uh, I came to buy some vegetables," he stammered, his mind scrambling to come up with a reasonable explanation.

Anjali smiled warmly, clearly unaware of the turmoil he was experiencing. "Well, you're in the right place then. What can I get for you?"

This was the first time they were interacting properly since the morning's commotion. Anjali didn't seem to recognize him from earlier, likely due to the chaotic nature of their initial encounter. Vijay felt both relieved and disappointed by this.

He picked up a few random vegetables, barely paying attention to what he was choosing. As she weighed and bagged them, he stood there awkwardly, trying to think of something to say. But nothing came to mind. He paid the bill and mumbled a quick "thank you" before leaving in a hurry.

When he returned home, Vijay placed the vegetables in the kitchen. His mother, Puja, was waiting for him with a questioning look. "Why did you buy so many vegetables?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. "We already have plenty."

Vijay struggled to come up with a plausible explanation. "Uh, I just thought it would be good to have some extra," he said vaguely. "You don't have to worry about going to the market anymore. I'll take care of it from now on."

Puja raised an eyebrow, clearly sensing that something was off. But she decided not to push him further. "Alright," she said slowly. "But if you ever want to talk about anything, you know I'm here for you, right?"

Vijay nodded, grateful for her understanding. "I know, Mom. Thanks."

September 19, 2011

Next day followed a similar pattern. Vijay made it a point to visit Anjali's shop every evening, always under the pretense of buying vegetables. He found himself looking forward to these brief interactions, even though they were often awkward and filled with nervous energy.

Each day, Anjali greeted him with the same warm smile, making casual conversation as she bagged his purchases. She seemed to enjoy his visits, and he slowly began to relax around her. Despite his initial nervousness, he found himself opening up to her bit by bit.

Their conversations were light and friendly, often revolving around mundane topics like the weather or the latest happenings in the market. Yet, each interaction left Vijay feeling a little more connected to her.

September 24, 2011

Vijay found himself increasingly absorbed in his dual roles as the founder of Roy University and the driving force behind Roy Pharmaceuticals. The recent synthesis of Ivacaftor, a groundbreaking drug for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, had propelled the university into the spotlight. Dr. Vivek, who had spearheaded the research, was now overseeing the preclinical tests with meticulous care.

The preclinical trials had yielded promising results. The next crucial step was to commence clinical trials, a process that would require meticulous planning, stringent regulatory compliance, and a substantial number of volunteers. Vijay was aware of the challenges but was determined to push forward. He announced a call for clinical trial volunteers through various channels, including the university's network, local hospitals, and online platforms.

The response was overwhelming. Hundreds of individuals applied, driven by a combination of hope for a cure. After a rigorous screening process, a diverse group of volunteers was selected, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the drug's efficacy and safety across different demographics.

With everything in place, the clinical trials began. Dr. Vivek and his team monitored the progress closely, maintaining detailed records and ensuring adherence to all ethical and medical guidelines. Each day brought new data and insights, and Vijay was kept in the loop with regular updates.

That evening, as he was leaving the shop with another bag of vegetables, Anjali called out to him. "Vijay, do you always buy vegetables in the evening? Don't you think it would be better to get them fresh in the morning?"

Caught off guard, Vijay laughed awkwardly. "I guess I just prefer it this way," he said, trying to play it off casually.

Anjali gave him a curious look but didn't press the matter. "Alright then. See you tomorrow, I suppose?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Vijay replied, feeling a strange mix of excitement and anxiety at the thought of their next meeting.

Back at home, Puja watched her son with a knowing smile. She didn't need to ask to know that something significant was happening in his life. She could see it in the way his eyes lit up whenever he returned from the market, and in the subtle changes in his demeanor.

That night, as they were having dinner, Puja decided to gently broach the subject. "Vijay, you've been going to the market a lot lately. Is there something special there that keeps drawing you back?"

Vijay looked up, startled by the question. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to share a bit of what he was feeling. "There's this girl, Mom," he admitted, feeling his cheeks warm. "Her name is Anjali. She runs a vegetable shop. I can't explain it, but... there's something about her."

Puja smiled warmly. "Ah, I see. So that's why we have so many vegetables these days. It sounds like you've found someone special."

Vijay nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Yeah, I think so. I'm not sure what to do about it, though."

"Just be yourself, Vijay," Puja advised. "If she's the right person for you, everything will fall into place. And remember, take your time. There's no rush."

Vijay smiled, feeling a sense of relief and gratitude. "Thanks, Mom. I appreciate it."

As he went to bed that night, Vijay felt more at peace. He didn't have all the answers, but he was determined to explore this new and unexpected chapter in his life. And with his mother's support, he knew he could navigate whatever challenges lay ahead.