
Building A New World

Every monster species has a powerful essence they draw from for strength. It comes from a primordial force dormant in their bodies that allowed their ancestors to rival the demon clans throughout the dark ages. Long ago they were completely controlled by these primordial instincts. They would fight among the other species over land or human mates. As time went on the demon clans began to feel threatened by the increased number of monster species appearing around the world. Worried they would one day be overwhelmed the demons took action. The demons began to oppress humanity and culled their numbers as much as possible. When the other species saw this they began forming factions to engage the demons. The result was a constant war waged among the lands. Humans scattered across the world trying to find places to avoid their extinction. Some humans found sanctuary in the elven cities hidden within the forest. Seeing them on the verge of extinction elves taught humans magic to protect themselves, but it wasn't enough. These battles plaguing the earth caused the angels to descend to protect humanity. As the demons, and angels clashed it almost broke the world. This led to a ceasefire, and a treaty was established. The world was rebuilt into a new landmass for the survivors that remained. This event came to be known as the first dark age and occurred over a thousand years ago. Since then three more dark ages have plagued the land. Due to this history, many humans consider these monster species to be evil, and it's why so many conflicts exist today. This story follows a young Nephilim named a century after the fourth dark age. After a tragic loss, Zack has had problems of opening up to others. Because of this, he's traveled alone for the past two years, but one day he meets a demon that changes everything. --- https://discord.gg/8zjAdmNtHB Has polls that involve the story, character list, the R-rated scenes marked, and a full-size pic of the cover.

MrBrightside · Fantasy
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359 Chs

Chapter 82

While Zack was following Mero he noticed the fish steadily growing larger. Even a few humanoid species were seen, and each of them eyed Zack with caution. Relationships with land dwellers is a story filled with blood.

When the mermaids saw Zack some of the warriors seemed prepared to take action. That was until they saw Mero swimming next to him. None of them dared to cross her and figured if she vouched for Zack he couldn't be evil. When Mero finally stopped a large school of tuna could be seen at a distance.

"Killing something so big takes time. Normally I can only get two before they scatter, but taking them back alone is difficult." Mero stated watching carefully.

"I could get a handful in one strike, but I don't wanna take too many," Zack said while moving next to Mero.

"Don't worry these are all over the place," Mero insisted picking her target from the crowd.

"Let me circle around first, and we can strike from each side at once to increase our chances. You're faster so you should flank them. That way when they run from me you can pick off stragglers." Zack said while swimming around carefully.

Mero nodded getting in position to wait for his move. Zack was in front of the school by a good distance. From the water around Zack formed five daggers. With his mana and skill, they resembled real weapons.

Creating his holy spear was difficult but once he mastered it simple magic weapons became easy. Before the tuna could get close enough to notice the threat the daggers were planted in their heads.

The school scattered as Mero shot in with tremendous speeds swiftly dashing back and forth taking out four more. Zack extended his hand gathering their bounty in one spot. Mero swept up to him embracing him tightly.

"That was a new record for me. I knew bringing you along was a great idea." Mero said while kissing his cheek.

"This is enough to feed everyone for a few days. Would you be okay with using them for a feast tonight?" Zack asked.

"Of course. Can we look around for a little? I wanna show you my world." Mero requested with an eager look.

Zack nodded at Mero with a smile as he stored away their bounty. She was amazed that he could store such large prey with ease. Normally dragging her food back was a workout. Zack saw how curious she was handing her one to keep.

After explaining how the ring worked Mero placed it snuggly on her finger. After Mero took Zack's arm leading them through the ocean. She showed him several of her favorite hunting spots and then took him to her old home. It was a narrow cavern, but once inside it was spacious, and there was even a pocket of air.

"How long did you live here for?" Zack asked glancing around at the random items she collected.

"I had a few homes like this, but this was my favorite. I lived here for ten years off and on." Mero replied as she embraced him.

"Why didn't you bring this stuff with you?" Zack asked.

"It was too hard to bring it all, but with your gift, I can finally bring it home." Mero leaned in kissing him.

The two started kissing passionately as Zack slipt under her skirt to finger her. Zack pushed her to the cavern wall as he kissed her chest. Mero was preparing to rip his pants off when her attention was drawn to the entrance.

Mero bared her teeth darting outside as Zack chased behind her. When they exited he saw a large mershark arguing with Mero. The man seemed angry at the sight of Zack preparing to swipe at Mero. Zack darted forward striking the man in the face sending him flying back as blood trickled into the water. Zack formed a trident in his hand pointing it at the man.

"You lay a hand on her, and it will cost your life." Zack threatened as the water around him began to bubble immensely.

The large mershark was named Vince, and he was Mero's ex. Mero broke up with him because he was abusive, and refused to let her socialize with Lydia. He was angry that she left to live with land dwellers, and refused to join the mating migrations. Mero told him to never bother her again, and that's when he tried to strike her.

Seeing Zack enraged Vince as he darted forward to attack, but the trident was launched piercing his shoulder. Vince seemed unaffected by the pain but was halted in place. The water around him grew heavy as his body began to collapse under the pressure. Vince looked at the weapon in his shoulder but was unable to move.

Mero swam up to Zack holding his arm. She gave Vince a vicious glare before kissing his cheek. She didn't want Zack to get involved and get hurt. Mero never saw him fight, and only witnessed his power once, and that's when she fought with Lydia.

She knew Zack was a powerful warrior in the city but expected him to be weakened in this environment. Seeing he was in no danger put Mero at ease, and it's why she could cling to him so calmly.

"Let me go you bastard!" Vince shouted struggling to pull the trident from his shoulder.

Watching Mero kiss Zack gave him the desire to fight through the pressure. When Vince pulled at the trident Zack forced it in deeper twisting it as he winced in pain.

"Who is this?" Zack asked.

Mero went on to explain their past. When Mero got the courage to end things it resulted in a serious fight. If Lydia didn't intervene it could have proven fatal for Mero. Hearing this Zack was filled with rage extending his hand towards Vince. His eyes went gold as the water pressure increased slowly crushing Vince under the weight.

Loud cries of pain were released as Zack closed in grabbing him by the neck. Zack exerted tremendous force rendering him incapable of moving and deliver a mighty blow to his stomach. Blood spewed from Vince's mouth as fear swept his face. Vince thought he was human and would be easy prey.

"You like to harm others huh? Let's see you try it now." Zack declared releasing the trident.

Vince was in tremendous pain but still attempted to open Zack's chest with a heavy swipe. When his claws landed only light scratches appeared that quickly healed up. Zack rewarded his efforts with a barrage of strikes beating him to an inch of death.

Zack was ready to finish him but looked towards Mero first. She swam up behind him, and Vince immediately bowed in submission. Knowing his fate was in her hand Vince groveled before her.

"With the amount of blood here it will draw others quickly. In his weakened state even if we spare him death will find him shortly." Mero told Zack while clinging to his arm.

"If you have any good memories of us you will give me a swift death!" Vince pleaded.

Mero glanced at Zack for his opinion.

"It's your choice," Zack said while holding her hand.

"He has hurt many people and deserves what's coming. Let's go home." Mero smiled.

Not long after they left a group of mersharks arrived. Vince had always been excessively aggressive, and even the other members of his species considered him a menace. Many have lost loved ones from his ruthlessness.

Vince was notorious for stealing food from others, and because of this many would be left on the brink of starvation. No one dared stand up to him due to his strength, but seeing him in a pitiful state wicked smirks appeared on their faces as they closed in around him.