
Building A New World

Every monster species has a powerful essence they draw from for strength. It comes from a primordial force dormant in their bodies that allowed their ancestors to rival the demon clans throughout the dark ages. Long ago they were completely controlled by these primordial instincts. They would fight among the other species over land or human mates. As time went on the demon clans began to feel threatened by the increased number of monster species appearing around the world. Worried they would one day be overwhelmed the demons took action. The demons began to oppress humanity and culled their numbers as much as possible. When the other species saw this they began forming factions to engage the demons. The result was a constant war waged among the lands. Humans scattered across the world trying to find places to avoid their extinction. Some humans found sanctuary in the elven cities hidden within the forest. Seeing them on the verge of extinction elves taught humans magic to protect themselves, but it wasn't enough. These battles plaguing the earth caused the angels to descend to protect humanity. As the demons, and angels clashed it almost broke the world. This led to a ceasefire, and a treaty was established. The world was rebuilt into a new landmass for the survivors that remained. This event came to be known as the first dark age and occurred over a thousand years ago. Since then three more dark ages have plagued the land. Due to this history, many humans consider these monster species to be evil, and it's why so many conflicts exist today. This story follows a young Nephilim named a century after the fourth dark age. After a tragic loss, Zack has had problems of opening up to others. Because of this, he's traveled alone for the past two years, but one day he meets a demon that changes everything. --- https://discord.gg/8zjAdmNtHB Has polls that involve the story, character list, the R-rated scenes marked, and a full-size pic of the cover.

MrBrightside · Fantasy
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359 Chs

Chapter 280

The brother that was cut down was always the hotheaded youngster of the family, but the rest were well coordinated. They wanted revenge, but to get it they had to stay focused. Earl was striking from the front while the others flanked Zack with magic.

Before the blasts could hit Zack a divine light erupted on the battlefield as the brothers were blinded, and knocked away from the force. The swamp began to rumble, and the trees swayed violently while Zack lifted his hand. A refined blast of holy energy was released leaving a pair of armor upon the floor. Earl began stumbling backward from the tremors, and glanced where his brother once stood.

'H-how is an angel here?'

"You two take half, and leave the rest for Lexi." Zack relayed as he conjured his orbs.

They didn't question Zack's directions in the slightest charging forward leaving Lexi alone. The hunters swarmed around Lexi as the earth beneath them rapidly morphed trapping them waist-deep. In an instant, the road was engulfed in a swamp as floodwaters rose.

Before the flood could strike the others it halted and filled their surroundings only. In a matter of seconds, the hunters were trapped in a large dome of murky waters. Lexi darted around rapidly as the others struggled to escape the death trap.

While fighting the remaining hunters' Cassandra received support from Zack's orb. Refined needles of wind were swarming the battlefield endlessly from it. The strikes may have been narrow, but they accomplished their goal. Cassandra raised her hand towards the hunters covered in artifacts as a light trickle of blood flowed from their armor.

They were wearing artifacts, but the needles punched right through the armor. Once they struck the flesh they expanded leaving a hole three inches in diameter. With this, Cassandra could tap them like a keg and rapidly formed a pool above them.

'Father said his magic was on another level...If I fall behind now how can I stay by his side?'

Flowing from the pool was an eastern dragon towards Savannah. She was battling off a band of hunters with her swordplay and countering the magic from the mages with her sword aura. As the dragon appeared above Savannah she sprang back releasing a blast that engulfed the road forcing them to scatter or die.

When the blast struck the earth debris, and dust filled the battlefield. The dragon's body rapidly went from liquid to blood crystals and explode as shrapnel. Hunters were rapidly impaled as the crystals disappeared into their bodies, and blood began pouring from their orifices as they collapsed.

Earl looks around at the battlefield with his forces almost annihilated, and only one brother left. Looking at Zack walk his way fear began to settle in. Where did they go wrong, and how did they get into this situation?

While approaching Earl the foul deeds they committed were revealed to Zack. During his training with Samuel, he learned his ability to force the truth from humans wasn't due to magic. Not even the other angels could pull off such a task, and that included the archangels. Only angels on the first sphere could accomplish this, but after four dark ages only one cherub, and the seraphim remained.

"You won't shed the blood of the innocence anymore." Zack declared while raising his hand.

After a flash of light, the sound of their artifacts rattling on the ground could be heard. When the light faded there was a crater, and the trees in the area were vaporized. With their leaders taken out, Zack assisted his comrades by dealing with the rest.

"I'm sorry you had to get involved. I know you don't like doing this." Zack embraced Cassandra.

"They were gonna hurt our friends, and I don't wanna lose anyone else," Cassandra replied looking up at Zack.

"I didn't mean to bother you guys," Lexi rubbed her arm.

"It wasn't a bother." Zack smiled.

"Have any extra rings?" Savannah inquired.

Savannah was gathering all the artifacts from the battlefield but already reached her storage limit. With a group effort, they cleaned up the area and stashed the wagon. Savannah wanted to leave them on the roads, but Zack put them in the ground to avoid drawing predators.

They continued traveling through the swamp, and after an hour came across a medium city built in a clearing. With Lexi in their group approaching would only cause more conflict. Their search for it was to make the trip next time a swift one. The sun was starting to set, and they gathered around Zack placing their hands on him, but Lexi was still hesitating.

"I promise they will be friendly." Cassandra smiled.

"If you don't like what you see I can bring you back." Zack extended his hand towards Lexi.

Savannah walked around placing her arm over Lexi's shoulder.

"Are you really satisfied with just one time?" Savannah whispered.

Savannah returned to Zack's side, and Lexi walked over to take his hand. He closed his eyes focusing on Helena's aura, and their bodies disappeared from the swamps. When they appeared in the garden Lexi got a little dizzy and needed support to stand.

"You get used to it." Zack smiled easing nausea.

The second they appeared in Eden his presence was detected, and Helena turned around seeing them through the forest. The other children were nearby preparing to start a game, but when Helena began charging in the opposite direction they stopped.

"Papa!" Helena shouted.

Helena was only a small child, but the force of her tackle put Zack on the ground. She was clutching Zack tightly as the other children gathered around. After living at Zack's side for so long they weren't used to his extended absences anymore but waited patiently when seeing Helena.

"What are you waiting for?" Zack smiled opening his arms.

Helena was waving them over, and they eagerly charged joining the welcome home. Rapidly closing in on their distance from above was Amy, and Yu. With Amy's level perception, the little trickle of gold light to help Lexi was seen from the mountain.

Amy rushed to tell Yu, and they raced off to find him. Observing Zack wrestling around with the children they rapidly dove in to join the fun. The commotion in the garden was seen by a few citizens passing by, and the news quickly spread through the city. When his companions heard about Zack's return they dropped everything to rush over.

Cherubim have four wings instead of the traditional two. One of their tasks was to approach humans discreetly to examine their sins and report them to God for judgment.

MrBrightsidecreators' thoughts